OT-any plumbers in the house?

I had a clip on Lysol scented deoderizer thing hooked onto the inner rim of my toilet and it fell off and got flushed. It still flushes, its bubbly and slow. I'm thinking the round cleanser cake is probably what's blocking it-the plastic clip was pretty flimsy.

Should I plunge and try and push it through the s pipes? Should i purchase a cheap snake and try and break it up or pull it out? I'm avoiding a plumber, and calling the landlord (we are apartment renters)



  • Nitro2310
    Nitro2310 Posts: 37 Member
    go to the hardware store home depot lowes ask for a closet auger you only need a small one its pretty simple stick the wire end in the toilet through the hole and turn it that should break up the blockage ask the guy at the store how to use some plumbers work at the big box stores
  • digfromdeep
    Thank you for your time and help!