Hi guys, this is my first post here and I am eager to hear some feedback..

So I am having some trouble losing the flab in my lower stomach. I eat between 1200-1500 calories a day. I go to the gym 6 days our of the week, each involving 30 or 45 minutes of cardio and 15-30 of strength training excercises. I have seen much progress just about everywhere EXCEPT my lower mid section. Though my love handles are SLOWLY shrinking my gut is going no where.

I eat very healthy, am on a low carb- vegetarian diet and do not eat past 8 PM. I do eat egg whites with toast every morning, a mix of vegetables for lunch and dinner, tofu three days of the week and some oatmeal ever single night. It seems that not only is my gut not going anywhere but I am constantly bloated ! like all of the time.

I have tried to do research to understand why my stomach will not shrink but it seems the possibilities are endless so I was hoping my fellow fitness pals could help me out.

Thank in advanced for the responses !


  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Some of it is probably excess skin that might not go away.
    Keep going, my belly is the last to go too, even though I'm almost at goal.
    Also, I don't think you're eating enough protein.
  • entis
    entis Posts: 2
    Please explain to me how toast and oatmeal equals low carb.
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    I dont know any of your stats to help figure this out, but I'm also low (processed) carb, and vegetarian if you would like to take a gander at my diary (I cant see yours).

    But I mean, honestly tummy weight is the hardest to get rid of, especially in women, and being vegetarian we are no strangers to being gassy and bloated frm time to time (at least I'm not).
  • catsandtats
    catsandtats Posts: 29 Member
    I am not sure if you are asking about storing fat in the lower abdominal area or asking about bloating or both. Being bloated means feeling a little puffy and having excess gas.

    Excess fat and bloating need to be addressed as separate issues, in my opinion.

    If you're storing excess belly fat and you've made no progress in this regard, then some aspect of your program (either diet, exercise, or both) need to be modified.

    But, if you're bloated there's a number of factors. For one, if you're vegetarian, you might be eating a lot more fiber than most. Fiber is great because it gives you that "full" feeling but it can also puff you up. You know the old song..."beans, beans, the wonderful fruit, the more you eat..." There's a number of resources out there for this. You can do some research online and you will find that there are a number of ways relieve gas caused from these kinds of foods ranging from massage and yoga to OTC medications.

    You might be a bit more sensitive to simple carbohydrates than other folks. This is the case with me. For example, if I have pasta or bread, I often get a little puffy in my lower abdomen. Sometimes it can get really severe and I look a little pregnant (!).

    You might have to take a look at your sodium intake, too. It might be the case that you're not storing excess gas but retaining water. Diets high in sodium can leave you with a puffy feeling, particularly in the extremities but also in the belly, too.

    Hope this helps!
  • b2kelly
    b2kelly Posts: 62
    Your belly should be going down... it is just a mental thing, it happens to me too.. try getting someone to snap some just random pictures of you moving around and things.. then compare to some old pictures of yourself. I am sure you will notice a difference.
  • sorry now that i reread my post i did seem to confuse the two isses a bit but i am targeting my issue towards bloating, that is my problen. my stomach is hard and rounded from the moment i wake up in the morning and after each meal it just explands more and more. I also forgot to mention that i ironically dont have much gas or constipation. im just confused ha
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    When you rehydrate yourself during the day you will get bigger compared to in the morning. That is just life. The only way to fix it would be to never drink or eat anything and then die. Fat in the midsection is the last to go.
  • irish6165
    irish6165 Posts: 36 Member
    True.......belly fat is the last to go and the hardest to lose . One thing that has helped me is doing reverse crunches and holding a plank position for some time . Hope this helps ! : )