Jillian Michaels-30 day shred- started today



  • kristanfab
    I have never really worked out before and have always been quite skinny, though as I approach 30 I have gained some excess weight. I have dabbled in running and going to the gym (but never REALLY pushing myself). I am on day 11 (day one of level two). I find I have to take small breaks (like 5 seconds) or so, is this normal? Each time I try to push myself a little harder and not let myself take break (I notice when I need a break most is when doing a lot of squatting and sometimes when doing the cardio exercises) depending on what I am doing. I am much stronger than when I started though…

    I love doing the shred, I have been pretty consistent with my workouts, I even took it with me on vacation (though I only ended up doing it twice, I am impressed I did it at all). I am starting to notice some small changes, body is looking more defined, stomach looks flatter.

    I am also tracking everything I eat, and have been doing pretty good keeping within my allotted calories, though I have had a few bad days!

    Good luck on everyone doing the shred:)
  • tropicaltiger
    I workout at the gym-but I do jillian micheals dvd also -i really like her workouts -she is intense-and you see results if you stick with it-the 21 day no junk food is a great idea-I believe besides the 30 day shred-it is what you eat-so for me that's what works
  • cshofar
    cshofar Posts: 1 Member
    Does anyone know where to find her most recent "One Week Shred" meal plan? It says "includes custom online meal plan" on the DVD but I can't find it anywhere :-(