What made you Vegan/Vegetarian?



  • FreeSpirit1992
    How do vegans become overweight? Seems like so many snacks and junk food have some non-vegan friendly ingredient in them.

    too many calories and fats id imagine, I don't know any overweight vegans though

    I know a surprising number of overweight vegans and one is obese.

    I personally feel incredible guilt at eating meat sometimes, but I CRAVE it. Sometimes, as disgusting as it sounds thinking about it, I will CRAVE raw meat. Straight up raw beef. Maybe it's low iron levels; maybe something else. Don't know. Otherwise, I'd definitely cut back. I need to eat more veggies anyway.
  • Mugiwarah
    Mugiwarah Posts: 40
    Kudo's to y'all but your missing on quite some nutrtitions

    I go with the flow, animals are made to be eaten, I mean even animals eat animals... lol it's a way of life and survival.
    What would happen if we would not eat animals? Overpopulation, you'd seriously be walking on a chicken every step you take as there are about 20 billion chickens on earth today and that's with the consuming of chicken

    Although I do agree that there are people who mistreat animals before they die and that it should stop, but for me that's not a reason to stop eating meat although I wouldn't buy meat from such persons. Besides cruality can differ from person to person, let's bring back the animal example; lions freakin' slash scrath and suffocate and animal to death, one would say it's cruel because they compare it to humans and the other would say that's their way of slaughtering.

    Last but not least I'd join the crew if I only hard front teeth, but I also have canine teeth to slice me up some meat and teeth in the back to chew it up :happy:

    animals do not exist to be eaten by us, that's a very arrogant concept. animals exist for the same reason we exist and no one on the planet has the answer for it. I personally am not missing any nutrients, but im sure some vegans are just as a lot of meat eaters are.
    we do not have teeth remotely resembling carnivorous animals or even omnivorous animals so i cannot see that as a good reason to eat meat either
    If you want a good enough reason then this should do; My body can digest it and use the nutrients for health benefits.
  • catherinemaxwell566
    Kudo's to y'all but your missing on quite some nutrtitions

    I go with the flow, animals are made to be eaten, I mean even animals eat animals... lol it's a way of life and survival.
    What would happen if we would not eat animals? Overpopulation, you'd seriously be walking on a chicken every step you take as there are about 20 billion chickens on earth today and that's with the consuming of chicken

    Although I do agree that there are people who mistreat animals before they die and that it should stop, but for me that's not a reason to stop eating meat although I wouldn't buy meat from such persons. Besides cruality can differ from person to person, let's bring back the animal example; lions freakin' slash scrath and suffocate and animal to death, one would say it's cruel because they compare it to humans and the other would say that's their way of slaughtering.

    Last but not least I'd join the crew if I only hard front teeth, but I also have canine teeth to slice me up some meat and teeth in the back to chew it up :happy:

    animals do not exist to be eaten by us, that's a very arrogant concept. animals exist for the same reason we exist and no one on the planet has the answer for it. I personally am not missing any nutrients, but im sure some vegans are just as a lot of meat eaters are.
    we do not have teeth remotely resembling carnivorous animals or even omnivorous animals so i cannot see that as a good reason to eat meat either
    If you want a good enough reason then this should do; My body can digest it and use the nutrients for health benefits.
    you'll find that our intestines aren't designed for meat eating at all, theyre too long so they absorb way too much cholesterol and fat from the meat which is why heart blockages are far too common
    you really ought to watch the clip I posted at the top, in this day and age meat eating for nutritional reasons is not a good enough excuse
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    After seeing footage from a number of sources regarding factory farming, live export and also watching Earthlings, I have do desire for meat or for supporting these industries with my money.
    It's not that I didn't like the taste, I just know the misery behind every meal and I can't be part of that.
    People do seem offended when you say you are vegan,and don't want meat- there are times I think I'd get better treatment if I said I was an alcoholic, and didn't want to drink.
    I don't care at all what other people are eating, so I'm surprised when I have to list reasons why I have made my choices.
    Then there is always the polite stony silence.
    Oh well - I've never felt better!
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    Kudo's to y'all but your missing on quite some nutrtitions

    I go with the flow, animals are made to be eaten, I mean even animals eat animals... lol it's a way of life and survival.
    What would happen if we would not eat animals? Overpopulation, you'd seriously be walking on a chicken every step you take as there are about 20 billion chickens on earth today and that's with the consuming of chicken

    Although I do agree that there are people who mistreat animals before they die and that it should stop, but for me that's not a reason to stop eating meat although I wouldn't buy meat from such persons. Besides cruality can differ from person to person, let's bring back the animal example; lions freakin' slash scrath and suffocate and animal to death, one would say it's cruel because they compare it to humans and the other would say that's their way of slaughtering.

    Last but not least I'd join the crew if I only hard front teeth, but I also have canine teeth to slice me up some meat and teeth in the back to chew it up :happy:
    I would agree only if these animals were taken from the wild for our consumption but we are "growing" poor animals to slaughter, if we stop the farms from purposely reproducing then of course we would not have an over abundance, animals in nature would take care of the population of other animals in nature........not to mention all the hormones and gross stuff they are injecting into these poor animals-bon appetite!
  • AeonAi
    AeonAi Posts: 60
    Circumstances mainly. I grew up in a country where fruits and veggies were what was cheapest. Meat was expensive. However I would probably eat animal products if it didn't make me feel sick. I have seen those horrible documentaries as well they make me feel glad that I can't eat meat. Those poor animals.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    I'm a semi vegetarian, if there's such a thing. I believe, that vegetarians perform better, physically. A lot of research has gone into this, and vegetarians have more energy, and endurance at most tasks. After, three decades, I still dance to 6am lol
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,588 Member
    Kudo's to y'all but your missing on quite some nutrtitions

    I go with the flow, animals are made to be eaten, I mean even animals eat animals... lol it's a way of life and survival.
    What would happen if we would not eat animals? Overpopulation, you'd seriously be walking on a chicken every step you take as there are about 20 billion chickens on earth today and that's with the consuming of chicken

    Although I do agree that there are people who mistreat animals before they die and that it should stop, but for me that's not a reason to stop eating meat although I wouldn't buy meat from such persons. Besides cruality can differ from person to person, let's bring back the animal example; lions freakin' slash scrath and suffocate and animal to death, one would say it's cruel because they compare it to humans and the other would say that's their way of slaughtering.

    Last but not least I'd join the crew if I only hard front teeth, but I also have canine teeth to slice me up some meat and teeth in the back to chew it up :happy:

  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Knowledge. Compassion. Empathy. Responsibility.

    Plain and simple.
  • khoshgeleh16
    khoshgeleh16 Posts: 150 Member
    I've only been a vegetarian since 2008, but I've never liked meat - even as a very small child, I hated the taste and the texture and my mother had to force me to eat the stuff. One of my earliest memories, actually, is biting down on a piece of gristle in a hamburger and being completely disgusted. So I avoided meat, especially red meat, as much as possible growing up, and as soon as I moved away from home and went to university, I decided to make my vegetarianism official. The animal cruelty and ethics issues play a part, too, but really I just find meat deeply unappealing.

    I don't have an issue with people who do eat meat, as long as they leave me and my decision alone.
  • wertgirlfor
    wertgirlfor Posts: 161 Member
    I became a vegetarian when I was around 8/9, so I've been one for about 12 years. I didn't like any meat I tried except KFC popcorn chicken lol. Then they changed the recipe or something and I found it too spicy, so I gave up meat completely. At this point, I just can't even stand the though of eating a dead creature. It's like too weird to me now.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,588 Member
    Anyway to answer the question

    I went vegetarian when I was 15 because a friend sent me a 1 minute long video of a cow being dragged behind a farmers truck . That was it . Just like that the daughter of an avid hunter/fisherman who ate tons of animals my entire life never ever EVER ate animals again

    I saw that video and heard the cow crying ... I heard how the farmer (man) laughed at its pain could not care less ..calling it "souless" and I hated him with every single ounce of my being . The arrogance of it all .. the absolute disgusting arrogance

    I remained ignorant about the dairy & egg industry until two years ago. I had started to see things about it here and there on tumblr and then one day while driving to the grocery store in the middle of no where I saw a farm house and on the front lawn of that farm house were all the little white veal crates. I knew what they were right away and my heart dropped out of my *kitten*. I started to cry hysterically and had to stop. I was soo damn angry sooooooooooo angry I had participated in that for so long so mad that it was happening and I sat there crying wanting nothing more than to go save them all and then let the farmer (and everyone else) know what a disgusting utter waste of life I thought they were

    never touched dairy, eggs or honey again

    im feeling that same anger right now ..ugh this stuff really eats at my heart I can't handle how horrendous people are
  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    I became a vegetarian at age 12, since that was pretty much the age my parents finally allowed me to become one. I hated meat and milk my whole life, and would cry at the dinner table whenever they forced me to eat it. I was a vegetarian for about 10 years, but really didn't eat very well, and felt unhealthy so I added poultry to my diet. Somewhere along the line I added milk too. I've been on and off vegetarianism for the past few years, and had really wanted to become one again and for good, but my life has changed in a way that has just make it difficult. Anyway, what was I saying here? Oh yeah, I never thought I would ever consider becoming vegan, but the past few years it's been my hope that I could one day do it. I never liked meat or milk for how it tasted., but as I learn more about the food industry, the whole thing just makes me sick. Even my big time meat eater husband has actually changed his diet so that he eats meat only once a day, whereas before he ate it at least twice. (If I actually liked to cook and was any good at it, I know that I could get him to cut down even more...he actually wants to now.) So I decided this past week to just go for it. Not just vegetarian, but full vegan, though I am not going to call myself that. (sorry, names like 'vegan' and 'paleo' drive me bananas, but maybe one day I'll proudly wear the title.) I'm going to try the 80/10/10 route, and I actually just got the book today! So excited! My first full start day is April 1st. Till then I've just been getting used to eating more fruits and veggies, and getting as much info as I can to prepare me for my journey. I'm giving it two months. I'm hoping I love it, and decide to keep it as a lifestyle. :happy:
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    I'm a semi vegetarian, if there's such a thing. I believe, that vegetarians perform better, physically. A lot of research has gone into this, and vegetarians have more energy, and endurance at most tasks. After, three decades, I still dance to 6am lol

    Personally, I can't see any health benefits in meat. Meat is full of antibiotics, and growth hormones, and seafood and fish, is overly polluted, and contaminated.

    I was first introduced to vegetarianism through a religious friend of mine. I didn't convert, but learned a lot about why vegetarianism was embraced in the religion. Vegetarianism, answered a lot of my questions, and since then it has been pretty much my way of life.
  • WonettaP
    WonettaP Posts: 6
    I am a veggie for the same reason, 8 months going strong: watching movies that was able to show what happens behind the burger and behind the fast food restaurants. Movies that show you what happens to that ground beef you are buying from the store or picking up for whataburger. I still LOVE the smell of a whataburger but don't want any parts of it as far as eating it goes. I am disgusted by the image of MYSELF eating meat, but to all others, I could care less. I live in a home where there are FIVE other meat eaters here, one of them being my 3 year old ( i want her to be veggie/vegan but living with her granny (that doesn't support my choice) she constantly gives her meat any time I bat my eyelashes).

    I just don't want to cause any unnecessary harm to any more animals, I constantly thought, what if someone was doing that to my loved ones right in front of me and treating my family and I that way just to kill us for food. It's like animal slavery or the holocaust for animals (these were my thoughts while watching these various movies). I just CAN'T be a part of that. I am slowly trying to be vegan but that cheese is one hard thing to give up :(

    It wasn't too hard becoming veggie though because I didn't eat chicken, turkey, ham, etc it was really only beef and pork (loved me some bacon), Sept 14th 2013 I decided I would stop. I wanted to make sure this was something I could stick with and ordered a huge plate of nachos that I had always loved when out at the movies with family. All I could hear was the cow on the movie crying and I couldn't finish, that day Sept 19th was when I KNEW that lifestyle was no longer for me. Sorry for the long post, just wanted to put it all out there.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Went vegetarian (yes that means no fish, chicken, gelatin, etc.) in 1995. Initially it was for animal rights but now its more of a personal preference. The thought of putting a piece of bird, cow, pig, etc. in my mouth makes me gag.
  • shannongoneau
    shannongoneau Posts: 246 Member
    I don't like the taste. I don't think I could ever go vegan, although I do like some of their food substitutes, but to me meat tastes like blood I don't care for it. By all means though I tell my family to eat all the animals they want. Its not a cruelty thing for me.
  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    I'm a semi vegetarian, if there's such a thing. I believe, that vegetarians perform better, physically. A lot of research has gone into this, and vegetarians have more energy, and endurance at most tasks. After, three decades, I still dance to 6am lol

    I'm just curious. What do you mean by semi-vegetarian?
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Iv'e been vegetarian my entire life ( 47 years old and counting) and never ever tasted neither fish nor meat.

    Don't be under any illusions about vegetarians being healthier, though…I hit 270 lbs on a vegetarian diet.

    Thank you mfp for saving me.

    veggie friends are always welcome.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    I'm a semi vegetarian, if there's such a thing. I believe, that vegetarians perform better, physically. A lot of research has gone into this, and vegetarians have more energy, and endurance at most tasks. After, three decades, I still dance to 6am lol

    I'm just curious. What do you mean by semi-vegetarian?

    I do eat on occasion, the odd sweet or two, even though I know it contains gelatine.