Stress, Work, and Weight

Hey Everyone,

My Name is Steve and I am 24 years old. Tomorrow is the day I start the T25 program, and i figured a place like this will help me be more accountable if i regularly visit. For the past few years my weight has stayed around 220-230. If been bulky all my life and have been a hockey player all my life. I've always know i was overweight but it never kept me from being active. I am an HVAC service technician which adds a lot of stress, long hours in attics, crawl spaces, and behind the wheel. This past winter in PA was extremely brutal and i found my self packing on 30lbs from July to March. Sitting at 260 now I actually feel fat. My legs are always sore, i can always hear myself breathing, I do not sleep as wel, and worst of all i can finally feel the years of goaltending on my hips and knees (I wont stop playing until i physically can not). Like most everyone else I have tried before and quit days in or go great for a while and blow it because of a bad day at work that leads to a fast food binge. I'd like to find some people who are in a similar situation to help stay motivated and accountable for my actions.


  • ashleyrene4404
    ashleyrene4404 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi there!! Feel free to add me - I too have similar struggles as you. I log daily - and am the best motivational buddy that I can be.
  • HockeyGoalie35
    HockeyGoalie35 Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks i know I am going to need the motivation. For the first time in 10 years I am going to take a season off from hockey to get myself straight and make sure hockey does not interfere with my workouts. That not going to be easy.
  • Jmcbryan570
    Jmcbryan570 Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome. And taking time to adopt healthy habits is always good.

    I find myself having to add more MFP friends as groups start off with lots of momentum then taper off like any fervor for a new fitness plan does. I got a new job back in May, same employer new position. Still struggling to strike a balance with stress, work, life and get my fitness back on track. Even if it's just a walk at lunch time. MFP has been good for adding friends with same objectives and seeing positive changes in my attitude again. I was a runner my whole life, took time off to adopt more 'social' fitness habits. Took up dancing, community fitness classes and some hobbies. That was great for me, but the new job totally threw everything out the window. When I started buying hot pockets for my lunch was like a steaming wake up call (this isn't food), make a salad and throw out the hot pockets.

    I've had great starts, then back peddled, overcame some of those life obstacles etc. Just had to keep a positive attitude, make the mistakes not define my week or month.

    I'm in PA as well and I felt this winter as if I was on total lockdown and didn't see anything but the parking lot of buildings for weeks. I'm a fan of winter but UGH...I've had enough this time.