Been using this off and on, just need to get my butt in gear

Hello Everyone,
My name is Kimberly. I live in Columbus, Indiana. My weight started going up when I was in high school. Ever since then I have been up and down. Not intentionally though. I've lost weight through exercise and child birth and stress.. Never when I really tried. Seems when I try I have a hard time doing it. Lots of stress seems to affect things with me. I need to get past this. I weight 220-223 right now.. jumps up n down. The lowest I've been in the last few years was 217. My main goal right now is just to get below 200. I'm 36 5'6, large framed.. I have joint and back issues so sometimes it's hard to push myself to certain points for fear of hurting myself. I developed sciatica last year and was down, literally on a couch for 5 weeks unable to move or do anything but cry. So I've been scared to do too much and end up there again since I work from home and it put us in a huge financial bind last year.
Please add me as a friend if you want. I'm always looking for local encouragement or encouragement period.


  • daisystorm
    daisystorm Posts: 2 Member
    I agree encouragement is a big help. Staying disciplined without accountability is tough.
  • michelle_816
    michelle_816 Posts: 621 Member
    Hi Kimberly!
    I am new to MFP, but I have been on a "get fit" roller coaster for many years. I struggled in high school when I topped off at 150 (I am 5'5"). I wish I would have been able to tell myself back then that 150 is not overweight :(

    Live and learn, I suppose, or live really. Much like you, I have fluctuated over the years. I got very close to my goal weight (150) back in 2011. I was doing 5Ks and working out several days a week. But I started a new job and could not maintain my workout schedule... and the weight crept back on.

    I have been battling this since my junior year of high school (again, not really a battle back then but compared to my friends, 150 was a lot of weight). I gained again in the months prior to and years following my marriage. Was at a high point right before my first son was born. Lost a good chunk before I had my 2nd son 17 months later. Since then I have lost 20, gained 20. Lost 30, gained 30. It's a frustrating ride knowing I can get there only to plummet again. And my boys are 8 and 9 1/2 so I have no excuses anymore!

    Would love to be an accountability partner with you in this!
  • kimberlymes
    Encouragement and support! I could use these too! :)
    I will add you:smile: