What is your Why

my name is David,

Why am I here? I am here because i need to live better and it is going to start by eating healthier. I failed is a 100 times better than what if. I refuse to say what if and don't try.... so here I am :smile:


  • davidleaves45
    my name is David,

    Why am I here? I am here because i need to live better and it is going to start by eating healthier. I failed is a 100 times better than what if. I refuse to say what if and don't try.... so here I am. :smile:
  • rosiecristo
    rosiecristo Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome David!! Best of luck on your new journey... My why is simple, I'm tried of being the fatty one of the bunch...lol! :tongue:
  • chunkymonkeytoskinnyminnie
    welcome to both of you. I am so tired of being the chunky monkey! I want to be a skinny minnie and feel proud to see myself in the mirror everyday. I hate that I am missing out on life because of my weight. I honestly want to be successful this time so I am hoping to make some friends on here so we can encourage one another.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    Why am I here? To better myself for the sake of my family. Meaning, I want to be able to run around and keep up with my kids. I want to live a long and happy life with my husband by my side. I am here for me!
  • marian4marian
    marian4marian Posts: 94 Member
    why am i here? because my body/mind/soul says it's time....i am willing at this time....this feels like a very good way to do things...it is not driving me crazy (like diets do)...there is so much choice....there is so much learning.....it gives me hope....it gives me a way to be accountable....other people inspire me......
  • marian4marian
    marian4marian Posts: 94 Member
    way to go, david....
  • marian4marian
    marian4marian Posts: 94 Member
    way to go, madhatter. i agree...one has to do this for oneself...first...
  • MaJacobs75

    My reason of why is because it gives me more energy to go out and do stuff. I love the outdoors and really enjoy doing fun activities!
  • bumbx
    bumbx Posts: 6
    Hi David, I am here because I'm young and want to live a healthier life and because I sit on my butt all day so there goes that!! Good job, and you're on the right track
  • cheekym7
    cheekym7 Posts: 570 Member
    I am here because I have noticed small things about my health and body that I believe are contibuted to gaining weight and being so heavy. I want to be healthy and like many others want to be able to keep up with my kid and I just want to be friggen skinny and feel good!
  • davidleaves45
    i agree
  • davidleaves45
    you can do it.
  • bodyoffcrimewatch
    bodyoffcrimewatch Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck David! You can do it! And good luck to anyone starting out on this journey!

    I'm here because I don't feel comfortable in my body anymore, and that is a really horrible feeling. I'm sick of hiding away under layers of clothing, and then comforting eating to make myself feel better, which only leads to me being bigger and bigger and unhappier, not to mention having chronic indigestion everyday! I have a huge bottle of Gaviscon constantly to hand, and that's just not right! So the bad cycle has to stop, and a new cycle has to start (which might actually include some cycling, you never know...).
  • DrWhoodles
    DrWhoodles Posts: 145 Member
    Hello all!

    I'm here because I'm awesome and I want to apply that to my whole life!
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I just got so sick of waiting for Monday!!! I will start on Monday! !! Somehow Monday eluded me every week. It was just time so stop half assing it and get real!!! Someone found her umph ;)