day 3, motivation?



  • ckashary1
    ckashary1 Posts: 1 Member
    My girlfriend makes zucchini chips at home with a variety of natural seasonings. I was skeptical at first, but they're amazing!
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    I really hope your diary is incomplete...because if it's not, you have a serious issue with not eating enough!!

    This should not be a "diet", it should be a lifestyle change. You are changing the way you eat FOREVER, so you can have the body you want, forever.
  • sammer825
    sammer825 Posts: 50 Member
    I can totally relate girl, I'm on day 5. I'm the queen of yo yo diets and quick weight loss, but I can't seem to stay motivated past the 2 week mark. I also struggle with binge eating, so if I fail during the week like say wednesday, I give up for the entire week and decide to wait until "Monday" to start over again (of course that Monday could be months ahead lol).

    that is me to a T. haha i am so happy that there are other people on here who know EXACTLY what im going through, I have been trying to take it one day at a time. I am trying not to think of tomorrow and what im going to eat and what ill look like. It doesnt work like that. I cant think about the future, its the here and now. I love mfp because i can ask questions that my friends and family members dont understand and cant help me with. I know day 3 is just day 3 but to me its three days i have stuck to something. Ask me in a week and we will see where im at though lol
  • cottagegirl71
    cottagegirl71 Posts: 167 Member
    Hi! I am also on day 3 - the sunshine is keeping me motivated (ok, that and upcoming bathing suit season - yikes!) Feel free to add me as a friend :)

    Had an "aha" moment today I wanted to share.....I have always been able to come up with every excuse in the book not to eat better or make time for exercise. I always have other priorities.....I am a jewelry designer and getting my orders out each day to the post office always comes before anything else...and if there is still "time" I would go to the gym. Hmmm - just realized, why not do a little prep work the night before so I can go the post office ON THE WAY to the gym in the morning, and get that over with so it is not an excuse!

    TGIF friends - have a healthy weekend!
  • jenny181111
    jenny181111 Posts: 163 Member
    Anyone is free to 'friend' me :)
    There's always support and encouragement when needed :)
    If my friends on here haven't been on in a while, I message them to remind them I'm thinking of them :) xx

    It's not a 'Diet'. You're changing your lifestyle. Everyone has their ups and downs. But if you want something bad enough, you can get there.

    Jenny x
  • sammer825
    sammer825 Posts: 50 Member
    I really hope your diary is incomplete...because if it's not, you have a serious issue with not eating enough!!

    nope it is complete. i posted something earlier this morning about eating under my calories but i am just not hungry lately! i couldnt even finish my dinner last night and i have had problems in the past where i know im full but i keep eating, i dont want to fall in to that habit again
  • EvilFeevil
    EvilFeevil Posts: 95 Member
    thanks everyone! youre all right, this is not a diet it does need to be a lifestyle change. I am allowed to have a few chips every now and then, just not the whole bag lol as for now, im going to try to stay away from the junk as long as i can and hopefully eventually i wont even miss the foods! does any one have ideas on healthier alternatives to salt and vinegar chips. THEYRE MY WEAKNESS!
    Herr's makes these delicious Good Natured Selects chips (Original Grains w/ sea salt are my fave); I think you can have like 17 of them for around 120 calories. My local grocery store got me hooked on them and stopped carrying them. Thank goodness for Amazon! While waiting for my shipment to arrive, I tried some new chips I found in the grocery store, they're sweet potato chips with sea salt made by Green Giant and I think those are 16 chips for 140 calories. For both of those it's a 1 oz serving, I believe. Sometimes I only eat half a serving to stave off my craving, then it's only 60 or 70 calories.

    I wanted to make links and I know how to do the BBCode but it's not working so you'll have to copy and paste. (Good Natured Selects Chips) (Green Giant Sweet Potato Chips)
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    thanks everyone! youre all right, this is not a diet it does need to be a lifestyle change. I am allowed to have a few chips every now and then, just not the whole bag lol as for now, im going to try to stay away from the junk as long as i can and hopefully eventually i wont even miss the foods! does any one have ideas on healthier alternatives to salt and vinegar chips. THEYRE MY WEAKNESS!

    i lOVE krinkles protein chips. Great alternative + protein. Not S&V but they do in a pinch (i could eat s&v, dill pickle, etc large bags in one sitting.. I have actually... lol)
  • tchell99
    tchell99 Posts: 434 Member
    I really hope your diary is incomplete...because if it's not, you have a serious issue with not eating enough!!

    nope it is complete. i posted something earlier this morning about eating under my calories but i am just not hungry lately! i couldnt even finish my dinner last night and i have had problems in the past where i know im full but i keep eating, i dont want to fall in to that habit again

    So there are two ways to say this - 1) You are not eating enough and setting yourself up to fall off the wagon and perpetuate your cycle of losing motivation; or - the more positive way to state it - 2) Oh, look! You have enough room to build in some treats! A couple cookies, some of salt n vinegar chips, etc.

    If you really aren't hungry, you should still hit at least 1,200 each day to keep your body at a happy place. Have some peanut butter on an apple, guac on some veggies, or a handful of nuts. Trust me, you will not feel overstuffed, and it will give the additional fuel you need to keep on track and minimize drooling when passing good food smells or seeing yummy food ads on tv in the not-too-far future.
  • Hi! You can add me if you would like. I'm a daily logger and have felt so much better since I joined here. Like others said, this needs to be a lifestyle change in order to maintain your weight once you get to your goal. I'm not only doing this change for myself but I have also gotten my 3 daughters to change their eating as well. We have "junk food" sometimes but they have been eating mostly vegetables and fruits for snacks and healthier meals.
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    I had never tried to lose weight in my life until now. I just wasn't that worried about my weight, my life was enjoyable enough. I am not on this journey so I can look good at my daughter's wedding this August...or wear a swimsuit without shuddering in the mirror. I want to be healthy again. I want to be physically active. I want to feed by body instead of feed my face :bigsmile:

    I echo the same sentiment as others here. This is not about reaching a goal weight or fitting in a certain size for your wedding day. If you want long term results, you have to give it long term commitment and make choices the rest of your life that will give you health, fitness and balance. Become a student of your body and learn everything you can to make this a positive new lifestyle that you'll feel happy to live!
  • tgmichelleee
    tgmichelleee Posts: 144 Member

    that is me to a T. haha i am so happy that there are other people on here who know EXACTLY what im going through, I have been trying to take it one day at a time. I am trying not to think of tomorrow and what im going to eat and what ill look like. It doesnt work like that. I cant think about the future, its the here and now. I love mfp because i can ask questions that my friends and family members dont understand and cant help me with. I know day 3 is just day 3 but to me its three days i have stuck to something. Ask me in a week and we will see where im at though lol

    This is why I love mpf because like I said there's so many people you can relate to!
    Quite frankly I feel like my friends and fam don't fully understand the struggle it is to do this and they're bored of me talking about diet and working out (since its pretty much all the time I'm on a new diet and exercise plan lol)

    I know what you mean! It's day 5 for me and for some reason I feel like even getting this far is such a great accomplishment (and it should be, be proud of yourself! lol)
    Haha I'll take you up on that offer: I'll ask you in a week, but I think by then you'll be getting the hang of this and still be motivated ;)
  • Heres the deal......MFP is not a diet, and if you start to crave junk food, then I suggest you eat some. This is a lifestyle change and you will eventually want something junky. Dont restrict yourself, have it and fit it into your calories. Your result will be long lasting if you lose weight eating stuff that you love to eat. Just eating those things the right way. DONT DEPRIVE A CRAVING! Good luck!

    Yup, I so agree!!!
  • sammer825
    sammer825 Posts: 50 Member
    i lOVE krinkles protein chips. Great alternative + protein. Not S&V but they do in a pinch (i could eat s&v, dill pickle, etc large bags in one sitting.. I have actually... lol)

    i have too. i just ate a while bag of chips for dinner the other day and thats when i knew enough was enough lol where can i find these protein chips?!
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    My girlfriend makes zucchini chips at home with a variety of natural seasonings. I was skeptical at first, but they're amazing!

    OOOOH - I'd love that recipe - would she share it???? I love Zuchinni
  • JodiCN54
    JodiCN54 Posts: 4 Member
    I left WW a few days ago because I really can't afford the price they charge. So far, so goo, but I know exactly what you are talking about here. I want to continue my weight loss so I can wear the kind of clothes that make me feel pretty. I also know when I cut out junk I feel so much happier. I don't understand what happens to me when I just go off the deep end. Usually a "kryptonite" food like "cheez-its", caramels, or chocolate send me spiraling out of control. I am pledging to avoid them no matter how much they call out to me, promising comfort with one little bite. I will just say NO.