I am so stupid I cried this morning please help!!!!



  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    Boy, I'll second all the comments here on losing weight being a slow ride. It's so easy to watch TV and see those Nutrisystem commercials where people lost 25, 52, 93 pounds and their wonderful before and after shots. It doesn't happen overnight! I used to weigh myself every day but now I do it 2-3 times a week. I log it in my calendar and I can see the progress even though sometimes it's really, really slow. I've been 2 weeks hovering at 162-163 and it's driving me wild because I know I'm doing things mostly right. But that's how it works...really.

    Just listen to everyone here...they've been there, done that. Your daughter is correct that eating less than 1200 calories is the wrong way to go. You'll only end up with a messed up metabolism and struggle even more. BTW, processed peas are loaded with sodium--not good. Fresh ones are wonderful and not mushy like those from a can. Like another poster mentioned, try one new veggie every so often. I grew up with canned spinach dressed with vinegar (eewww...what was my mom thinking?) and now I love fresh spinach salads tossed with one TBSP of dressing, dried cranberries, a few bits of bacon and a TSP of cheese. OMG that doesn't taste anything like the spinach I grew up with. That and a glass of unsweetened tea with some wheat thins and lunch is served :happy: You can also hide veggies in smoothies and many main courses or side dishes. You can get your veggies in your diet all different ways.
  • SB4Hope
    SB4Hope Posts: 23 Member
    You need to stay positive. When I get depressed, I eat more. Just keep at it and time will be your friend. I became obsessed with the scale too. I was weighing myself twice a day which really made me crazy. Like everyone else said, our weight will fluctuate. Good luck and I hope the encouragement is helping.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I am eating fruit but not veggies I will try eating a little more and see if that helps ty everyone you are all so kind and helpful x

    don't cry don't ever let yourself get so upset over wanting to be healthy you cry. :) we've all been there. the extra weight is probably just water. try not to weigh yourself throughout the day. weigh once in the am when you get up that's it. our weight naturally fluctuates during the day.

    you should try try try to incorporate veggies into your eating habits. try roasting them - it will bring out the sweetness in them. try lots of different veggies. carrots, broccoli, broccolini, edamame, pea pods, artichokes, peppers, green beans, wax beans, zucchini, yellow squash, spaghetti squash, eggplant, butternut squash, all kinds of squash, celery. that's all i can think of right now.

    you should increase your calorie goal too and try and eat more protein it will help keep you full.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I agree: eat a little more. You shouldn't be very hungry between meals - that leads to binging. There are a lot of foods in the world that are not vegetables. It might take a little more work, but you can eat a balanced diet without them. You can do this. It will be ok.

    Many of us have been right where you are. The ones of us who have stuck with it, gave ourselves the permission to eat a little more and have many of the foods we enjoy as part of a balanced diet. I have been on here a year and a half. This isn't an overnight proposition - being healthy is a lifelong thing, you just focus on different aspects as your goals change.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    oh please don't be depress... you probably drank too much water and that's why you put on a bit.

    Drinking water actually reduces bloating as it flushes out salts and toxins.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I agree: eat a little more. You shouldn't be very hungry between meals - that leads to binging. There are a lot of foods in the world that are not vegetables. It might take a little more work, but you can eat a balanced diet without them. You can do this. It will be ok.

    Many of us have been right where you are. The ones of us who have stuck with it, gave ourselves the permission to eat a little more and have many of the foods we enjoy as part of a balanced diet. I have been on here a year and a half. This isn't an overnight proposition - being healthy is a lifelong thing, you just focus on different aspects as your goals change.


    and don't call yourself stupid. You're far from it. :flowerforyou:
    This takes time. It's trial and error. You can do it. Believe in yourself.

    And what everyone else said...eat more food.
  • ANGIE181062
    ANGIE181062 Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you so much to you all I am overwhelmed with the kindness x
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Hi Angie! Have you tried adding some spinach or kale to a protein shake? I love making a healthy shake for breakfast with fresh fruits and veggies. It's SO good and you don't even taste the veggie part!
  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member
    Don't despair! I actually found that it's easy to fear eating too many calories, but in reality you need to eat enough to avoid those blood sugar dips that cause bingeing or unhealthy eating.

    Have you calculated your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)? There are lots of calculators online if you google for them. Basically, once you know that number, you can better decide how much calories are in your best interest for weight loss.
  • freedom403
    freedom403 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi. I am not sure why but after reaching a plateau eating 1200 calories I decided to up it to about 1400 per day. Strangely enough I started to drop again. Don't get discouraged. I figure it took me 20 years to gain it so I can't expect to loose it overnight. Sometimes I weigh myself before I go to sleep and when I get up I have lost 3 pounds or so.....Think Long term. I am 62 and this is the first time I have really been serious about this.Good Luck
  • ANGIE181062
    ANGIE181062 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks everyone the veggies are defo a no no but I have upped my calories and feel much happier and less hungry and good luck to all of you too x
  • nerual13
    nerual13 Posts: 39 Member
    Everyone already gave you the right advice, I'm just going to send you a hug through the internet!!! It takes time but you'll settle into what is right for you! :)
  • ANGIE181062
    ANGIE181062 Posts: 24 Member
    Everyone already gave you the right advice, I'm just going to send you a hug through the internet!!! It takes time but you'll settle into what is right for you! :)

    Thank you so much it means a lot I have now lost a further two pounds and that is with eating more x
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    Only weigh yourself first thing in the morning, how about a low sodium v8 juice?..I am not crazy about it and can choke down 8 oz..also I am not a big veggie eater but parmesan roasted green beans are the bomb! Hmmmm..what else? You can lose on more than 1200..you really can! Up the protein. I find that if I do "white carbs" that I get hungrier..go whole grain. Best of luck to ya!
  • nerual13
    nerual13 Posts: 39 Member
    Everyone already gave you the right advice, I'm just going to send you a hug through the internet!!! It takes time but you'll settle into what is right for you! :)

    Thank you so much it means a lot I have now lost a further two pounds and that is with eating more x

    WOOOO HOOOOO Yay for you!!!!!!!!!
  • Beester82
    Beester82 Posts: 1 Member
    Congrats on the 2lb weight loss!! And it sounds like your'e a happier camper now. :) I just want to add, maybe spend some time researching nutrition and what certain foods do for you. For me, I was at a weight loss plateau until I came across Mark Scisson's daily apple...while I don't follow his Primal Blueprint 100%, but by cutting out a lot of grains and replacing with higher protein and fat intake, I was able to bust through my plateau and target the last 10lbs. I have about 3lbs to go before I hit my goal weight...or I guess, my goal body composition is more accurate. Anyways, be patient and keep up the good work!! Everyone gave some pretty awesome advice here! :)
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    If you want to try and get some veggies in, cook them INTO stuff! If you're making meat sauce for pasta, blend a load of veggies in with the tomatoes. You won't be able to taste them and they won't have any texture.
    Blend veggies into meatloaf, soups, ANYTHING.
    Do try to eat more. Your body needs fuel.
  • ANGIE181062
    ANGIE181062 Posts: 24 Member
    If you want to try and get some veggies in, cook them INTO stuff! If you're making meat sauce for pasta, blend a load of veggies in with the tomatoes. You won't be able to taste them and they won't have any texture.
    Blend veggies into meatloaf, soups, ANYTHING.
    Do try to eat more. Your body needs fuel.

    Thanks don't think I can but may try a tiny bit x