Looking for similar friends. Female, 5'2", 184 lbs



  • UndefinedLoser
    UndefinedLoser Posts: 36 Member
    I'm 5'2 and roughly 190 so I'd love to be friends with you and lose this weight together! Feel free to add me!
  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
    Hi I'm in the same boat started back in 2010 after having my second son. I got back down to 145 then got lazy and unaccountable again. I am back now with a vengeance after baby number 3 (the last one) and currently going through a divorce I am ready to be the me I am supposed to be!! I lost 3.8 pounds just from dropping pop and watching portions again. Would like to get down to 140 more or less depending more how I feel and look than the number. Would love the add :) Anyone feel free to add of course. :happy:
  • AiHanks
    AiHanks Posts: 4
    I'm 5'2", looking to lose at least 50lbs (possibly more if it feels right to me). My friend who got me onto this website barely uses her account so I wouldn't mind having some active friends on here :)
  • swaring125
    swaring125 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'2" as well! I started out a bit bigger (205) than you and I'm now around 160, I saw on your profile you'll be doing insanity! I'm going to start Insanity May 3 once I finish Les Mills Pump and Couch to 10k! I sent a friend request! :)
  • nbenoist87
    nbenoist87 Posts: 12 Member
    Feel free to add me too. I am 5'2'' at 210 and I am also working on getting down to a healthy BMI, 130-120lbs. I started at 222 a few weeks ago, hopefully we can motivate each other! :)
  • lbrumsey
    lbrumsey Posts: 19
    I'm so excited to see all these new friends on my page! The more the merrier! We can do this!!!!!
  • Same here! 5'2" (158 cm), started this journey on September 28th 2013 when I weighed 177lbs (around 80,5 kilos - BMI: 32.2). Now, at about 6 months into this, I'm really close to (re)entering the healthy BMI range (I'm about 3 lbs away :smile: )! My goal is 118 lbs, because I really looked good at that weight (11 years ago :sad: ...) and I'm really motivated and will definetely continue logging after reaching my goal weight! Feel free to add me if you want more MFP friends. I log very often and every day! I try to motivate some of my everyday friends, who could use a change in their diet habbits, but with no success... I would be happy to support as many people as possible here in MFP!
  • daneiel
    daneiel Posts: 42 Member
    Hi everyone,

    feel free to add me, I currently doing T-25
    SW 163
    CW 156
    GW 130
  • sphkhn
    sphkhn Posts: 456 Member
    Hey I'm 5'4 and started around 180 and now I am down to 168. Anyone feel free to add me.
  • Shauna2626
    Shauna2626 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi there! Feel free to add me; I have been in a similar boat. I'm around 5 ft 2 in (or a tad shorter) and at my highest I weighed 172 in early 2011. My lowest weight was 126 about a year later.
    While I maintained most of the loss, I periodically re-gained and re-lost a portion of the weight. Now, 2 years later, I am currently around 7 lbs higher than I was at my lowest weight.
    My current goal is to return to near my lowest weight, maintain, and tone.
    Something I found helpful is to set smaller stepping-stone goals along your weight loss journey. For example, focusing on your ultimate goal weight of 120 might seem overwhelming, but if you set your sights on 160 for now, then lower your goal again once you reach that first goal, it seems more doable and can be more motivating.
    Good luck, and enjoy the journey! :smile:
  • kb1927
    kb1927 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm close to where you are! 5'4" and currently 185. Looks like there are several of us in that range :) Feel free to add me!

    I'm about 15 pounds down since I started in February (this time around--I started just after my daughter was born in Dec 2012, but got sidetracked) and I've been focusing on portion control more than anything else. I figure I can make changes a little at a time so they will have the best chance of sticking.
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    You can add me as well, I'm 5'2, 185. Were very close :)
    My goal is a little higher than yours, I'm aiming for 140 and then I'll re-evaluate my goals.
  • briannashaw_
    briannashaw_ Posts: 59 Member
    I sent you a request. I'm about 5'4-5'5, and started at 198 lbs, currently at 163. I'll be more than glad to help you out! :happy:
  • scrapmum4
    scrapmum4 Posts: 20 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm 5 2" as, well a little bit heavier though. Just started again after losing and gaining. I am on another website also but found this one to be the best for support.
  • Jackie_Nickle
    Jackie_Nickle Posts: 7 Member
    You can add me. Our stories sound pretty similar. I am 5'2" and about 170 pounds.
  • margelizard
    margelizard Posts: 89 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I'm 5'2 and started at 200 lbs. Main goal is 130, but I figured I would wait and see until I get there if that will be all I aim for. Right now I am at 149 lbs, so not far to go!
  • teamau44
    teamau44 Posts: 8 Member
    add me! :) and that goes for all you! I feel like I need more friends (not that the ones that I have are bad..) but more encouragement never hurt! :D

    I'm currently 170, but started at 178, and aiming for 135ish. I've lost 7 lbs so far, and a few inches here and there... but i've only been logging (again) for about 1.5 months or so.
  • I'm in as well! You may add me if you like! I'm 4'11'' and 185 and my goal weight is 125 even though 130 would be perfectly fine by me! :)
  • mamabanana
    mamabanana Posts: 62 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend, I am 5'2, started at 173 in January and right now my goal is to be 145 by June 1st. Then I will be working to be at 130 by December. It is quite challenging and I feel the more support network the better.
  • cjames45
    cjames45 Posts: 3
    My name is cookie and I'm 5"2 and 180 lbs I have done the same thing now I'm trying to start over with a more positive attitude my goal is to start small and work my way to what is comfortable for me willing to try a buddy system