I am so stupid I cried this morning please help!!!!

Well my daughter tells me I am not eating enough as MFP tells me to have 1200 calories I am nearly always under by quite a few it is hard and I am starving lol. I do not eat veg so another problem I was losing weight but even after more exercise this week I actually put on a tiny bit. I was so upset I cried please help but no nasty comments please x:happy:


  • elghee123
    elghee123 Posts: 489 Member
    oh please don't be depress... you probably drank too much water and that's why you put on a bit.
  • ANGIE181062
    ANGIE181062 Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you but I have been trying so hard and I was really upset I have been drinking water as it is supposed to help how can that do it? x
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    It's probably water - and if you are truly always under goal and trying to get closer, add calorie dense things to your diet. I spoonful of PB will get you 200 cals in one bite!

    And don't give up on your veggies. Pick one new one each week at the store (buy a small amount) and experiment on a couple ways to fix it. Raw, steamed, grilled, in a salad, etc. I have some I can eat raw, but not cooked, it's a texture thing. Some the other way.

    Good luck - you can do it.

    ** Too much salt can make you retain water too - as well as hormones, what your exercise consists of. Just keep at it - fluctuations are normal - I was up 2# last week, and lost it all and then another this week's weigh in - I was retaining water and knew it from high sodium meals that week.
  • seansocal
    seansocal Posts: 13 Member
    Well my daughter tells me I am not eating enough as MFP tells me to have 1200 calories I am nearly always under by quite a few it is hard and I am starving lol. I do not eat veg so another problem I was losing weight but even after more exercise this week I actually put on a tiny bit. I was so upset I cried please help but no nasty comments please x:happy:
    You need to eat more, you should never feel starving. Make sure you are weighing yourself accurately, as your weight can fluctuate throughout the day. Weight yourself naked, as soon as you wake up in the morning, with the scale on the same spot on the floor to avoid seeing high fluctuations.
    Perhaps you weighed yourself when you were retaining water, or had food in your digestive tract, or the floor had a different density where you placed the scale; a lot of variables will influence the number you see on that scale.
  • ANGIE181062
    ANGIE181062 Posts: 24 Member
    I really can't I have tried but can only eat mushrooms and processed peas x
  • magica_
    magica_ Posts: 7
    Try not to be depressed! Weights tend to fluctuate for one reason or another, I know there are times where I can weigh myself one day and be down, and weight myself the next day and have gained half a pound or more, even though I changed nothing about my routine. I know I shouldn't weigh myself every day for that reason, and it's an obsessive habit I have but the way I see it (and maybe you can to) is that as long as your weight is lower at the end of the week, then you're still doing good!

    Also I can offer a small tip: if you're not already, make sure you weigh yourself at the same time every day. I always weigh myself when I first wake up, before I've eaten anything. :)

    EDIT: Nevermind, someone already gave you that tip!
  • ANGIE181062
    ANGIE181062 Posts: 24 Member
    Ty for your help I weigh myself on the Wii fit plus board and I have notice that certain times of the day I am heavier but weigh myself wearing similar clothing all the time also I try to weigh myself after my ablutions lol x:heart:
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Well my daughter tells me I am not eating enough as MFP tells me to have 1200 calories I am nearly always under by quite a few it is hard and I am starving

    Listen to your daughter!
    Listen to MFP!
    Listen to your body!

    They are all telling you the same thing. You need to eat more! 1,200 should be seen as a minimum you should eat every day. Try to be around that number, not over by a lot. You should not be trying to be "always under by quite a few." If you're eating that way, you're going to be starving, miserable, and possibly have other negative effects (lowered metabolism, hair loss, nail discoloration, etc.).

    The weight on the scale is going to vary by a lot. It may go up or down by a bunch. Over time, it will continue to vary... but the highs will be lower than the highs from before, the lows will be lower than the lows from before, and you'll see your clothes fitting differently.

    Eat 1,200-1,500 calories a day... never less than 1,200... try to stay under 1,500. Be consistent. Do that every day. Do it for a month. After a month, you'll see that the scale is bouncing up and down... but it will be bouncing around a lower number than it was before.

    Aside from that, relax. This isn't going to happen overnight. And, it's not going to be a perfectly smooth slide down the weights either.
  • booksgiver
    booksgiver Posts: 149 Member
    MFP has me set at 1200 calories a day, which by the way is the low as it goes, but I am sedentary due to disability. I don't work, do household chores, walk, and despite losing 115 pounds I still have 75 pounds to lose at 5'2". When I first joined MFP my calorie suggestion was 1380 per day and then over time decreased as my weight dropped. I also entered my desired loss of 1.5 to 2 pounds per week. It seems possible that you may not be truly sedentary and you're not obese by definition. If you reconsider your activity and understand that sometimes those with less to lose, lose more slowly, you may wish to recalculate your calorie restriction. If you're experiencing ongoing hunger then you may not be eating enough. Be reasonable with your actual goals and you will lose the weight you wish.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    You shouldn't be that hungry if you are eating 1200 and eating back your exercise calories (as you should be).

    Eat the 1200, and eat back 50 to 75% of the exercise you log into MFP.

    Buy a food scale - you might actually be short changing yourself on some foods, or eating more than you think of others. A common reason for not losing weight is people are eating more than they think they are.

    Get more protein. The MFP goal should be treated as a minimum. I aim for over 100 grams per day, and find that it fills me up quite well. A good rule of thumb is 1 gram per lb of lean body mass. If you don't know your % body fat, you'll have to guestimate what your lean mass is. But generally 100 g of protein per day for a woman is a safe amount.
  • ANGIE181062
    ANGIE181062 Posts: 24 Member
    Sorry I also meant to add that I now only weigh myself on a Monday and Friday as I was getting obsessed x
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Don't call yourself stupid, you're not stupid.

    If you feel hungry all the time, then you're not eating enough. And that's probably what's making you feel tearful. The weight you gained isn't fat, you're not eating anywhere near enough to gain any fat, it'll be water weight, and it'll be gone in a day or two, so don't stress about it. It's normal for your weight to go up and down over time by a few lbs so really and truly it's nothing to worry about. Look for the trend over time, i.e. week in week out is your weight slowly going downwards or not.

    you could try eating 100-200 calories more each day, see if you feel less hungry on that. MFP can sometimes underestimate how many calories people need. It tells me I'll maintain my weight on about 1500 calories/day... reality is I lose weight on 1800 calories/day and 1500 calories is too little for me even to lose weight... my maintenance calories are more like 2100 calories/day. So don't be afraid to try eating a little more, the MFP number is an estimate based on averages, it could well be too little for you. Try it for a week and see how it goes. Sometimes it takes trial and error to find the ideal number of calories... but it's worth it in the long term to get it right. the ideal number is the highest number of calories where you're still steadily losing weight, so you can enjoy your food and not feel hungry or deprived.

    You don't need to eat veggies if you don't want to.... do you eat fruit? You can get all your fibre, vitamins and minerals from fruit rather than veggies if you prefer. If you don't like any fruits or veggies, then that's more of a problem.
  • ANGIE181062
    ANGIE181062 Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you you are very kind x
  • ANGIE181062
    ANGIE181062 Posts: 24 Member
    I am eating fruit but not veggies I will try eating a little more and see if that helps ty everyone you are all so kind and helpful x
  • CharleeCali
    CharleeCali Posts: 51 Member
    You can do this, Angie. I can't believe it's working for me. I was also very resistant at first about eating the whole 1200 calories, but I've read enough here to know that I need to. I don't eat back my exercise calories, but it's not like I'm doing P90XYZ or whatever that thing is. I don't weigh myself if I've eaten badly (usually too much sodium) the day before. I give myself a couple days to get back on track. And I HATE vegetables, too. The only ones I eat are in my frozen lunches. Not even too fond of fruit, either, to be honest, but I'm adding some of both here and there.

    You really can do this!
  • petefromguelph
    petefromguelph Posts: 84 Member
    No need to cry.. plenty are here to help. No one should cry over weight loss.
  • kittykat1994
    kittykat1994 Posts: 149 Member
    Well my daughter tells me I am not eating enough as MFP tells me to have 1200 calories I am nearly always under by quite a few it is hard and I am starving lol. I do not eat veg so another problem I was losing weight but even after more exercise this week I actually put on a tiny bit. I was so upset I cried please help but no nasty comments please x:happy:

    Eating under 1200 isn't recommend by many of us here. I think you'd get on better if you aimed to lose 1lb a week and Update Your Diet Profile. If you exercise, eat back 50%-75% of calories. I promise that you will stop being hungry, you'll feel energetic and most importantly feel a lot happier!

    When I first started, I aimed to lose 2lbs a week. After a month of trying to eat 1200 calories, I gave up. I gained weight as I kept binging as I was hungry. When I wasn't binging, I was tired, lethargic and felt incredibly emotional.

    Weightloss is slow, it's taken me months to find what's right for me and I am only just beginning to lose.

    You can do it!
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    Just because no one's mentioned this yet and I feel it's important to emphasize. Water is good! Water does help you with weight loss and general health. Just because people are saying it's water weight does not in any way mean that you should drink less water. Drink more of it! Drinking more water will help you retain less water, as strange as it sounds. Water helps your liver use fat for energy. If you aren't drinking enough water, your kidneys are being overworked and then make your liver do extra work. In simplest terms, if your liver is busy doing the extra work for your kidneys, it can't focus on burning fat for energy. Your body then holds onto that. Drinking more water will also make you thirstier (funny, huh?), so it'll get you into a pattern of increased hydration. This is all good!

    Weight can fluctuate for all sorts of reasons. Hormones, salt intake, water intake, carb intake. But that's the thing. Weight does not always equal fat. You can gain a pound over night but that sure as heck doesn't mean you gained a pound of fat.

    But you should be eating more calories. Listen to your daughter, she's right! When the body doesn't have enough calories, it starts producing stress hormones which can cause stalling of weight loss even if you're eating at a deficit.

    Slow and steady wins the race. Keep at it and stay strong.
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    Well my daughter tells me I am not eating enough as MFP tells me to have 1200 calories I am nearly always under by quite a few it is hard and I am starving lol. I do not eat veg so another problem I was losing weight but even after more exercise this week I actually put on a tiny bit. I was so upset I cried please help but no nasty comments please x:happy:

    Your daughter is right
    MFP has set the 1200 as a goal based on your initial setting (likely sedentary and based on weight height)
    If you are exercising you need to log thos calories burned and eat back at least half. so if you burn 200 calories exercising then you need to eat 1300 calories in the day. and lots of water it's not only really good for you it helps lose weight, too ittle water and you retain water weight
    What you eat as a food is up to you as long as you eat at a deficit (more calories burned than you ate) you will lose weight
    Vegetables are an important part of a balanced nutritional plan though that will help make you healthy lots of the minerals and vitamins you need come from vegetables. Low calorie bulk volume vegetables like Cauliflower and lettuce (and many others ) also help fill you up so you don't feel as hungry
  • Your weight will fluctuate everyday. I used to get very upset too, one day it would be dropping and the next it would be higher. Don't be upset by this. Go by how your feeling and how your clothes are fitting.