Ideas for upping protein, naturally

Hi all, I've been doing MFP for about 2 months now, and have been having some success (lost about 7 lbs) through limiting calories and exercising pretty much every day. I try to stay under MFP's net calories (eating my calories back). Now I"m also trying to be mindful of the macros because I've definitely noticed I feel full longer with more protein. But I really have trouble getting enough protein without going over in fat, unless I have eggs for breakfast (mostly egg whites, usually) and meat/chicken for lunch and dinner. And then I get very close to my calorie goal because meat is so calorie dense. But I usually don't eat meat for lunch - try to have a salad with some nonfat cheese or nuts, and then usually some meat for dinner.

Anyway, I would appreciate any fun suggestions for protein-rich recipes. I don't like protein powder - would like to get it from food. Seems like almost every option has a downside. Nuts/nut butter = fat, yogurt = sugar, which kind of leaves me with egg whites and cottage cheese (getting kinda tired of these!). Today I had a salad with some sliced deli ham and was starving the rest of the day!

Should I just stop whining and start downing some more cottage cheese? ;)
Thanks, all!


  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I struggle with protein intake, so I do rely on a shake to fill in the gaps.

    Here are some other options I rely on:

    Fish (lower cals and fat than chicken or beef)
    Greek yogurt
    Turkey Jerky
    Milk (every little bit counts)
    Egg whites
    Cottage cheese (I eat it with salsa NOMS)
    Raw nuts

    EDIT: If you're avoiding protein powder because you don't like the taste, you should try Trutein. It's the best tasting one on the market.
  • changing4life
    changing4life Posts: 193 Member
    greek yogurt (plain). Add your own fruit, some granola, some nuts. hard-boiled eggs. string cheese. cottage cheese. add fruit, veggies, apple butter. tuna pouches. canned chicken. sliced turkey, ham, roast beef from the deli at your grocery store. hummus and vegetables (or pita)
  • anyd18
    anyd18 Posts: 35 Member
    I love to incorporate beans (black ones, red ones, green ones) on my salads as my protein alongside tuna...that and chickpeas! Thats what I had for lunch today and it really keeps you full for a while!
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    Plain yogurt has no added sugar.
    Mix it with fruit if you don't like the flavor.
    Greek yogurt has even more protein than regular.

    Lentils are fantastic, as well as other beans.
    Nuts are great too, there's no need to fear the fat in nuts as long as you're eating a reasonable serving. (1-2oz)
    The fat will help you feel full too.
  • Melionfire
    Melionfire Posts: 343 Member
    Cottage cheese is also high in sodium so I wouldn't OD on it just yet. Do you like seafood and fish. Tuna is really high in protein but low in fat and calories. Shrimp is an awesome source of protein as well. Fat is not that bad especially when it comes from nuts. The body needs fats to absorb the vitamins from the fruit and veggies and it also is essential for healthy hair and nail growth. I think of protein and fat as minimums and the carbs as a maximum. There has been many studies that show that a high fat diet is probably not the culprit I heart desease and that it is actually all the sugar we consume that is probably to blame because it turns to fat if it is not burned off. Another great source of protein is beans and they are also high in Fiber and iron which is great for satiety.
  • MrJThomasEsq
    MrJThomasEsq Posts: 144 Member
    Chunk lite tuna ( in water) and chicken breast both outdo nuts and nut butter when looking at the protein/fat ratio. I.e. chicken breast 140g serving, 231 cals 5g fat, 43g protein, tuna, 154g serving, 179 cal, 1g fat, 39g protein. Compare those to almonds, 95g serving, 546 cal,47g fat, 20g protein. The nuts run the fat up fast if that's a big concern.
  • bethcondon
    bethcondon Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the ideas so far, everyone! They seem obvious, but you know how you get stuck in a rut. Yes, the sodium is another thing I'm trying to keep an eye on (I do like cottage cheese & salsa in my eggs - but - yeah, not too much of it). I do eat Greek yogurt, but it is fruit-flavored, hence the sugar - but yes, I could make my own plain greek yogurt toppings. And I'm not anti-fat, just trying to keep within the guidelines.
    Tuna - can't believe I forgot this. I love those albacore lunch kits - it's been a while since I did that for lunch! Will make some tuna salad with low-fat stuff this weekend.
    And yeah, I've been doing a lot of bean meals (chili, tacos with pinto beans, etc.) but sometimes forget to just throw some in a salad.
    Shrimp - love it.
    Looking forward to getting some different things at the grocery this weekend :)
    Thanks to everyone who has responded so far!
  • tpaul98
    tpaul98 Posts: 8
    GREEK YOGURT, I probably eat this everyday and I love it! I buy Fage 2% (some fat isn't terrible) and it has 23 g of protein per cup. I would personally sweeten it up with a little honey and add a spoonful of peanut butter before topping it off with some banana slices. If you're getting sick of cottage cheese, I would recommend adding a packet of stevia and a few drops of vanilla to a 1/2 cup of 2% cottage cheese and than topping it with chopped strawberries. I also like eating deli meat (mesquite turkey by oscar meyer is my favorite), it has about 9 g of protein per 50 cals.
  • JaysWays
    JaysWays Posts: 77 Member
    I always swear by protein in peoples healthy choices. If your protein is high. Then your carbs and everything else should balance out when you go to add up your calories. Always start your day off with Protein right away. It will keep you fuller longer. It will help speed up metabolism through out your day. Protein powder would help you. Have two protein shakes a day. Get creative have fun with it. Add your fruits you like. Also You need to eat more meats. One of my favorite things to do. Is take 4 chicken Breast. Put them in the crock pot. Add whatever salsa you like with some hot sauce a little less than half a bottle. If you don't like spicy. I say use more salsa. The chicken breast shred up. You can use that chicken for the next 5 days!. Put them on wraps, make a chicken bowl with black beans and a slice of avocado. I would eat more eggs! Make hard boiled eggs for the week. Scrambled eggs, your own skillets. Have some tuna. Also make any other meats you might like. There are so many easy recipes on the internet to not make your food taste dull. Good luck to you. If you need any other advice or just some motivation feel free to add me.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    lean meats are not calorie dense.. i dunno what youre talking about
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    My go to is a tin or sardines actually, I eat them cold out of the tin so it's a good portable protein hit for me! Also try hemp seeds, great to bump the protein in smoothies, and another fan of Greek yoghurt here too
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,907 Member
    People seem to overlook prawns, mussels and scallops wish are delicious lean proteins. If it is not too proccessed for you, crabsticks are a convenient portable protein snack with only 16 kcals each.
  • PibbleLover88
    PibbleLover88 Posts: 40 Member
    I personally don't like plain yogurt, greek or regular. But, I do like getting one of the large containers of plain low fat greek yogurt, putting a serving in a small tupperware, and then adding frozen berries. I make this up the night before, and eat it in the morning. As the fruit thaws, the flavors spread into the yogurt and it tastes fantastic!

    I like to make oatmeal for breakfast too! I usually make a double portion, and make it with milk instead of water. Then I add a tablespoon or two of peanut butter!
  • DienhartDotCom
    DienhartDotCom Posts: 292 Member
    Great stuff. Thanks all for sharing.
    I run and decided to step up my game recently by shedding some weight. I've been eating healthy, but now that I'm using mfp, it's a challenge to get enough protein, naturally. I stay away from dairy for the most part, so yogurt isn't an option. Roast beef seems to be pretty high in protein as well (2 oz, 160 cal, 26 grams of protein. I'll start having more tuna and chicken. I already do hard boiled eggs every morning with a bowl of oatmeal.
    My biggest concern is losing muscle instead of fat.
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    Cottage cheese is also high in sodium so I wouldn't OD on it just yet.

    If you're looking for a low sodium alternative, try ricotta cheese.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Roast beef, ribeye steak, pulled pork, sweet chili pork chops, fried chicken, roast chicken. lamb kebobs, grilled salmon, steamed lobster, garlic rubbed pork loin, roast duck breast, rare leg of lamb with rosemary, curried poark loin with peanuts, etc., etc., etc..........
  • enchantedgardener
    enchantedgardener Posts: 214 Member
    Lots of great suggestions above, but here are a few more!
    Try low-fat ricotta cheese if you're getting tired of cottage cheese. I love its creamy texture!
    Babybel Light cheese
    Edamame beans - These are AWESOME! They have more protein and fewer carbs than most beans and taste delicious. Per 100 gram portion: 122 cals, 5 g fat, 10 g carbs, 11 g protein.
    Tofu. Yeah, I know there are a lot of haters out there. Mori-Nu silken tofu in a fruit smoothie => you won't taste a thing.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    Fromage frais is very handy when you want to up your protein.
    8g protein / 50kcal per 100gr.
    Barely any sugar or salt in it.
    It tastes like thick greek yoghurt.
  • sue_langley
    sue_langley Posts: 63 Member
    Yes don't fear the good fats. I've lost weight faster since i increased my fat and protein. I feel full much longer too. I have energy to work out with weights now and i feel so much happier. I love almond butter and celery now. I consume 1-2 tblsp. a day.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    greek yogurt
    cottage cheese
    cheese sticks
    cheese in general
    chicken/turkey and don't be afraid to eat 8 oz or more
    Artichoke hearts
    lunch meats (if you eat them)
    quest bars
    a bunch of veggies have protein in them too