I Need A Buddy

edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hello -
My name is Loretta. I'm a 23-year-old college student studying Biomedical Engineering at the University of Texas. I've been struggling with my weight for a long time, and I've been struggling with self-image for even longer. I think I probably started telling myself I was fat in 2nd grade and I never stopped.

Anyway, I need a buddy to help me keep going and keep positive. Some light competition would be appreciated, but I would rather not compete with someone who is way ahead of me -- that would just feel like a battle I'm doomed to lose. I appreciate honesty and I really value companionship.

Please let me know if you're interested. Thanks! It's good to be here.


  • Hi! My name is Rebekah and I am 29 years old...I have about 40lbs to lose and I think some competition would help me as well. I have been "trying" to lose weight forever but I always end up gorging on pizza, beer, and candy so it never happens. Good luck on the road ahead and if you want to buddy up with me let me know !
  • kiannlouise
    kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
    Hi Loretta :o)

    Im a 19 y/o from Western Australia! I'm overweight too dont worry & according to my BMI i'm obese =/
    for health reasons I've been told to lose weight & for myself I need to and want to feel amazing!
    My friend and I have started this spreadsheet up where every tuesday we weigh in- all our measurements etc. its really motivating! even just going around and looking what everyone is eating is awesome!
    Maybe join a gym, get a trainer thats what has done it for me!! I've lost 6kgs in a month!
    Good luck with everything :-) add me if you want some support, ill try and help u out - even just read my blog.

    hope i can help you ;-) x
  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    Hi Loretta!!!
    I'm so glad you are here! I would love to be your buddy!! Now sure about competition, but I sure can encourage you and understand your struggles! I would love to be friends!!
    I'm 37 and have struggled with me weight since I had my last child - 16 yrs ago. I have tried weight watchers, joining a gym, walking.... but I never stuck with it. I always gained the weight back plus some!! I lost my Mom suddenly on March 20th and my whole world went upside down!! I shoveled anything and everything into my mouth as fast as I could to keep myself numb. Sad thing is I didn't even know what I was doing! In Aug I stepped on a scale.... I knew I had gained "some" weight.... I am 5"2' and it said 202.4 I went and got on another scale knowing that that was wrong. 202.4 again. I cried. Then I went back to my desk, dumped out my diet pepsi and threw away my M&M's and said enough.
    I won't lie, its not been easy!! but this is the longest I have ever stuck with taking care of me. This isn't a diet, this is the way I will live for the rest of my life, because life it short! I had a reality check a week 1/2 ago... I got sick - didn't work out for 6 days, didn't cook much so hubby ordered out alot.... I gained 4lbs back that fast!! I've lost 3 of them.... I have 1 more lb to lose to be back at my 173 and get back on track!
    Let me tell you, if I can do this, Loretta you can do this!!!!!! I promise!!!
    Check in here every day, make lots of friends, be honest and log every single bite you take, drink lots and lots of water!!!!!! and you will see change!!!!!! =)
    so glad you are here!!
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    Thats what myfitnesspal is about. Just added you
  • Hi Loretta, my name is Harold. I would be glad to give you an older persons perspective. You have made a great move just by asking for help. I have been obese for all of my life. I really understand how you feel about yourself. I have fought this battle since I was a child. I have also lost 243 lbs over the last year and a half. The battle is a battle I fight every day. But, it is a battle I am winning and yo can also.

  • itsbella
    itsbella Posts: 1,101
    Just added you.
  • Doddiellie
    Doddiellie Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Loretta,

    I could do with a buddy too, I'm 32 and started to gain weight in my early 20's after giving up Athletics due to injury. Anyway, I'm now the heaviest I've ever been and actually its really getting me down now. Even my hubby is telling me my tummy is to fat :grumble:

    Anyway, I know there is a slim sexy person in me screaming to get out, I have about 35lbs to lose and I'm sure a little gentle competition and encouragement will do us all good
  • itsbella
    itsbella Posts: 1,101
    I posted a couple of threads under 'fitness and exercise' for a Christmas 5K and/or a New Year's 5K through 10K, whatever you prefer...runs!!!

    We can run it, walk it, and or crawl it!!! Join me! It's the soft competition your looking for!!
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