I'm new to these discussions....

Hi there! First of all, I need to say how much I like the My Fitness Pal website and apps. It is so simple to log food and then see graphs. Amazing! What a great place to be!

I was on MFP about a year ago and gave up pretty quickly. In January after being at my largest weight ever and motivated by my husband's newly fit body, I realized it was time to get moving. In January I started with just exercising six times a week. I've been on the treadmill six times a week for twelve weeks now-- a new record. In February I added logging in my food to MFP. That is when I began to lose weight. I take my official weight Saturdays and am now down 17 pounds with 38 more to go to be at a healthy (but not really super thin) weight. It's a good start. In March I added a Fitbit One, which has also opened my eyes to how much or how little I move. With that, I have really added a good deal of stairs each day, strengthening my legs. My knees get sore quickly because of the excess weight, so I am careful with these.

Anyway, I have also added some strengthening training in March. So far it is going pretty well. I appreciate all of the support I feel when I read through the numerous posts. Know there are probably many more like me-- lurkers. Thanks for all of the great suggestions and motivation! You all are AWESOME!!!


  • Scratch_MJ
    Scratch_MJ Posts: 41 Member
    I will add you!

    I have lost 28 lbs so far and I have just under 40 more to go to be at my ultimate goal weight. I am using P90X3 for my workouts and eating a healthy lifestyle. I need to get my butt outside now and start training for a 5K.

    Anyone else feel free to add me too!
  • loveit001
    loveit001 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the response! And for adding me! It looks like you've been making awesome progress-- I hope to be able to do as well-- thanks for the inspiration!