80 lbs lost and losing motivation nutritionally...

Hey everyone:smile: I've posted on the forums a while back, I've struggled a lot with maintaing/losing the last few pounds that I want to lose. I feel like I used to have such an iron will when it came to food. And during the holidays I let myself get off track and be more lax in some food choices which has led to being lax more often. I want my iron will back. I workout often and running is my passion, I want to feel good and as healthy as i have in the past, I've really gotten down on myself, and i feel like lately I'll lose 2 lbs then gain it right back :noway: Any advice any of you have is much appreciated, I need ideas on how to get back to my disciplined/happy state!!! :love:



  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Remember how good and accomplished you feel at the end of the day when you really stick to the plan. I'm in the same boat as you. I'm down to the last few lbs and bf% points, and I'm having a hard time sticking to my plan. Also, remember why you want this. Keeping your eye on the prize will help you to say no to those treats and cheats.

    Having a support group can also be especially helpful in keeping you on track. Somewhere you can go/post when you are having the urge to cheat/treat that people will remind you of your purpose and tell you that you don't need it and to stay the course.

    I sent you a buddy request. Let's stay accountable together. Oh yeah, and congrats-a-freaking-lations on losing 73 lbs. That is amazing and you should be proud.

  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Based on your photo, maybe it is time to switch to maintenance and letting yourself to gradually become more relaxed is exactly what you should be doing?
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Congrats on the weightloss that's amazeballs.

    You look great, and swinging 2 lbs up/down is normal, I can swing 2lbs in a day no problem.

    Just get back to tracking your calories and rely on us MFPers for that extra support and/or push.

    Go get it girl!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Same thing here. 6 lbs from goal, and I'm going over my goal way too much!
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    Based on your photo, maybe it is time to switch to maintenance and letting yourself to gradually become more relaxed is exactly what you should be doing?

    I would think this, especially since you list your goal as getting strong. Maybe focus less on the scale and food, and more on workouts--set fitness goals and achieve them. I find that motivates me when the tracking/logging/weighing gets to be a grind.
  • Ianuzified
    Ianuzified Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks everyone so much. I do think I need to focus more on getting strong and less on the scale. It's just been hard because I still want to see my goal weight of 120 on the scale. I think I need to just stop relying on the scale as my progress. I do think I need to be more active on here as that's when I do/feel the best. Just need to stay focused and not grt so down on myself for eating bad when I do.
  • Ianuzified
    Ianuzified Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you so much for your reply! Your muscle gain is amazing, do you have any advice on lowering bf % my scale measures it although I've heard it's not the most accurate tool in measuring bf %. I have p90X 3 I know I need to dedicate myself more to lifting weights, I just really don't enjoy the act of lifting lol.
  • Ianuzified
    Ianuzified Posts: 22 Member
    I do think perhaps I need to relax more it's just hard being unhappy when I've come this far I want to reach my UGW. Thank you so much for your reply
  • Ianuzified
    Ianuzified Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for your reply :) I do think I need to be more active on here MFP support always helps me.
  • Ianuzified
    Ianuzified Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for your reply it's nice to know there are others in the same boat as me I know what I need to do I just need to do it!
  • MadTownD
    MadTownD Posts: 149 Member
    I posted this yesterday...


    You have done amazing work. :smile: