Got an event you're aiming for?


I'm just wondering if anybody else has an event or date that they're aiming to lose weight for?
I'm doing a musical in the summer and am aiming to lose as many pounds as possible for the 5th April when there will be dance auditions. I'm hoping to get a specific role but she needs to be light enough to be lifted in dance routines quite a lot. I'm confident that I'll sing/act fine but the dancing (weight) could let me down.

Would be great to hear from people!


  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
  • massromanticfool
    massromanticfool Posts: 34 Member
    Family reunion this summer! Last time anyone saw me I was about 30-35 lbs heavier, so I'm really hoping to lose the last 15 by then and shock them all when I get off the plane in June. ;)
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Already lost quite a bit but one of our sons is getting married in November so the aim is to lose a bit more and tighten everything up for then. :)
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I hope you reach your goal but I have to be honest, when I tried losing weight for an event or to impress someone, it never resulted in a long-lasting change. When I decided to do it for my health, to make me happier - that is when I lost a significant amount and kept it off.
  • kimbelle_vie
    kimbelle_vie Posts: 174 Member
    No, not really. I decided to make this weight loss/fitness journey to be a life long journey. I want to lose 25lbs for the year that would put me at 150lbs. 10 lbs over a healthy BMI. I Know I could probably lose this sooner. But that's not what it's about anymore. Lifelong journey of fitness and healthiness????
  • Cath_Taylor
    Cath_Taylor Posts: 104 Member
    I've gone back to a way of life I once knew, so it's not got an aim as such buuuut, my hubster this month mentioned a warm holiday so I'm thinking I'd kinda like to not look like a whale in the pics :) that said its July, which isn't that far away so we'll see. Maybe another 14lbs by then.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    My current mini-goal is a triathlon in August :) I agree with jkestens63 that while goals are good, they're not usually long-lasting. Been there, done that...
  • Maryam2207
    Maryam2207 Posts: 16 Member
    Really want to go down to 160lbs for a wedding in August (fingers crossed)

    *one of my reasons for weight loss
  • ph34r73hcu730n3
    ph34r73hcu730n3 Posts: 1 Member
    Friend's Wedding in just over a year. Pictures always make me self conscious, I'd like to not worry about them.
  • JLGund
    JLGund Posts: 25 Member
    I want to lose this weight (again!) so I can feel better, mentally and physically for the rest of my life. I have been overweight since childhood and I am sick of it.

    That being said, my son is getting married in August and I don't want to hate how I look in the pictures.
  • Jess0003
    Jess0003 Posts: 4
    MY wedding next April, so I have a year to get into healthy habits, set mini goals and make this a lifetime change!
  • s1rens0ng
    s1rens0ng Posts: 127 Member
    My second grandchilds due on the 9th may so would be nice to be happy with myself for the photos this time other than that just music festival season and bikini weather!!! roll on summer.
  • HockeyGoalie35
    HockeyGoalie35 Posts: 84 Member
    Hoping to lose alot by my wedding in September, don't want to be the fat groom with the hot wife haha
  • Another 800g before Saturday (I have lost 800g this week) We have a wedding and I bought a stunning LBD that would look even better with another 800g off! :D Clean eating, plenty of water and some dedication to my bicycle is what's on the menu this week!!
  • PriscillaLaine
    PriscillaLaine Posts: 124 Member
    In general terms I'm losing weight for summer, but more specifically Lattitude Festival in July (: I go every year, but this year I don't want to be constantly worrying about whether I look crappy compared to the squillions of tiny girls, and be comfortable in the clothes I am wearing, rather than than constantly re-adjusting to hide fatty bits.
  • D_T_H
    D_T_H Posts: 39 Member
    I have done it for health and would love to get to the point of being able to run a 5k in the future no set time period to avoid any disappointment just know one day I will get there and on that day I can post in the success stories :)
  • hilaria81
    hilaria81 Posts: 84 Member
    I am hoping to hit 25 pounds lost by my doctor's appointment on April 22. Then, about 30 by my wedding on June 7. (I was originally hoping for 20 for the wedding, but I've been losing way faster than I expected and actually might need to slow it down or the dress will be tough to alter!) After the wedding, I'd like to keep losing but don't really have a specific deadline for reaching my goal weight. I guess early 2015 would be nice.
  • kimberlyarchuleta9
    kimberlyarchuleta9 Posts: 6 Member
    I have a cruise on June 1st to the Caribbean for my one year wedding anniversary. We didn't get to go on a honeymoon but we are pretty excited. I'm hoping to lose 25 lbs in the next 2 months or so(: