Best free workout for toning

I am looking for a quick workout program to do at home. I am a stay at home mom of 3 little kids and am looking at something I can do every other day while my twins nap and my 3 year old "helps" me. I run every other night after the kids are in bed and have lost over 30 pounds since joining MFP but am still so flabby even though I think I am less than 10 pounds from my goal weight. I want to tone up especially my abs, muffin top and arms.
Obviously the shorter the workout the better, I would do a video from YouTube or just a list of exercises. Any one have something they have found effective? At this point I have no equipment and not much $$ to spend.
Thanks in advance! :smile:


  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    There are plenty of workouts on YouTube and Hulu free if you do a search for exercise-TV that will use alot of your own body weight/plyometrics. If you are looking for short and effective workouts for toning, I have to say the Jillian Michaels 30day shred is a good start. You can pick it up for less than $10 on Amazon. For a beginner, a set of 3,5, and 8 will run about $50 at Target. I know you are tight on $$$, but it's worth the investment in you. Put $20 aside each week when you get paid for 3 weeks and you will be on your way to a workout program that you can do at home and you'll have weights to do other programs as you save another $10 to put down for a DVD. Also, check your local library in the DVD section, most will have a few exercise videos to try out and if you don't see something, look it up in their system and see if you might request it to be sent to your home library. Where there is a will, there is a way :)
  • jjanay100
    jjanay100 Posts: 46 Member
    I have looked on YouTube but was hoping for a few specific recommendations from people who had found some they like. I will check out the 30 day shred for starters. :smile:
  • rogerOb1
    rogerOb1 Posts: 318 Member
    I have looked on YouTube but was hoping for a few specific recommendations from people who had found some they like. I will check out the 30 day shred for starters. :smile:

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