Hello Everyone!

I am 30 years old and started my journey at 405 lbs. It's possible that I was more than that however my scale was not meant to go beyond 400. I have been trying to lose weight on my own since I was in my early 20's and have had success for small fractions at a time however, I eventually gained it all back. During that span of time, I attempted veganism not just as a diet but as a way of life and lost a considerable amount of weight. Of course, that did not last for more than a little over half of a year and the weight piled its way back on. After that, I made another attempt and incorporated yoga into my daily exercise routine. I was successful for a short while but gave up when I felt that I was not seeing the results that I wanted to see as fast as I wanted to see them. I was 27 then so fast forward to two years later.........the last few months of my 29th year.......I made a friend that is currently going to school for Kinesiology and he got me in touch with another one of his friends that was looking to start finding clients as he is a personal trainer.

I hired my personal trainer this past October and he introduced me to both power lifting and flexible dieting. I came from the typical way of thinking for weight loss and thought that everything had to be centered around cardio and eating only healthy food day in and day out. After some doubt, I quickly learned that power lifting and flexible dieting are the way to go for me and have thus far lost nearly 45 lbs. My approach to fitness and diet has changed drastically and I have been helping those around me for the last few months. I have also had considerable strides in my strength training and have been documenting my training for a little while now.

If you've read this far, THANKS!!! lol I know I am quite wordy at times but that's just me. Please check out my youtube channel and if you have an account, please subscribe. I film my progress in lifting, vlog about different topics both associated with weight loss and also with my personal life, and I also vlog about self-motivation.

Ultimately, I would love to help other people as my trainer helped me because I know very well the self made hell that is morbid obesity. I've only just started breaking out and my life is incredibly much more productive and positive. I train independently now and although I am not a personal trainer, I can help nonetheless.

Feel free to add me as I log in daily and also check out my youtube channel. Thanks :-D



  • GaryRZ2020
    GaryRZ2020 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi garconglacon7,

    Welcome to MFR

    Good job on your weight loss so far. I had done diets before and usually gave up in less then a month and that is why I failed before--after joining here I realized I need to stick to it a 1-2 years. I started at on Dec 28 2013 at 522 down to 465 now. I hope by the end of the year to be around 350-- it has helped to realize this is not a quick fix-- it takes time and dedication.

    I understand what you mean when you say the "self made hell that is morbid obesity" but the good thing is you can get out of it--another thing I realized it takes more then just dieting but a totally different mind set.

    Thanks for the friend invite and keep up the good work.
  • GaryRZ2020
    GaryRZ2020 Posts: 29 Member
    Welcome to MFR

    ugh I meant MFP
  • dgwear
    dgwear Posts: 11 Member
    This is great! keep it up man!
  • JaysWays
    JaysWays Posts: 77 Member
    congrats on your journey!!!!! Spread the word thats what I want to do. Help as many as I can to feel good and be healthy!