Any suggestions? How do I lose 2 pounds per week?



  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    I pretty much know I will probably gain some of it back. This is a quickie fix to lose weight for my son's wedding. However, that being said, I intend to keep logging my food here. I intend to keep being diligent about my exercise. This is the difference between the diets I have been on before. I want to stay slim in the long run, even if I gain a little after the wedding.
  • Mathlete22
    Mathlete22 Posts: 12 Member
    I think it will be very hard but still possible. Switch up your workout routine. Do more strength training (max reps 8-10 reps). The more muscle you have the more calories you will burn doing normal day to day activity.
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    Somehow I actually managed to lose two pounds this week. According to what it says here, with my exercise/calorie ratio, it's only supposed to be a pound a week.
  • Sakismom
    Sakismom Posts: 8 Member
    I think you can do it but be careful how you do it.

    When I hit a slump in the past I cut simple carbs, and it has helped but this past summer my mother was having stomach trouble so we went gluten and dairy free and the weight just flew off. You can't go and buy all the gluten free products in the grocery store you need to go the real route. It's not carb free or low carb it's gluten free and dairy free. Even if the pounds don't come off you will see a marked difference in your clothes, the belly fat seems to vanish, something to do with visceral fat.

    Good Luck
  • Naybelline
    Naybelline Posts: 407 Member
    1200 calories a day, exercise, don't eat back your exercise calories, low carb and lots and lots of water.

    Don't think some of this advice is very good. If you are going to eat 1200 and exercise, then eat back exercise cals. 1200 is a BARE MINIMUM. I can assure you if you do burn 500 cals from Zumba and don't eat back then you will net 700 cals, you will not have enough energy to keep up your program and feel like total crap, because that is not enough fuel.

    You are only 150 some pounds, 20 in 10 weeks will most likely not happen. But I think that you can at least lose 10.

    Well I eat that many cals and I have lots of energy, everyone is different. just because it doesn't work for you, doesn't mean it wont for another.
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    1200 calories a day, exercise, don't eat back your exercise calories, low carb and lots and lots of water.
    Go gluten and wheat free and diary free, also cut out sugar. weight will drop off.

    ...and NO.

    Calorie deficit is what you need to lost weight. That's it! Calculate TDEE and reduce appropriately. In theory, for 2lbs loss per week you need TDEE - 1000kcals.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Just found MyFitnessPal, and I think it's a wonderful! My diet clinic doctor recommended it. would love to start making friends here. Please add me if you like.

    My son's wedding is at the end of May. I now weigh under 150. My goal is 130 for the wedding. I am 5'1". When I started out in February, I weighed 162. Now I am under 150. So I have want to lose 20 pounds in the next 10 weeks.

    The problem is, I have slowed down to 1/2 pound a week. I have never tracked calories before, but this site makes it so easy, I love it. Since I was already writing everything I eat down, it was pretty easy to figure out portions and enter it. I do cardio or intervals five days a week for an hour.

    Please don't judge me here. If you are against diet aids, please move on and don't comment. I started on Phentermine in February. I have had good results with it in the past. After awhile the effects wear off a bit. I have been on it for 6 weeks. it is slowing down now. The first 4 weeks I lost 10 pounds. It has taken me 2 weeks to lose 2 more pounds. Phentermine is a diet aid, not a magic button. I have seen people on this site being very against diet aids. And if you are against them, I don't need to hear about it. Whatever works for you is great, and what works for me is my way.

    If you have any ideas for to step up weight loss, I would really appreciate your feedback.
    Thanks so much :smile:


    Healthy weight loss helps you lose fat.....mostly fat. If you want a lower body fat %....set a modest weekly goal (1 pound is doable for awhile).

    Fast weight loss helps you move the number on the scale. You will lose fat+muscle.

    My you strength train? If you are not very fit right now......adding strength training will take inches away. This will make you "look" slimmer for the big event. Then let spanx take care of the rest.
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    Healthy weight loss helps you lose fat.....mostly fat. If you want a lower body fat %....set a modest weekly goal (1 pound is doable for awhile).

    Fast weight loss helps you move the number on the scale. You will lose fat+muscle.

    My you strength train? If you are not very fit right now......adding strength training will take inches away. This will make you "look" slimmer for the big event. Then let spanx take care of the rest.

    Do you think six weeks of strength training would make a difference? I hope so! I don't strength train now. I have some weights, they are only two pounds.

    The only exercises I do are the ones my physical therapist gave me to strengthen my back and abdomen. He said I am free to do any exercise I want to now. I am actually pretty stoked that I can do Zumba now. I have to wear a back support belt but that's no big deal. A year ago I couldn't handle Zumba at all.

    So far I actually have managed to lose almost 2 pounds a week. When I started this thread I was 149.4 and now I am 146.

    I think you are right that strength training would help. Now to figure out which exercises to do. My top arms really need help.