Looking for Guidance

Hi there! To start off, im 23 years old, 5'2", 130 pounds and have a 4 year old daughter. I have a 7-4 desk job during the week and genrally try to keep busy on weekends. I started the Shawn T, T25 progam 2 weeks ago and I am loving it! I also try to put in a little 20-30 minutes jog three times a week. I'm looking to lose at the LEAST 15 pounds but i really want to lose 20 before bikini season starts. I am trying to reach my 1200 calorie range but I keep eating too little (like 100-150 calories too little) and that's with the calories burned so I might actually eat 1200 calories but I don't eat what I burned, but I am scared to eat too much and not lose the weight I want to in the amount of time I want to! I need some advice!


  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    My diary is open! You can take a peek. I am on 1300 cal/day and nail it most days. maybe give/take 100cal, and please forgive me for that 13-beer binge on Saturday >.>
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    I took a brief buzz through your diary and it looks like you are eating pretty balanced which is good, and your burns look reasonably estimated. I would suggest getting a food scale if you do not have one, it can make a big defference knowing exacly how much meat you are eating and fruits can vary quite a bit from the database entries.

    usually the easiest way to increase calories is to add a little fat:
    a handful of nuts or a tablespoon of peanut butter would be about 100 calories
    half an avacado is 100-150
    a tbsp of butter is 100ish
    a tbsp of oil

    stay away from "diet" foods if you are not hitting your goal, go for the full fat versions of you dairy

    hope that helps some
  • @4legs...Thanks for your advice...I will look into getting a scale...any brands that you know of that are really good?
  • Hello! I just joined last night, and though I was over my calorie count yesterday, I exercise pretty much every day, high intensity, and the way things are going, I will be under all the calorie and nutrient goals. However, I am not doing anything new and haven't lost a lb in months. I am pretty happy with my weight, it's just the darn mommy tummy that won't go away, and I'm wondering if I am doing something wrong.
    Does everybody lose some weight by meeting the daily goal and maybe my undereating is making me less effective at losing what I have?
    What are the macros? I see this word everywhere on the site but I'm not sure what they are.
    Thanks for the advice!