I'm losing hair and I think I'd really rather be fat.

I started losing weight late last June. Since then, I've lost 65 pounds. (I lost it at a safe rate of 1.7 pounds a week.) I have another 65 pounds to go, and I am losing my hair at a terrifying rate. It's likely telogen effluvium, AKA I shifted 65 pounds and my body is surprised so my hair's abandoning ship.

1) I've had several blood tests. All have come back normal.
2) I manage stress the best I can.
3) I already take a multivitamin, fish oil, and biotin. I recently added Vitamin D but can't speak to its efficacy because I only just added it.
4) I don't dye, bleach, heatstyle, overbrush, sleep on a bad pillowcase, etc. Seriously, it's not damage. It's coming out from the root.

I recently became sick (respiratory infection) and since then, the rate of hair loss has increased. It may slow down and it may not. My hair is everywhere. I'm trying to face the fact that I will be bald by the end of this weight loss journey and I can't face it. My hair was the only thing I ever liked about myself.

I'm sorry I ever even started trying to lose weight. It didn't matter at all. I still ended up unhealthy and uglier than ever.

I don't know how or why I should continue.


  • MissySpring
    MissySpring Posts: 442 Member
    I'm so sorry that you're going through this. I, too, have lost quite a bit of hair. The loss has slowed down now that I'm losing so much slower. Hoping you experience the same.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Slow down your weight loss to 1 pound a week, heck, go to maintenance for a while and let things settle, then start losing at about 1 pound a week again. This is one of the problems with trying to lose weight too fast.
  • silenceinspace
    silenceinspace Posts: 142 Member
    I'm so sorry that you're going through this. I, too, have lost quite a bit of hair. The loss has slowed down now that I'm losing so much slower. Hoping you experience the same.

    I appreciate this. Thank you.
    Slow down your weight loss to 1 pound a week, heck, go to maintenance for a while and let things settle, then start losing at about 1 pound a week again. This is one of the problems with trying to lose weight too fast.

    I maintained throughout December and am also maintaining now. I eat 1800 calories a day or more.
  • hannaawh
    hannaawh Posts: 51
    The fact that you are here shows that you're still not 100% convinced that your weight loss journey was a bad idea - and that's good. I will assume that you've already seen a doctor about this, since you got your blood checked, so there might not be much to help your hair loss, it might actually just be genetic.

    In my opinion, beauty is not hair. You can be the most beautiful person with very little hair. You should be pround and embrace yourself for the fact that you managed to shred 65 pounds, and not regret it. Beauty is really just about confidence and being a wonderful person inside. And you don't have a profile picture, but damn, I'm pretty sure those 65 pounds made a huge difference for you and you probably look younger and fresher. Now only the happier is missing.
    Look how much you've achieved, you don't deserve to be that down, you deserve a pat on your back.
    And if nothing helps, there are wonderful wigs out there too.
    Please don't give up on your journey. It was the right decision.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I'm so sorry that you're going through this. I, too, have lost quite a bit of hair. The loss has slowed down now that I'm losing so much slower. Hoping you experience the same.

    I appreciate this. Thank you.
    Slow down your weight loss to 1 pound a week, heck, go to maintenance for a while and let things settle, then start losing at about 1 pound a week again. This is one of the problems with trying to lose weight too fast.

    I maintained throughout December and am also maintaining now. I eat 1800 calories a day or more.

    What is your protein intake like?
  • marye2021
    marye2021 Posts: 225 Member
    First, there is no way you are ugly. "Negative thoughts breed negative actions"

    Second, I also started to experience hair loss, and I consulted my doctor and he said it's possible that because my weight was such an issue that it was masking other symptoms ( I had severe vitamin deficiency).

    I have been taking double dosage of vitamin E and D as well as regular regime of vitamins, the hair loss has slowed to a normal rate. I also have switched to an all natural shampoo/conditioner called renpure.

    I hope you find out what is causing your hair loss.
  • winley87
    winley87 Posts: 32
    I've always had very fine, thin hair and one thing I've noticed is that the longer I let it grow, the faster it falls out. It has something to do with growth cycles. I'm not sure if it will help you because the cause of your hair loss may be very different from mine, but have you tried cutting it shorter to see if it helps? When my hair was bobbed I hardly lost any, but now that I've grown it out to shoulder length and longer, I lose a lot every time I brush and shower. :(

    I hope everything works out for you. Remember that although appearance feels very important, health is truly everything, and I have to believe you are healthier now. But I know it's really hard to feel that way. I'm glad you're reaching out for support.

    Good luck!
  • iorek81
    iorek81 Posts: 2
    Losing hair is incredibly stressful. I've been going through this for almost a year and it seems like you've been pretty thorough in looking into potential causes, especially if you've gotten your blood work done and your iron levels are normal. If you're a vegetarian, I can suggest adding folic acid and vitamin B12 to the supplements you're currently taking. I'd also recommend a visit to your OB/GYN, especially if you're on birth control. Body weight can impact estrogen levels, and your body may be adjusting. For me, it seemed that birth control was responsible for my hair loss. This all started when I stopped my NuvaRing for a week (to get my period) which set off months of odd effects. I stopped completely earlier this year on my OB/GYN's advice, and two months later, my hair loss has slowed to a normal rate and I seem to be experiencing new growth. Apparently this is not uncommon. She/he may switch you to a pill with a different dose of hormones. I'm optimistic that I'll have enough new hair by summer for a short 'new start' cut. I have very long hair, and this was a devastating experience for me, especially not knowing any answers for so long. I even got a very expensive half wig (the woman who fit me had a similar experience after she lost 100+ lbs and her hair is now growing back). Good luck- hope you get some answers and feel better!
  • I would also like to know what your protein intake is like.
  • silenceinspace
    silenceinspace Posts: 142 Member
    What is your protein intake like?

    Typically, at least 70 grams a day. I would say most of it is from dairy sources, like Greek yogurt and cottage cheese. On higher intake days, about 120 grams a day. For what it's worth (probably not much), MFP recommends 70g a day for me.
  • silenceinspace
    silenceinspace Posts: 142 Member
    First, there is no way you are ugly. "Negative thoughts breed negative actions"

    Second, I also started to experience hair loss, and I consulted my doctor and he said it's possible that because my weight was such an issue that it was masking other symptoms ( I had severe vitamin deficiency).

    I have been taking double dosage of vitamin E and D as well as regular regime of vitamins, the hair loss has slowed to a normal rate. I also have switched to an all natural shampoo/conditioner called renpure.

    I hope you find out what is causing your hair loss.

    I've heard of Renpure and I know a lot of people who like it. I'll look into it. Thanks for the recommendations about vitamins.
  • dfwtxmissy1
    dfwtxmissy1 Posts: 5 Member
    Evidently it is a common issue with weight loss. I had WLS in October and am starting to lose hair tho not like I thought it would be. According to my doctor, it is your body reacting to the change the body our body goes thru...it's stressing in a manner of speaking. It will end. I take biotin among many other minerals and vitamins in one day. Just be patient..this too shall pass. Just keep up the good work.
  • silenceinspace
    silenceinspace Posts: 142 Member
    I've always had very fine, thin hair and one thing I've noticed is that the longer I let it grow, the faster it falls out. It has something to do with growth cycles. I'm not sure if it will help you because the cause of your hair loss may be very different from mine, but have you tried cutting it shorter to see if it helps? When my hair was bobbed I hardly lost any, but now that I've grown it out to shoulder length and longer, I lose a lot every time I brush and shower. :(

    I hope everything works out for you. Remember that although appearance feels very important, health is truly everything, and I have to believe you are healthier now. But I know it's really hard to feel that way. I'm glad you're reaching out for support.

    Good luck!

    Interesting. I think my hair looks stringier when it's longer, but I don't know it's that true or just the appearance. Mine's usually shorter than shoulder length.

    I really appreciate you taking the time to reply to me, and for your perspective. Thank you.
  • silenceinspace
    silenceinspace Posts: 142 Member
    Losing hair is incredibly stressful. I've been going through this for almost a year and it seems like you've been pretty thorough in looking into potential causes, especially if you've gotten your blood work done and your iron levels are normal. If you're a vegetarian, I can suggest adding folic acid and vitamin B12 to the supplements you're currently taking. I'd also recommend a visit to your OB/GYN, especially if you're on birth control. Body weight can impact estrogen levels, and your body may be adjusting. For me, it seemed that birth control was responsible for my hair loss. This all started when I stopped my NuvaRing for a week (to get my period) which set off months of odd effects. I stopped completely earlier this year on my OB/GYN's advice, and two months later, my hair loss has slowed to a normal rate and I seem to be experiencing new growth. Apparently this is not uncommon. She/he may switch you to a pill with a different dose of hormones. I'm optimistic that I'll have enough new hair by summer for a short 'new start' cut. I have very long hair, and this was a devastating experience for me, especially not knowing any answers for so long. I even got a very expensive half wig (the woman who fit me had a similar experience after she lost 100+ lbs and her hair is now growing back). Good luck- hope you get some answers and feel better!

    I have a B-complex vitamin which I believe gives B12; my multivitamin is 100% recommended daily folic intake. Do you take more on top of that?

    I'm not on birth control, so I don't believe it's that, but it can certainly be estrogen/hormones in general. I'm glad that seemed to fix it for you! I appreciate your perspective and your reply.
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Hair loss can also be genetic or stress induced. I have struggled with hair loss for years and it is horrible.

    While being fat might seem like the "prettier" choice, I don't think it is that simple. Stopping losing weight doesn't mean your hair will magically fix itself. However the rates of almost every disease goes up with being overweight or obese. Some drugs you would then need have the side effect of hair loss. There are so many products to help reduce loss or that make what you have look like more.

    See your doctor about it because it could be something simple. Mine seems to be genetic so I am a firm believer in hair product. I hope yours ends up being a simple fix.
  • iorek81
    iorek81 Posts: 2
    I don't take a daily multivitamin, so I supplement with iron, B12, biotin and folate. Your multivitamin should cover you. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful!
  • silenceinspace
    silenceinspace Posts: 142 Member
    I don't take a daily multivitamin, so I supplement with iron, B12, biotin and folate. Your multivitamin should cover you. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful!

    Don't be sorry! I really appreciate your input.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I'm so sorry that you're going through this. I, too, have lost quite a bit of hair. The loss has slowed down now that I'm losing so much slower. Hoping you experience the same.

    I appreciate this. Thank you.
    Slow down your weight loss to 1 pound a week, heck, go to maintenance for a while and let things settle, then start losing at about 1 pound a week again. This is one of the problems with trying to lose weight too fast.

    I maintained throughout December and am also maintaining now. I eat 1800 calories a day or more.

    It can take months for hair-loss to start after stressing your system with diet or whatever else, so it might be from before December.
  • LifeNewandImproved
    LifeNewandImproved Posts: 125 Member
    More protein or more iron - I had it when I went vegetarian but basically just ate fat and carbs for weeks on end. :) hope it helps
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I had this happen to me, I found out using a Bodymedia Armband or a fitbit that I was under eating by a lot, even at 1500 calories a day. I increased my calories, started losing weight again and my hair started to grow back.

    Go by the TDEE -20% (if you are not doing so already) if you do not have a way to calculate your calories burned.