Looking for friends around my size! 5'2 and 165 lbs

npostemni Posts: 102 Member
I'm looking to meet new friends on here who are around my height and weight. I'm 5'2 (and a half lol) and currently 166lbs. I have currently lost almost 21 bs and want to lose another 30 lbs. Feel free to message me if you fit this or even if you don't please message me! I am always looking for new friends! :)

I'm looking for friends who log daily (or close to daily) and have open diaries. I like to be able to keep in contact with my friends and also I like to see what people are eating so I can get new ideas :). Also, if you add me as a friend please put a little message in the request telling me a little about you!

Have a nice day!



  • npostemni
    npostemni Posts: 102 Member
  • Hi, looking for new friends too and I log daily - 61 day streak. Have sent friend request
  • I'm around the same size! Same height and right now I'm at 135 lbs. I was up to 170 but have been working on dieting and exercising for the last 7 months or so. I've pretty much plateaued at my current weight and found this site in my search for different things to do to get me to my goal.
  • scrapmum4
    scrapmum4 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm the same height just weigh a little bit more than you. Anyone else feel free to add me.

    Op - sent you a friend request
  • sullenbee
    sullenbee Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 5'2 and started at 166, though I'm down to 152 now. Feel free to friend.
  • tita1948
    tita1948 Posts: 3 Member
    5"0 and 169.6 lbs. I'm working on it daily. Feel free to add me.