best exercise dvd

Since I can't really afford the gym at present I have to work out at home, I have a bike and stepper ect but I like cardio as nd need motivation to keep on..what is the best at home workout /dvd ??? Not the fittest yet so not a really hard one Opinions please


  • morty1966
    morty1966 Posts: 250 Member
    I like jillian michaels and lots of hers are on YouTube, saving you even more money. Follow the easier moves if you find it a bit hard.
  • lynnmarie96
    lynnmarie96 Posts: 25 Member
    I have done the TOWIE Essexercise DVD which is good as its only 20 min workouts. One is a dance workout, one is a boxing workout and the other one is a mixture of exercises.

    There is insanity too. I love insanity. I wasn't overly fit myself when I did the workout program, however it's quite expensive. (I bought it off a friend)

    Hip Hop Abs is quite good, it's gentle too (I'm a dancer so I find it quite easy).

    Often some of the cheaper workouts are just as good! This youtube channel 'Fitness Blender' is really good too. Their workouts range from 10 minutes to 2 hours. All different types too. X
  • Thanks I will check out you tube :) dunno why I didn't think of that lol :) I've heard a lot about insanity think it might actually kill me ha maybe when I'm a bit fitter , Essex one sounds fun I like shorter ones that I can fit in when I can
  • 125KC
    125KC Posts: 71 Member
    I'm a JNL Fusion fan. She can be annoying on the DVD's but her workouts are a combination circuit / tabata style, 30 seconds strength 30 secs cardio, repeat 3 times, move on to next circuit - usually 30 - 35 minutes. It's not cheap, but comparable with Shawn T focus 25, insanity. I mix it up with youtube routines - there are TONS on there for free.
  • niqu11
    niqu11 Posts: 84 Member
    I just started 21 Day Fix. The workouts are only 30 mins and awesome! There is a lady that modifies every move, plus they show ways to do things more advanced, so it's great for any fitness level.
  • mlp2004
    mlp2004 Posts: 13 Member
    I've been doing the Leslie Sansone Walk at home for 5 weeks and have lost 15lbs. I found they were good for me as they are low impact with some high impact moves if you choose to do them. There are a couple of her workouts on Youtube.
  • I have almost all of jillian michels dvd she is amazing! I really find that she works for me as she is aggressive and that's what I need.
    I have heard of her videos being on youtube. definitely try that!
    ive also been hearing of people raving on about her 30 day shred that is suppose to be good!

    Keep going girl! you can do it
  • Asheea
    Asheea Posts: 211 Member
    Tone It Up. They have a YT channel and put most of their workouts on there. They also have two dvd's you can buy. I just do the free ones. They also have a weekly schedule of workouts and that's what I follow.
  • Thanks everyone sometimes I get bored exercising at home but with all this variety it should keep me motivated :)
  • G3mzy25
    G3mzy25 Posts: 1
    Hi I just started using fitness pal app but I'm using a fat burner DVD for my excersise , how do I add this to my app ?