Finding friends and support<3

hi guys!
im Eva and im turning 22 this year :D
i joined this site in hopes to look for motivation and support while i start my long journey of weight loss in a cpl days.
i will be starting in a few days after i finish a huge assignment that has been occupying 24h of my day :(

I decided to use these days to plan out my diet and exercise. Ive heard from my friends that people think girls who lift are attractive, so i decided to give this a go, since apparently it does give really good results for losing weight, xD since i care alot a lot alot about my aesthetics, i hope this will motivate me to workout more!

I also need some experience or just anyones guidance and recommendations in which type of running/weight training or what type of exercises i should do :D i did some research online but i wanted to hear from experience more xD maybe we can be awesome workout buddies in the future!

Im always down to meet new poeple, i mean if u are also around my age or in college thats even better! we can related more and have awesome talks baout how terrible school is xD loljk.

looking forward to meet the awesome myfitnesspal community!


  • hikiwix
    hikiwix Posts: 23
    Hi Eva :) I'm Caity!

    I can't help with the lifting etc but feel free to add me, we can support each other!
  • koreadarling
    I love lifting, not just for the aesthetics, but because I can finally feel strong :)
  • pikaboooo
    pikaboooo Posts: 54

    is it fun ? it looks like somthing onlyguys do andto biuld muscle, i dont really want muscle, but ive been hearing that its actually not the case it helps losing weight alot! is that true?!

    wat other exercsies do u guys do