Do I need new scales or is this normal?

February 4th Doctors appointment weight was 158.7 lbs (doctors scales)
Joined MFP on 4th March and weight was 156.5 lbs (my scales)
Doctors Appointment 18th March and weighed in at 147.7 lbs (doctors scales)
Weighed 30 minutes ago (my scales) 152.75 lbs

Do I need new scales or is this normal? Only gone over my allowance once since I started recording and do record everything meticulously but the weight just either isn't coming off or is coming off and then coming back!

Help what else can I do - feel so fat, frumpy and nearing bl**dy sixty!


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    you can't compare 2 different scales for weight.

    You didn't weight at your doctors at the same time in the same circumstances as you did at home and no two scales are the same and weight fluctuates a lot depending on a whole host of items.

    Pick a scale to track your weight with and stick with that one.
  • britsnpieces
    britsnpieces Posts: 22 Member
    February 4th Doctors appointment weight was 158.7 lbs (doctors scales)
    Joined MFP on 4th March and weight was 156.5 lbs (my scales)
    Doctors Appointment 18th March and weighed in at 147.7 lbs (doctors scales)
    Weighed 30 minutes ago (my scales) 152.75 lbs

    Do I need new scales or is this normal? Only gone over my allowance once since I started recording and do record everything meticulously but the weight just either isn't coming off or is coming off and then coming back!


    One day I wanted to see if my scales were correct so I went to Target and weighed myself on about six different scales (the staff must have thought I was nuts) and every single scale came up differently - varying between .5 and 5 kilos. On both your doctors scales and your scales it shows you have lost weight. I would say stick to one set of scales, this way even if the exact weight is not correct you will still know how much you have lost (let me know if that didn't make sense and I will explain again).

    Also remember to only weigh yourself first thing in the morning before drinking or eating anything and after going to the bathroom if needed. Never compare what you weigh in the morning to what you weight at night or after a meal - it is not accurate.

    You're doing well :)

  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    It's normal for your weight to go up and down. The weight on the scale doesn't tell you how much fat you have. It tells you how much of everything you have, including the clothes you're wearing, the food in your intestines, how much water is in your system, how much glygocen is in your muscles and everything else all added together. Most changes of weight on a short term basis, e.g. overnight or between morning and evening, before and after eating, before and after using the bathroom, are due to water weight and what's in your intestines.

    Like SezxyStef said, you need to always weigh yourself in the same circumstances on the same scale in the same place (different surfaces can affect the scale reading), e.g. first thing in the morning after using the bathroom with the scale in your bedroom, or whatever, and look for a trend over time. Week by week, if your weight is slowly going down, then you're losing fat. Big fluctations in weight that happen quickly are probably water weight. Eating more sodium one day will make you retain water and you could be up a couple of lbs overnight. But ignore these short term fluctuations and look for the trend over time. that tells you if you're losing fat or not. Also other signs, such as losing inches or seeing changes in the mirror can tell you that you're losing fat.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Weight fluctuations are normal.
    Always weigh on the same scale, at the same time of day, and in your underwear or naked.
  • DancingJester
    DancingJester Posts: 76 Member
    Well for me, I weight myself once a week once I've woken up after I've peed and before breakfast, naked or just in underwear. At the doctors I weigh myself with clothes on after I've eaten breakfast or even lunch, often with shoes on. The last time I weighed myself at the doctors I was 70kg there and 68.2kg at home. I'm now 62kg, but you will weigh more at the doctors.
  • fordrst
    fordrst Posts: 16
    Thanks to everyone for the advice think it best as I don't go to doctors every week, the I stick with my scales and will try not to get any more paranoid about my weight than I already am - very :tongue: in cheek

    Going to go with one weigh check per week and I think Monday morning before I do anything is the way forward.

    Thanks again - much appreciate the replies.