CHALLENGE: You are blessed - so what do you take for grante

pauldbarnhart Posts: 5,999 Member
edited September 22 in Chit-Chat
As most of you know from first hand experience, the weather has been very cold lately. I've found myself complaining about the temperature in my office, the temperature outside, and even (at times) the temperature in my home.

Well, last night, I was again reminded of how ungrateful I am for so many things. I was downtown, helping to feed the homeless and needy people. We set up tables outside, behind the bus station, and provide a meal for anyone that wants one. Last night was bitter cold, with a substantial wind chill. Although the crowd was much smaller, we still had perhaps 50-75 people show up. The first thought is that obviously, they were desperate enough to brave the cold to get something to eat. But some of these people weren't just out in the cold to get something to eat...they live on the street, and are in the cold all night long. I had plenty of clothes on, to keep me warm for the time we were there (less than 2 hours). Many of these people didn't even have hats or gloves.

I was convicted last night (and again this morning) - Here I am, complaining about being cold, when I don't know the half of it. I don't have to walk in the cold, or SLEEP in it. Cold outside? Yes, but only between the office and my car, or between my house and the car. My "cold" office? Perhaps 62 degrees at it's coldest. My "cold" house? 68 degrees. What a whiner I am!

So, here's the challenge:

Think of all the ways you are blessed in your life, and post one of them that you always take for granted.

Here's one of mine (there are plenty more!):

I am blessed with a home that is dry and warm, and has everything I need, as well as a lot of comforts I don't need. I have always taken this for granted.

So, what do you take for granted?


  • eglass64
    eglass64 Posts: 180
    Im blessed with a beautiful supporting wife and large family and home .
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    I take my husband for granted a lot. He works so hard to provide for the family so I can stay home and devote my life to my kids and the house. When he has a day off he drives me crazy!!!! I don't tell him near enough THANK YOU!!! I will change this in 2011. I will start NOW!
  • dwarrenjohnson
    dwarrenjohnson Posts: 1 Member
    All of us are using because we are ALL blessed with more food to eat that we obviously need. This is just one of the ways I am blessed...that I am not hungry!
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    Thank you for reminding all of us just how blessed we all are. I am blessed to have a wonderful family and a granddaughter who I adore. Mostly I am blessed because God saw that I was one of His children and knew that I would learn to forgive the boy that killed my daughter. I am blessed to have forgiveness in my heart and working towards helping all victims have the closure that I was blessed to have.
    We all forget at times to be thankful for our families & friends until maybe it is to late. I am blessed because I am thankful every single day for my family and I make a point to tell them so. We can not take them or anything for granted....we are only on this earth for a short period of time and we all need to make the best of it.
    I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and enjoy their families

  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I am blessed to have found MFP and to have a strong support group in person and on the internet.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    All of us are using because we are ALL blessed with more food to eat that we obviously need. This is just one of the ways I am blessed...that I am not hungry!

    I second that!
  • alisons7598
    alisons7598 Posts: 162 Member
    I also take my husband for granted. He has always worked hard so that I can stay at home with our 5 kids. He might not be there to help with bedtime, baths, getting ready for school, ect but he works so that I CAN be. I need to be more grateful for all that he does and stop taking it for granted because I love having this opportunity to watch my children blossom.
  • My husband is overseas and although it is very hard, I am grateful that he is in Cuba instead of Iraq or Afgan. I'm also grateful that he is safe and well, because it could be a lot worse. I had to go 11 months between seeing him, but some wives never get to see their husbands again... Very thankful that he is safe and that he will eventually be coming back home!
  • dtmwed
    dtmwed Posts: 130 Member
    This is great! I was actually thinking about my complaining about my cold office yesterday too. I work near a county hospital so I see a lot of Homeless and people who barely have anything. I thank God most days, when I'm not being stupid, for all the things I have. I have a home with two parents, a fiance who adores me, great sisters, a roof over my head, a full time job, the Love of God, my Church, clothes on my body, and I need for almost nothing. The list could go on and on. I'm a very blessed person and it's great to count your blessings regularly.
  • I am blessed with my family, my job, my home, my car and food in my belly. I know that I have taken all of these things for granted at some time or another. We really need to slow down and take the time to be grateful for what we have and stop whining about the things that we do not have. I work with developmentally disabled adults and when you see them, you see a smile a mile wide. They are so happy and grateful to see you and just get a hello from you. They don't dwell on what they don't have or cannot do..........they are just plain grateful and blessed and happy. We walk down the streets and see the homeless everywhere. It does not matter why they are homeless.....they just are. Do you offer help? Would you sit and talk to them? Would you give them your coat? Your shoes? Think about all you have and I challenge you............................take the items that you don't really need in your closet......your pantries and take them to one of your shelters......................We are truly Blessed:bigsmile:
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    I too complain about my cold house because I HATE the cold but my house isn't that cold either. At least I have warm blankets to bundle up in to get warm and a nice soft bed to sleep in. I'm afraid that too often I take these things for granted.

    I try never to take for granted my family. I have the most wonderful husband, sons, daughter, DILs and grandbabies and am so blessed to have them healthy and happy! I'm afraid too often I take for granted the church that I belong to and the blessings it brings to me and that I have a loving Heavenly Father and Savior that blesses me with all I have!

    Have a very wonderful Christmas season everyone.
  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    I am very much so like my 85 year old grandmother who is freezing even in the summer, so I wouldn't last a night sleeping on the streets...

    I am blessed for so many reasons, I can't even count how many...

    I am thankful for my family, fiance, health (thats a BIG one!), job, friends, having a roof over my head and food in my mouth...and many more things that I could go on and on about...

    I think a lot of people take many things for granted, unintentionally...
  • JodiS75
    JodiS75 Posts: 284
    I take my husband for granted, but in the opposite way - I work while he stays home. He raises both of my daughters (step daughters to him), does all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, homework and even gets up with me at 4:30am to make me breakfast and pack a lunch for me! In addition to taking care of EVERYTHING at home, he is working on his own business! Thank you God for my man :smooched:
  • txchic_73
    txchic_73 Posts: 139 Member
    I take my husband for granted, but in the opposite way - I work while he stays home. He raises both of my daughters (step daughters to him), does all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, homework and even gets up with me at 4:30am to make me breakfast and pack a lunch for me! In addition to taking care of EVERYTHING at home, he is working on his own business! Thank you God for my man :smooched:

    Wow, you do have it good! Bless his heart. That is wonderful that he can take all that on.
  • txchic_73
    txchic_73 Posts: 139 Member
    I take alot for granted every day. The fact that I have a job, food on the table, a roof over my head, a man that loves me, and 2 beautiful children. I need to take more time each day to be thankful for all of it. Life is short and we need to make the best of it. It can be hard sometimes, but all too soon it will be gone so while we have all these things we need to cherish them. I have wonderful friends and co-workers as well that I am thankful for.
  • Audi68
    Audi68 Posts: 113 Member
    I am so blessed that I have a health, independent, hard working, loving, and drug free son. I know I definely take him for granted because he still can drive me insane, but I do love him so much and I am really proud of him.

    I am so blessed that I have a very loving and caring husband, a beautiful new home, and a job when so many people are still out of work. I definely take the job for granted because I am so over due a nice long weekend but I know I am lucky to have it.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I have to remind myself that I am blessed with the ability to get healthier. Even though I find exercise a chore, I have to keep in mind that at least I CAN exercise. I'm not wheelchair bound and for that I'm very grateful.
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