day 3, motivation?

sammer825 Posts: 50 Member
I am on day 3 of my "diet" and i can honestly say I feel pretty good. I havent been craving any junk food. THANK GOD! but how long will that last? i feel like im always so good in the beginning and then after a week i have one bad day and it turns into me quitting and never finishing what i started. I want to lose the weight but i feel like i lose my motivation. I was going to the gym every single day and was so happy with how i looked a year ago and then one day i quit. In the last year ive put on about 20 pounds and start and stop diets all the time. I really want to do this for myself and to be happy. Im just afraid ill quit like i always do.


  • Finding_me3
    Hi! Feel free to add me as a friend! I battle with this too! But just realize why you are doing it, it is life, and things get in the way, like family, but just make better choices than the day before and THAT is progress. :) You can do it!
    Yesterday I "blew" my diet and it was the first day of Spring, and I really wanted to start fresh, so you know what, I let it go, I did some extra workout and MOVED ON. You can do the same, if you mess up, it is okay, just let yourself know that!

    Good luck, sweet girl!
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    You should probably see this as a lifestyle change and not as a diet. Because as you see, once you get off your DIET you are gaining the weight back. Find something manageable that you can sustain for life. As far as motivation, you'll need to want it bad enough. Motivation comes from within, from wanting something so bad, that you will do whatever it takes.
  • eimaj5575
    eimaj5575 Posts: 278 Member
    Heres the deal......MFP is not a diet, and if you start to crave junk food, then I suggest you eat some. This is a lifestyle change and you will eventually want something junky. Dont restrict yourself, have it and fit it into your calories. Your result will be long lasting if you lose weight eating stuff that you love to eat. Just eating those things the right way. DONT DEPRIVE A CRAVING! Good luck!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Eat "good" (whatever that means to you) 80% of the time. Fit yummy, portion-controlled treats into your calorie goal. Deprivation can lead to bingeing.

    Read this:
  • sammer825
    sammer825 Posts: 50 Member
    thanks everyone! youre all right, this is not a diet it does need to be a lifestyle change. I am allowed to have a few chips every now and then, just not the whole bag lol as for now, im going to try to stay away from the junk as long as i can and hopefully eventually i wont even miss the foods! does any one have ideas on healthier alternatives to salt and vinegar chips. THEYRE MY WEAKNESS!
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    " long will that last?"

    Don't worry about what may happen in the future. Things will change every day.

    Make a life style change and don't "go on a diet". If you're reasonably consistant you'll do fine. Think long the rest of your life not I want to loose 20 lbs. then I'm done.

    Good luck

    healthier alternatives to salt and vinegar chips=Almonds (1oz) are a better choice.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    I agree with the other posters. You need to think of this as a lifestyle change. If you fall off one day or one meal you just keep it pushing and do better the next day or next meal.

    Last week, I didn't workout for five days straight. Had drinks Thursday and Friday..several..., ate at Carl's Jr 1600 cals in one meal... but you know what? I didn't feel guilty not one bit...I had fun and it was soooo worth it! lol

    I actually lost almost 3lbs on my weigh in today. But I have made this a lifestyle change and do not do those things,, well at least eat 1600 cal meals or drink several drinks..maybe a often. ...and I usually exercise at least four times a week so I can afford to live it up because I am consistent most days.

    Get the "diet" mentality out of your mind and start thinking lifestyle. It will save you a whole lot of heartache and quitting.

    And congrats and Happy day 3! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    does any one have ideas on healthier alternatives to salt and vinegar chips. THEYRE MY WEAKNESS!
    A small single-serving bag of salt & vinegar potato chips.

    Srsly, read the Sexypants link.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Yummmyyyy Blue diamond salt N Vingear Bold Almonds... love them!
  • eimaj5575
    eimaj5575 Posts: 278 Member
    thanks everyone! youre all right, this is not a diet it does need to be a lifestyle change. I am allowed to have a few chips every now and then, just not the whole bag lol as for now, im going to try to stay away from the junk as long as i can and hopefully eventually i wont even miss the foods! does any one have ideas on healthier alternatives to salt and vinegar chips. THEYRE MY WEAKNESS!

    Im almost positive you will miss the foods bc its what you like to eat. I never deprived myself of anything. I love french fries and beer. Those are the 2 things I said I would never give up. And I havent to this day. I did stop eating pizza and only have it about 2 times a year or so when I have a crazy amount of caloires to eat. I suggest you aim for the healthier stuff but when you get the first twing of a craving for junk, then go ahead and eat it. Depriving will only lead to binging and giving up bc the mind set of "oh i just messed up so now I give up" Eat what you want in the ight way. Eat a boring low calorie lunch if you want to awesome yummy dinner. Make different decision through the day but DO NOT deprive.
  • elghee123
    elghee123 Posts: 489 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself. If you fall from the wagon, just get up and do it again. Don't dwell unto the past.
  • sammer825
    sammer825 Posts: 50 Member
    Yummmyyyy Blue diamond salt N Vingear Bold Almonds... love them!

    I LOVE THOSE TOO! but i cant seem to find them anywhere anymore. maybe theyre selling out before i can get to them lol
  • mamabanana
    mamabanana Posts: 62 Member
    I am also a junk food muncher. My first week, I was pretty good at staying away at junk. my second week, it became increasingly on my mind, by the third week, I indulged a little bit, reduced my portion from what want typical, just enough to get me through.I still get cravings so I drink some water and do an activity. I set a goal, example. If I do X amount of exercise today and tomorrow, I will treat myself with a piece of brownie or a few chips. Some days are more difficult than others, but keep your eye on the prize: be fit and healthy.
  • Miamiuu
    Miamiuu Posts: 262 Member
    To my surprise they now make pork rhinds with salt and vinegar.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Yummmyyyy Blue diamond salt N Vingear Bold Almonds... love them!

    I LOVE THOSE TOO! but i cant seem to find them anywhere anymore. maybe theyre selling out before i can get to them lol

    Oh NO!!!!

    Order them online! lololol

    I recently also started eating the bold habanero bbq almonds because they had the 1lb bag on sale for 4.99. SO GOOD!!!!!!!! Glad I took the chance and bought them. But I will be getting more of the Salt and Vingear ones! lol

    I get the Salt N Vingear ones at Stater Bros. Do not know if they have one where you are at.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    To my surprise they now make pork rhinds with salt and vinegar.

    Are. YOU. SERIOUS!!!!!

    WHERE!!!??? Sign me UP!!!! lol
  • tgmichelleee
    tgmichelleee Posts: 144 Member
    I can totally relate girl, I'm on day 5. I'm the queen of yo yo diets and quick weight loss, but I can't seem to stay motivated past the 2 week mark. I also struggle with binge eating, so if I fail during the week like say wednesday, I give up for the entire week and decide to wait until "Monday" to start over again (of course that Monday could be months ahead lol).

    I'm learning that success on this journey is something you have to mentally prep yourself for. I mean let's be honest, losing weight or being healthy in general (in theory) is super easy to do, it's doing it that's the problem.
    Having to let go of old habits and change almost feels like you're losing a part of yourself in a way even if it is a part of yourself that's caused you a lot of stress and negativity. But until you're mentally ready to let go of those things and take change, it's probably not going to happen. But its a gradual process which I think has been the hardest part for me cause I want things done NOW. I want to wake up tomorrow and be 50 lbs lighter boom. But that mentality has caused me to burn out so fast and just lose my momentum. I'll go to the gym every day and workout biggest loser style and having this amazing diet, but 2 weeks later I burn out and gain and go through through this cycle over and over again.

    For me, MFP has been a HUGE inspiration and motivation. I mean there's people on here who've lost 10, 20, 60+ lbs who struggle with the same things I go through and face the same temptations I do and they've succeed in doing it, why can't I? I love waking up and seeing my friends status update's of weight lost, people who've eaten chocolate and donuts and ice cream AND stayed under their cals, people who comment and like my status to keep me motivated and give me tips and advice and keep me accountable -- its all amazing!

    Don't really have much advice to give, but honestly taking it one day at a time seems to be key. Understanding that if I mess up today, I can still make tomorrow or whatever I have left of today the best possible it can be. That one mess won't hold me back from the overall goal I have.
  • LeahNMe
    LeahNMe Posts: 73 Member
    i feel like im always so good in the beginning and then after a week i have one bad day and it turns into me quitting and never finishing what i started..

    Just realize that you will have 'bad days' if we were all perfect none of us would need this website. It's ok, and one bad day does not mean you can't do it, or you're a failure, it means you had one bad day. And yes, as Scarlet says "tomorrow is another day" fiddle dee dee
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    Don't give up anything you aren't willing to. That being said - I have almost eliminated soda from my diet, but not entirely, but that is a whole different story - it makes me drink more water. I still drink wine, eat chocolate, pizza, french fries, whatever. I just have learned portion control. Why supersize when a small will do (my wine glass excepted! It holds a whole bottle LOL)

    Make small changes first. First I cut out the soda, then I started watching portions and just tracked without a goal (just to see what I ate), then I worked to stay in the goal. Slowly up the movement throughout the day and now have actually started small/short workouts.

    It's made it much easier to control my cravings by eating a small bowl of chips (weighed out of course) or a piece or two of chocolate rather than the whole bag.

    Regardless of anything else - the changes have to be things you can live with - forever. Life would be pretty sad for me if I never ate chocolate again, or never had another french fry or ice cream with my kids.
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member