Anyone else with Hypothyroidism?

So I have been exercising and eating healthy (mostly) for about 3-4 months now. I have a calorie deficit, so I should be losing weight right? I'm not. I have been weight lifting, so I know that add weight (muscle weighs more than fat), but I havent seen any physical changes either. I asked my doctor and he said that my hypothyroidism will make it much more difficult and take longer. Is anyone going through the same thing? How do you stay motivated? I try to tell myself that Im doing it just to be healthy, but its difficult.


  • lf4179
    lf4179 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi... I am hypo also and understand your frustrations. I have tried many times to lose weight the right way by exercising and eating right and have a hard time. Last time I tried at the same time as my mother in law and she was losing weight all the time but not me. This time around, I am just plain determined. I finally went off my birth control pills so I don't know if that is helping or not but I have lost 12lbs in 2 months but only about 3 of it was during the second month. I haven't lost much in inches but I have a little so I keep telling myself it WILL work. lol. Sorry, I know that isn't much help but for some reason felt compelled to reply.

    Also, are you taking your thyroid medication all by itself with water and nothing to eat or drink or any other medicines within an hour either way? I heard that is how you have to take it although neither my dr. or pharmacist said anything originally. I used to take it w/ my birth control. It wasn't until I was getting something else filled one day for an ulcer and they said that one had to be taken separate from my other meds so we got to talking about my other meds and that is what the pharmacist said about the thyroid medication.

    Good luck!
  • ComradeTovarich
    ComradeTovarich Posts: 495 Member
    I've had a friend with hypothyroidism tell me that he had success by increasing his calorie deficit by 200-300 calories over what he was originally doing (at first he was doing about a 500 calorie deficit per day and not making any significant losses). I'm not a doctor though, so it might be best to get your physician's opinion.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Hypothyroidism here. On levothyroxine and have no issues losing weight.
  • truetarot1988
    truetarot1988 Posts: 56 Member
    Just saw my doc yesterday, same issues, not losing quickly enough to please myself. He tested me for thyroid problems, (I'll repost when I get the results). I actually made the appointment to get adipex, but walked out with a world of info. In a nutshell, not everyone can or will lose 1-2 lbs. a week, other things (like genetics) play a role too. I thought I'd be super let down not getting the pills, but after the chat we had, I know that it may or may not be the thyroid, I'm better informed, and I have some more tools now with the reasoning of the thyroid (something I never considered) For me, my entire family is obese. We can only deal with what we were dealt, although the progress is going to differ. I used to be so frustrated seeing practically everyone saying 2 lbs. a week is "average". Turns out it's not! 1/2 lb. a week may be all that you will be able to achieve. Thyroid is a setback, but you can still achieve this! I've been researching, and everything I hear from others gives me a bit more encouragement. Just keep exercising and eating right. Also, I've been feeling like exercise was just not getting me anywhere. He said simply doing arm exercises (cans of veggies for weights) will be good, too. Simple things that made me realize this was achievable. Hell, I didn't gain all this is a few months, I'm just gonna have to do more to get what I want. Quitting is NOT an option for me. Don't set your goals too high, but do set them....reasonably. You may not lose tons of lbs. a month, but it will still come off. There are forums all over the place for this. As soon as I get my results, I will be searching for more answers. I hope it works out for you! Hang in there. Words to live by : IF YOU DO WHAT YOU DID, YOU WILL GET WHAT YOU GOT! (Don't give up, we just need to be better informed and get the tools to succeed) Thanks for posting this! I'm anxious to get more info. on this from those who know more. :) ...and good luck to you! :)
  • Pia_rita123
    Pia_rita123 Posts: 6 Member
    The key is patience and persistence. I have lost 3 lbs in 30 days, it has been a painfully slow process..but with exercise and healthy eating habits I feel a lot better and have more energy and feel positive that I am on the right path.

    It is a lifestyle change for me and I feel confident that the pounds will go slowly but surely:)

    Hypothyroidism for me means low energy levels and slow metabolism, exercise and healthy eating habits will help you combat these two problems.

    Give it time and don't give up.

    Good luck with your weight loss journey!
  • truetarot1988
    truetarot1988 Posts: 56 Member
    The key is patience and persistence. I have lost 3 lbs in 30 days, it has been a painfully slow process..but with exercise and healthy eating habits I feel a lot better and have more energy and feel positive that I am on the right path.

    It is a lifestyle change for me and I feel confident that the pounds will go slowly but surely:)

    Hypothyroidism for me means low energy levels and slow metabolism, exercise and healthy eating habits will help you combat these two problems.

    Give it time and don't give up.

    Good luck with your weight loss journey!

    Low energy and slow metabolism remains even with medication? And what medication are you on, if any? Sorry if that's too personal, just trying to be informed.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    It took years for me to lose the weight--still have a bit to go. I had to work with my doctor to find my optimal level. Everyone has their own version of "normal." How are you feeling other than not being able to lose the weight? If you had other side effects, are they gone?

    I've also tinkered with my diet and try to eat more protein. That works well for me. So does an hour of daily exercise. I use a heart rate monitor to help me train hard.

    Don't give up--if you do, the weight will never come off. Persistence and faith will work for you. And it will be wort it in the end! The disease has already taken over months of your life--don't let it take more! Keep at it! :)
  • jthramann
    jthramann Posts: 25 Member

    Also, are you taking your thyroid medication all by itself with water and nothing to eat or drink or any other medicines within an hour either way? I heard that is how you have to take it although neither my dr. or pharmacist said anything originally. I used to take it w/ my birth control. It wasn't until I was getting something else filled one day for an ulcer and they said that one had to be taken separate from my other meds so we got to talking about my other meds and that is what the pharmacist said about the thyroid medication.

    Good luck!

    I take my other medications ( allergy and birth control) at night and my thyroid medicine in the morning, waiting an hour to eat. That is what my doctor said. My pharmacists never said anything though. :)
  • I also have Hypothyrodism and am taking medicines daily to help. I am losing the weight, but yes, I have found that it does come off VERY slowly. Eating right and exercising more does not necessarily speed up the weight loss for me, but it does make me feel better. I am not as tired and moody on the days that I exercise. Patience is not a virtue of mine, so it has been a constant frustration that the weight is not coming off quicker. My doctor says that 1/2 lb or so a week is good and to be happy with my progress. As a reference - I am down 15 pounds since the end of November. Good luck :-)
  • yensidtoon
    yensidtoon Posts: 82 Member
    I don't have a thyroid and have been on medication for almost 6 years now. I am on Armour, a more natural medication. I can't take synthroid or any levothyroxin medications.

    I also have no gall bladder.

    I have been at this journey for over a year now and you see my ticker. I just lost 1.8 pounds after 2 weeks of exercise and calorie counting after gaining back more than 10 pounds from last year because I quit counting calories. I won't show a loss with MFP until I get down to that original weight. That in and of itself is depressing.

    But I am posting this for this sentence: I can't lose weight without exercising. Some days it is a complete struggle. Counting calories is all well and good, but without the calories I just continue to gain weight. I gave up diet coke and anything with fake sugar because I realized this was not helping me on my journey. I am addicted to sugar, so have not been able to completely cut it out of my diet.

    What I am doing is a lifestyle change, not a diet. I am eating better (except today - I went out to lunch and had leftovers today), and exercising. I am also obese. Or very close to it on the BMI scale. When I had my gallbladder removed 6 years ago I weighted 110. So between the thyroid, the gall bladder and my lack of exercise I put on 100 pounds in 6 years. 30 of them in the last 8 weeks after having surgery on my foot/ankle and being unable to walk for 6 weeks. I am now back on track.

    Yes, my thyroid affects me. My levels are checked every 4 months because I have such problems staying constant with the Armor but with natural medicine it was worse.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    MFP has a Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism group:

    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease). I lost way more slowly than most MFPers, but I lost. All I did was eat at a deficit. Log everything you eat accurately & honestly. Weigh your food. If you're still not losing, try eating back half your exercise calories.

    Read this:
  • accebersmith
    accebersmith Posts: 96 Member
    I have hypothyroidism. I am losing about a pound a week with the guidance of a nutritionist I see once a month.
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Try cutting back on carbs and sugar. Do not eliminate them, but lower them, and keep an eye on them. Also, you might want to up your calories a bit. These two things work for me.
  • jthramann
    jthramann Posts: 25 Member
    MFP has a Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism group:

    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease). I lost way more slowly than most MFPers, but I lost. All I did was eat at a deficit. Log everything you eat accurately & honestly. Weigh your food. If you're still not losing, try eating back half your exercise calories.

    Read this:

    Thank you, I didnt know they had a group! :)
  • KatJ_NZ
    KatJ_NZ Posts: 31 Member
    I've got essentially no thyroid function of my own, following radiation for Grave's Disease. If you are taking the right amount of medication (levothyroxine or whatever you were prescribed), there should be no net difference between your thyroid function and that of an "average" person.

    If you think your medication is inadequate, please see your doctor and ask for a blood test to check your TSH/T4/T3 levels. If these turn out to be fine, then just take the usual MFP advice about calorie deficits.

    Sorry if this sounds harsh, but thyroid function is measurable and manageable. Too often low thyroid is used as a vague excuse for not losing weight (I used it myself for years :-)). You might not be using it as an excuse, but lurkers reading this thread might be...

    Hope you find out what the issue is and that you can address it. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • yeh me too but if you are taking medication it shouldn't be an issue! I actually lost 10 kg a couple of years ago before it was diagnosed...I am also a diabetic (insulin dependent) now that does make it difficult (and soul destroying sometimes) feeling hungry all day and successfully not eating to be followed by low blood sugar cos of not reducing insulin sufficiently and then having to consume empty calories in order to correct the low blood sugar!
  • MBK1990
    MBK1990 Posts: 2
    Eating right and exercising more does not necessarily speed up the weight loss for me, but it does make me feel better. I am not as tired and moody on the days that I exercise.

    I'm exactly the same, I'm hypo and on 50mcg of thyroxine and though the weight may not be so easy to shift exercise and eating better is making me feel more enegergetic/less moody/having better sleep than before when i wasn't doing much physical activity at all

    FEELING good is now my goal, and weight loss will (hopefully) just be an added bonus :)
  • I am on Levothyroxine and have been sense I was 10 and I am now 23.I have recently lost 70 lbs without an issue. As someone else stated if your levels are within the right range you should have a "more difficult time". I find that when I loss weight my med level needs to go down and on the interm between seeing my doctor when my levels are high medication wise and low tsh wise I loss weighty quickly, then my meds change because my tsh is low! I eat low carb and no sugar unless it is fruit, not sure if that makes a difference.
  • JessicaZen
    JessicaZen Posts: 149 Member
    Hello. I also have hypo and struggle the same way as you and others. Have you had your thyroid checked recently. I had gained 10 plus 5 extra and found out that my thyroid was off a bit again. I got that in check recently and I think that I am on the right path again fingers crossed. I have started to lose weight slowly again. my highest was 321. so I have been up and down but it has taken me four years to lose 100 pounds. and I have gained back some lost due to thyroid. hopefully you will see results soon just be patient and get your thyroid checked if you have not done so recently. good luck to you.