Three T25 Questions

I finally decided for sure that I'm definitely getting T25 (that's what I get for watching infomercials today, although I've been considering it a long time). I just have three quick questions to make sure I'm making the right choice. First, I'm 50 years old and in reasonably good shape, even though I'm carrying extra pounds. But lately my knee has been bothering me a lot, probably as an old-age result from knee injury that I suffered years ago. They show modifiers in the infomercial, but are they suitable for someone with a knee problem? I don't want to throw away my money on a program I can't use. I did JMBR with some modifications, but that was before the knee started flaring up.

Second, is the meal guide useful? I don't bother with meal plans when I get exercise DVDs. I just do my own thing, knowing that it will affect the results, because they're often pretty unrealistic anyway. But the infomercial said they have a five-ingredient recipe booklet, which is something I might actually use.

Third, what's the best way to order? I know better than to call via the infomercial and get bombarded with a bunch of upsells and sneaky auto-ship signups, and I've read that the same thing happens on the website. I usually order infomercial stuff off Amazon if it's not something that's ever sold in stores, but sometimes they don't give you the extras like a direct order does, even though it's apparently fulfilled by Beachbody. From what I can tell, you don't get the stretch DVD if you order from Amazon, but you do get the resistance band (I'd rather have the DVD than band). The price is a little cheaper on Amazon when you factor in shipping, but not significantly so.

Can't wait to finally get it and get my butt back into gear.


  • Kat5029
    Kat5029 Posts: 5
    I am 48- I'm in fairly good shape, but stopped working out on a regular basis late last Summer - so T25 Alpha has been perfect to help me get back into the routine of working out. I really enjoy the DVD's- its easy to follow. but I do find difficulty with my knees- lunges mostly in the Total Body workout. (He does lunges into squats and lunge hops) I modify the best I can. There are a lot of high knee raises, burpees, squats and as I said above, lunges. FYI : You can't always see the modifier- so although they say follow the modifier, you can't . I do whatever it takes to keep my heart rate up.

    I bought T25 from Amazon- came with band and the Stretch DVD as well as the Nutrition Guide. It has some nice recipes, but I haven't used it. I'm on week 4 of the Alpha series.

    If you have any other questions feel free to contact me.
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    Hi, I'm just 55 and bought T25 a month or so ago. I like it a lot but don't use every DVD as the calendar tells you. It is part of a rotation of other DVD's. I also have touchy knees, can't do high impact jumps or side lunges well. I can do jumping jacks and jogging and some of the moves that he does. When I can't do one, he does a "squat jump" at one point, I just one I could (burpee for instance)

    I never really looked at the meal plan, I like to eat what I eat and find a way to incorporate that into a lower calorie, healthy meal.

    I got my set on Ebay, new with cord (which I don't use at this point) for 65. I bought Gamma later for 45 on Ebay but I've seen it cheaper.
    Amazon also has it more reasonable I think than BB. I wouldn't personally have paid full price for it.

    I like some of the strength/cardio very much and the speed, once you learn the moves, goes by quickly. I have 2 left feet, can't do too many moves at once, but he makes it pretty easy to do them.

    Email if you have any questions.
  • fitformidlife
    Thanks for the input! Glad to hear that you got everything from Amazon. It makes me a little nervous because some of the people said that their DVDs didn't work and Amazon wouldn't replace them. Seems odd, since I've always gotten great customer service from them, and it looks like BeachBody is the merchandise provider, so I'd think they'd stand behind it.

    I'll either order from there or maybe just go through Beach Body but use a one-time-only credit card number. My bank offers those so companies can't start dinging you for memberships they slipped into the fine print.
  • lumpy56lump
    lumpy56lump Posts: 31 Member
    I'm 57, and am on week 4 of the Alpha, I bought it on EBay. I don't follow the food guide, I haven't even looked at it! I had bilateral hernia surgery last year, and follow the low impact modifier when I feel its needed. I love the program!