
anyone following the herbalife nutrition plan? im just starting out and im soooooooooooo confused!!!! please help... if you think you could, please msg me! thank you so very much!


  • vedalewis
    vedalewis Posts: 37
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    no I like to spend my dollars on things that work.
  • :grumble: Phrick! If you don't have anything nice to day, don't say it at all! Everyone's body is different. What might not work for you might work for her, she just has to try!

    Anyway, sorry OP I haven't tried it but my friend is a rep for it and from the looks of it, it seems to be working well. Combining Herbalife with her daily exercise routine, she's lost 50 lbs over the past year. I'm proud of her.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    :grumble: Phrick! If you don't have anything nice to day, don't say it at all! Everyone's body is different. What might not work for you might work for her, she just has to try!

    Anyway, sorry OP I haven't tried it but my friend is a rep for it and from the looks of it, it seems to be working well. Combining Herbalife with her daily exercise routine, she's lost 50 lbs over the past year. I'm proud of her.

    You do know that the reason Herbalife "works" is because you eat so little food when you're following the plan - it creates a calorie deficit. You eat less. Which you can do for FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Edit to add: Of *COURSE* it would "work for me" if I tried it. See above - it creates a deficit. Deficit = weight loss. However most do not find plain boring baked chicken breast with minimal to no seasoning, a crap-ton of steamed, boring vegetables, and expensive shakes, to be sustainable. So when they finally give up in frustration, guess what, the weight comes back. Over and over and over. Do a search of the boards you'll get umpteen pages of results.

    If I'm going to spend my money on expensive "food" it's going to be not only delicious, but also have a lot of variety. Or maybe come from a fancy restaurant. I'm not going to waste my money on some miracle panacea when anyone can actually create exactly the same results on their own.

    If you're the type of person who NEEDS to spend money on a "plan" or "program" in order to feel properly motivated - well, I guess then you're the reason Herbalife and Beach Body are still in business.
  • ChinoHDT
    ChinoHDT Posts: 17 Member
    best advice is to throw that crap away, buy protein powder (which herbalife essentially is but stupidly expensive for the small amount you get), eat above 1,600 cals and never go to as little as 1,200 cals and eat 4-5 times a day with macro dense food that fill you up so 3 main meals and 2 snacks

    as said befroe herbalife works because your eating little to nothing,,, so of course you'll lose weight... but it's not done right,

    so best advice forget Herbalife and get a life
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Do not listen to any of the sales people above. Eat real food. You'll just yoyo diet forever if you listen to them.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I like food. Nothing wrong with food. Bananas won't go bankrupt. Neither will honeycrisp apples.
  • jesoda
    jesoda Posts: 3 Member
    I don't do the "plan" but I've been doing their shakes with the personal protein powder for breakfast for a couple of years now. I like the convenience of it. If I'm running around on weekends or if I have dinner plans, its a nice substitute to hold me to dinner. Also good for when you're running around and don't have time to eat. its a grab and go kind of thing.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I don't do the "plan" but I've been doing their shakes with the personal protein powder for breakfast for a couple of years now. I like the convenience of it. If I'm running around on weekends or if I have dinner plans, its a nice substitute to hold me to dinner. Also good for when you're running around and don't have time to eat. its a grab and go kind of thing.

    1 month of Herbalife shakes is a ton more expensive than 1 month of pretty much any meal replacement shake you can get at your local Vitamin Shoppe store, just saying. If you like them for the convenience of grab-and-go and nothing else, consider doing a little research into what you want/need and start spending less. Save the extra dollars for something worthwhile. Can you imagine how much new clothing you could buy if you were spending 1/3 less on convenience shakes a month?!
  • xrmsmithx
    xrmsmithx Posts: 34 Member
    Full Disclosure: I'm a Beachbody Coach so I obviously haven't tried Herbalife. I'm just amazed at all the hateful comments all over the message boards. If someone wants to use Herbalife, Shakeology, Slim Fast, T25, Jillian Michaels, whatever the heck it may be why do people feel the need to put that person or any other person down. If you wanna argue that they're all worthless then go for it but can't you at least do it politely and maybe throw in some actual advice then? She asked for advice, not a bunch of nasty comments.

    I honestly don't care if people think they're horrible products but it just bothers me to see so much hate in a place that's supposed to be supportive. People come here to ask questions and they don't need you telling them they're stupid. Think before you post. No one likes a bully.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Full Disclosure: I'm a Beachbody Coach so I obviously haven't tried Herbalife. I'm just amazed at all the hateful comments all over the message boards. If someone wants to use Herbalife, Shakeology, Slim Fast, T25, Jillian Michaels, whatever the heck it may be why do people feel the need to put that person or any other person down. If you wanna argue that they're all worthless then go for it but can't you at least do it politely and maybe throw in some actual advice then? She asked for advice, not a bunch of nasty comments.

    I honestly don't care if people think they're horrible products but it just bothers me to see so much hate in a place that's supposed to be supportive. People come here to ask questions and they don't need you telling them they're stupid. Think before you post. No one likes a bully.

    Who called anyone stupid? No one likes a victim either.
  • xrmsmithx
    xrmsmithx Posts: 34 Member
    Maybe not in this one in particular but in plenty of other posts.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Maybe not in this one in particular but in plenty of other posts.

    So you're pre-accusing us of attacking others. This brings the shakebot threads to a whole new level lol
  • xrmsmithx
    xrmsmithx Posts: 34 Member
    Maybe not in this one in particular but in plenty of other posts.

    So you're pre-accusing us of attacking others. This brings the shakebot threads to a whole new level lol

    I'm just saying that in general people could be nicer when it comes to answering these types of questions. Do you not agree with that statement?
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    I think the bulk of us on MFP want to obtain our goals by learning how to eat in a healthy manner - and the thought of substituting shakes for a meal a) isn't sustainable b) isn't satisfying c) in the long run isn't as healthy for you as eating food.

    I'd suggest reading these complaints about Herbalife from Consumer Affairs: www.consumeraffairs.com/nutrition/herbalife.html
  • Idefinenichelle
    Idefinenichelle Posts: 116 Member
    Hi! My friend is a rep for Herbalife, but does not use it herself. The only reason she is a rep is because, as she states "people go crazyyy over Herbalife". She also told me that the only thing it "helps" you do is eat less, which you can do on your own. Also, I remember her saying something about it has a lot of lead in it. I wouldn't recommend it. Just my opinion.
  • SpencersHeart
    SpencersHeart Posts: 170 Member
    in to read later
  • TwoPointZero
    TwoPointZero Posts: 187 Member
    I honestly don't care if people think they're horrible products but it just bothers me to see so much hate in a place that's supposed to be supportive. People come here to ask questions and they don't need you telling them they're stupid. Think before you post. No one likes a bully.

    I don't think anyone here is committed to supporting massively overpriced "health" products being covertly pushed on the forums. What most people here do seem to support is healthy, basic principles, and for weight gain, that's probably something like "lift more, eat more".
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    Maybe not in this one in particular but in plenty of other posts.

    So you're pre-accusing us of attacking others. This brings the shakebot threads to a whole new level lol

    I'm just saying that in general people could be nicer when it comes to answering these types of questions. Do you not agree with that statement?

    No, I don't agree with it. I prefer the direct approach without the bull****. Stop worrying about feelings. Stop telling people what they want to hear. Tell them straight up what the truth is.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member