FitBit Calories v MFP Calories



  • Dephcon
    Dephcon Posts: 5
    Just started back up with MFP and also purchased a fitbit One and Aria scale. The only reason I'm still using MFP is the food logging and recipe integration can't be beat. I log my food in MFP and everything else happens in Fitbit. Just ignore what MFP is telling you and trust the Fitbit guide, though you might want to get an actual Fitbit one/flex as it'll be more accurate and you can wear it in your MMA classes.
  • Shoechick5
    Shoechick5 Posts: 221 Member
    Don't know whether to invest in a Fit bit. Seems to cause a lot of confusion when used in conjunction with MFP

    Highly recommend them. I log my food in MFP and it syncs with my fitbit one which gives me my step calories. Easy Peasy. I don't log anything into Fitbit, just let it do it's thing feeding MFP.
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    Thanks for all the replies :) I think I have my settings sorted now. My next question is when I set up MFP I included 2x 45 minute MMA class, do I add this manually as my FitBit is tracked on my phone which I won't have in training with me. Thanks again

    So you don't actually have a FitBit Flex, Force, One, etc, you are just using your phone? I don't think it is actually tracking your movements because FitBit is not set up for that, that I'm aware of anyways. The app for the iPhone is so you can sync your FitBit from your phone and not use the computer. Is it actually showing how many steps you have taken through the day on FitBit?

    Edit - Nevermind! I didn't realize they came out with this. I wonder how accurate it is though.
  • BonnieCaley
    BonnieCaley Posts: 37 Member
    Lol!!! It tracks all my steps - just finding I forget to keep my phone with me all the time if I'm wearing something without pockets so looking at getting a flex now :)
  • 1debbie123
    1debbie123 Posts: 19 Member
    If your fitbit is saying 1200 cal than go in to MFP and set it to 1200 cal ...but I can't see that as 1200 is the lowest cal per day you should go.

    not sure of your measurements or weight age etc but I use these website and it has helped me eat between your BMR and daily....TDEE is what you use when you reach your goal weight clean eating no processed foods menu planner/grocery list/recipe add on

    good luck with your journey
