Craving greasy food!!

I have been doing great with eating these past few months but today I am having a hard time trying to control my cravings, my parents are going to my favorite diner and I want to go so bad!! There isnt much to eat here at home so its making me want to go with them even more!! My boyfriend is out of town and unreachable for a few more hours so I cant call him for support...I just hope that I can get through this, man I have never wanted food more in my life than I do right now. I am just going to sit here and drink my crystal light until I figure out what I should eat that wont make me gain my weight back!


  • molina76853
    Remember it is all about portion control, go eat but control it.
  • jacj46
    jacj46 Posts: 46
    Hang in there ... this whole week I have had a cookie rage ... we just have to get that control back ... one day at a time ..
  • Rjperron
    Rjperron Posts: 150
    Think of how good it will feel when you see those lbs drop! When I'm craving greasy food, I cook a lower-fat option for myself. I love looking up recipes, it burns cals and you don't feel guilty.

    Either that, or go to the diner and order a kid's meal, half portion, or find something new and healthy that you might actually enjoy!
  • aggiemommy
    Portion control! Get a to go box with your meal and immediately put half of it in the box. Or look online and see if the restaurant posts the nutritional info so you can get something that's healthy. I think it's ok to splurge sometimes, if you don't you will just drive yourself crazy. If you feel guilty about it workout extra or makeup for it tomorrow! But enjoy yourself a little.
  • mymelody_78
    mymelody_78 Posts: 657 Member
    Portion control! Get a to go box with your meal and immediately put half of it in the box. Or look online and see if the restaurant posts the nutritional info so you can get something that's healthy. I think it's ok to splurge sometimes, if you don't you will just drive yourself crazy. If you feel guilty about it workout extra or makeup for it tomorrow! But enjoy yourself a little.

    I agree with this! I think sometimes you got to give into craving so that you don't binge later. Working out to balance is great =)
  • lizf02
    lizf02 Posts: 41
    Thanks everyone, I appreciate all the support and insight!! :):)
  • enygmatic1
    enygmatic1 Posts: 44 Member
    Be the outspoken picky orderer. It always feels weird being that person but there are ways to make even diner food not as bad. simple things like asking for chopped raw veggies in a dinner salad with dressing on the side. Asking that something be steamed or grilled instead of fried and battered. You can do it if your aware of what you're ordering. Go eat!!!
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I know the feeling. I finally just back on track after months of stress and the dreaded 20 lb weight gain that came with it. My parents in law had a family dinner with ribs and stuff. I knew if I ate it, I would scream the next day getting on the scale from the water retention from all the sodium. I didn't eat it, and the next day when I weighed myself it went down just a little more and I was content with that :)

    I'm not saying to avoid it forever cause its a lifestyle change right?? Not a temporary diet. So you sorta just gotta pick and choose your battles. I know with the holidays coming there are gonna be some foods and drinks I will indulge in a little and when I do, I will expect the water retention and stuff that goes with.