
I need audiobook suggestions for running!


  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member

    That was using "running" as a search criteria. You'll probably find more books if you use other terms.
  • Fiction: Any of the Dune prequels. Start at the beginning
    Nonfiction: The Devil in the White City
  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member
    This is starting to look like the bathroom scale vs kitchen scale thread.
  • glowgirl14
    glowgirl14 Posts: 200 Member
    What kinds of books do you like? Basically anything that you're interested in works, but for me, they need to be somewhat exciting, or I get bored and my run isn't fun. :-)

    I like Stephen King, Jeffrey Deaver, George R R Martin, Robert Jordan, Tom Clancy, and it's silly, but the Twilight Books, Harry Potter, Hunger Games...I find it easier when I'm listening to a series, because there is much less time spent getting into a book.

    Stephen King and Jeffrey Deaver aren't series books, but are generally longer, and grab your attention from the first page.
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member - they're all old books, ones that the copywright has expired on - so they're all free to download, available as mp3s and podcasts. :)
  • DirtyLittleRemix
    DirtyLittleRemix Posts: 18 Member
    What kind of books to you like? Can't go wrong with the Harry Potters! Failing that
    The Hunger Games
    Divergent triology
    Percy Jackson
    Infernal devices triology
    The mortal instruments
    The maze runner triology
  • okremix
    okremix Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks guys thats all I needed! I just finished Don't Go and the reader was boring. It was hard to get into while running and I'm burnt out on music.
  • moxiept
    moxiept Posts: 200 Member
    Lots of great suggestions here. I'm going to try a few of theses suggestion. Cool!