Sick of Counting Calories?

Forewarning, I'm being whiny...but...does anyone get sick of counting all their calories? Like I just want to eat what I want to eat and not worry about portioning everything out :(. When I give myself kind of a "free day" I just end up feeling guilty about it. Sigh...


  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    Yup I have days like this... I make myself do it anyway. Free days of eating whatever I want is what got me here in the first place ;)
  • p_s1984
    p_s1984 Posts: 30 Member
    I do, but that is why you might need a cheat meal and not a cheat day. I am not disciplined enough to watch what I eat without accountability. That's just me. I am trying to eat little bit of a treat every day as long as they fit into my macro count for the day. This strategy helps me not feel deprived. :) Good Luck!!
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Are you able to eat sensibly without counting calories? Or would you use it as a green light to just eat anything and everything? If you can manage to continue eating sensibly, maybe you don't need to count calories.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    I think we all get that at some point. I do not allow "cheat days" or meals as I find they trigger a pattern. I still enjoy many things I ate before - just in moderation and sometimes alternatives so I do not get annoyed with the diet part. But logging / measuring...oh ya some days I say to myself WTF..I am sick of doing this..mind you I say it as I am doing it LOL
  • jchadden42
    jchadden42 Posts: 189
    You will very likely get to a point, when you're used to how it feels to eat a certain amount of food, when you won't need to count every calorie. You'll find that you are able to estimate well, and you may go for a whole week without counting each calorie. I am currently at a place where I can very closely estimate what I am eating. My problem is the opposite of most people's, though. I run and swim, and I fail to eat as many of those calories back as I should.
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    I've been there...I find a way to push past that feeling. If you have the discipline to skip a day every few weeks then do so otherwise revisit the reason why you started this as a reminder to keep going. :smile:
  • ticribbs
    ticribbs Posts: 120 Member
    Are you able to eat sensibly without counting calories? Or would you use it as a green light to just eat anything and everything? If you can manage to continue eating sensibly, maybe you don't need to count calories.

    Ehhh, I haven't tried it to be honest. This is one of the first times I've been so disciplined about my calorie intake (the only other time was when I did weight watchers) and in the past I've moved to eating healthier but not counting and then just slipping into bad habits again. I want to make a lifestyle change and be at a comfortable weight, but, I'm not sure how much I want to count calories the rest of my life :(. But like I said, I think I'm just in a whiny mood today.

    Side note question, I'm thinking about skipping the gym today to give my body a rest (I've went every other day this week) and my net is 1200 daily but I eat back my exercise calories so I actually eat roughly 1700 a day. Will I mess myself up if I eat 1500-1600 today, without exercising?
  • csontos
    csontos Posts: 76 Member
    I'm a huge numbers person, so I love tracking my calories. But like somebody else suggested, you can try not logging a couple of meals and see if you're able to still keep yourself on track. Honestly though, it takes 5 minutes out of my whole day and keeps me honest.
  • ticribbs
    ticribbs Posts: 120 Member
    I'm a huge numbers person, so I love tracking my calories. But like somebody else suggested, you can try not logging a couple of meals and see if you're able to still keep yourself on track. Honestly though, it takes 5 minutes out of my whole day and keeps me honest.

    It's not the counting I mind necessarily, it's more portioning every last thing out. Like today, I had an ice cream cone with 1/4 a cup of ice cream, I wish I could just scope ice cream in without portioning it, this is just one example.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    yes. I get like that. And some days I just don't log my calories. I don't use it as a free pass to stuff my face, but it gives me a break from logging every little thing I put in my mouth and it's nice. My boyfriend makes fun of me for counting my calories and weighing my food, etc. He thinks it's so silly... must be nice to just eat whatever you want, as much as you want, whenever you want, and not worry about getting fat. It must be nice to be able to eat until you're full every meal. *sigh* wow maybe I should be leaving a more positive reply.

    On another note, I feel that I can eat pretty sensibly without counting the calories. I am capable of eating appropriate portion sizes. So that's why I don't log my food every single day and I'm still losing weight consistently. (I log most days. I might skip the diary once a week or once every other week)
  • ticribbs
    ticribbs Posts: 120 Member
    yes. I get like that. And some days I just don't log my calories. I don't use it as a free pass to stuff my face, but it gives me a break from logging every little thing I put in my mouth and it's nice. My boyfriend makes fun of me for counting my calories and weighing my food, etc. He thinks it's so silly... must be nice to just eat whatever you want, as much as you want, whenever you want, and not worry about getting fat. It must be nice to be able to eat until you're full every meal. *sigh* wow maybe I should be leaving a more positive reply.

    LOVED THIS!!!! hahahaha
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Are you trying to stick to too much of a calorie deficit?
  • TeresaB1979
    TeresaB1979 Posts: 158 Member
    I can't handle constant calorie counting so I do 5:2 (or sometimes 6:1). That involves fasting (eating just 500 calories for two days per week) and eating 'what you want' on the other five days. Now obviously 'what you want' has to be within reason, it is always going to be calories in vs calories out so you are allowed to eat what would be your maintenance calories on those days.

    It's not for everyone but for me two very strict days and five 'relaxed' days is much easier than having to be 'good' all the time. I have been doing it for over a year. I love it and will do this forever in one form or another, I've never felt better about my weight/appearance. If you enjoy having days where you can have more than a slice of pizza or two chocolates without feeling like you've 'messed up' it's great. If I have a day with lots of treats I know I can fast the next day and balance things out. And on the fast days I can always think 'It's only for today, tomorrow i can have plenty to eat'.

    Just a word of warning, I see some people on here who think they are doing 5:2 but eat well below maintenance on the non-fast days. That is dangerous and will lead to you being malnourished. This is not about starving yourself.

    Anyway, just a suggestion from someone who got sick of constant calorie counting and hates the 'being on a diet' all the time feeling. I'm also someone who loves to have drinks, and nice big meals out at the week-end.

    Look up the documentary 'Eat, Fast and Live Longer' for all the information you need on this way of eating. There are groups on here also. This one is good.

    Whatever you decide to do, good luck! :smile:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Not me... I like the security of knowing what I'm eating. Heck, I dislike having to guess when I go out to a place that doesn't have nutrition info...
  • ticribbs
    ticribbs Posts: 120 Member
    Are you trying to stick to too much of a calorie deficit?

    What do you mean?
  • caveninit
    caveninit Posts: 153 Member
    I actually enjoy counting and logging because I know I am using it as a learning tool that will benefit me for life. Do I plan on doing it forever? No....but for now I have to because my "guesstimates" are always waaay off. :)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Are you trying to stick to too much of a calorie deficit?

    What do you mean?

    Are you eating (or trying to eat) too few calories every day?
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    Yes, And when that happens I do not log calories. I'm pretty mindful of what I eat so I do not worry about over doing it too much. I'm consistent so can afford to do that if I want to eat a high calorie meal. I do not stuff my face the entire day I just maybe eat something , like a burger, fries, or pizza, or sushi, or whatever and the rest of the day eat my normal stuff without logging, weighing, etc.

    Then I get back to the script the next day. I have learned to be self-disciplined so I do not worry too much about falling off the wagon.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I'm a huge numbers person, so I love tracking my calories. But like somebody else suggested, you can try not logging a couple of meals and see if you're able to still keep yourself on track. Honestly though, it takes 5 minutes out of my whole day and keeps me honest.

    It's not the counting I mind necessarily, it's more portioning every last thing out. Like today, I had an ice cream cone with 1/4 a cup of ice cream, I wish I could just scope ice cream in without portioning it, this is just one example.

    get a scale then you can just scoop it out and you will probably get more ice cream....
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I actually have found that having a scale has helped with this...measuring spoons, cups etc was a pain...esp trying to make sure that they were totally full, not overfilled etc.

    I don't mind logging...I prelog a lot of stuff now when I get time in the evening...3 days ahead usually which makes planning meals easier too.

    As well the scanner helps a lot on the phone...