42 Years Old Female, Starting Over

mpesm7 Posts: 3 Member
Having lost 40 pounds about 2 years ago and then having gained 30 of them back over the past 7 months, I am ready to start over and would love to find some friends to share this journey with me. I know what I need to do in order to lose weight and feel healthy again, but I could use encouragement to stay on track--and would love to hear what has worked/works best for you. I am happy to provide similar motivation. Please send me a friend request if you'd like to try this together. Thanks!


  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    You can really do this. I'm 41 and in the best shape of my life. The main thing to remember is that it takes time. 1-2 pounds per week is really the right pace. Calculate your calorie deficit, get a food scale and weigh every bit of solid food you eat. You can definitely do it!
  • jldubyah
    jldubyah Posts: 11
    Feel free to add me - similar story. Lost 35 lbs a year ago and it gradually crept back. The good news is that I completely know why. Good luck and welcome!
  • Just sent you a request...

    I am the same age... and I know it's a lot harder now than it was 10 years ago, but we can do this!!!
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    I feel your pain I had a few minor injuries that I allowed to hold me back and I gained a lot of weight do to it. I started to get back into shape and suffered several major injuries that left me bedridden for around 6 months I ballooned up to the heaviest that I ever was by more than 40 pounds. I have since gained control and thanks to this site have gained control of what has always been an issue for me and that is my diet.
    I login almost every day like to help others with reaching their goal and giving morale and inspiration when and where possible.
    If you’d like to add me to your support team please feel free to do so but be forward I do call people out when it’s called for but in a nice way (the first time). I also expect to be called out when I slip, although I do allow myself the occasional cheat day but never more than once a week.
    Either way, I wish you the best of luck with you goals, just remember to always stay positive and surround yourself with positive people. Never give up, never surrender! ;-)
  • Hi, I just joined, Im 42 and yes, also wanting to start Over , anew, again, and reach my goals.
    Id love to have some forum to share my successes (if I have any)
    20 pound loss in my target -

    My story is that i manage to lose some pounds during summer as I play a lot of golf, (we dont use carts in europe unless youre over 80) but during winter i pack many pounds, and now at 42, i keep keeping a few extra every year.

    I do go to do some sports twice a week but at this age, its not enough, nothing is enough. Can i find motivation online?
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    You can really do this. I'm 41 and in the best shape of my life. The main thing to remember is that it takes time. 1-2 pounds per week is really the right pace. Calculate your calorie deficit, get a food scale and weigh every bit of solid food you eat. You can definitely do it!

    ^^^ That’s a solid piece of advice. That is what I targeted when I started with the site on January 6, and have been right on that target the whole time. I haven’t hit a wall or felt like it was too much of a chore. Although, I fully expect as I get closer to my target weight the harder it will be to hit 1.5-2 pounds a week but I still have a while before that. When I do I will re-evaluate my weekly goals to a realistic weekly goal for me at that time.
  • spinneyhex
    spinneyhex Posts: 54 Member
    I have a similar story, lost 23 lb last summer and I've put almost all of it back on. But I'm motivated and positive :D
  • beverlywesterby
    beverlywesterby Posts: 59 Member
    I am turning 40 this year and realized that it is finally time to get myself on track! Love the support I am seeing on this site :) Good luck!!
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Hi, I just joined, Im 42 and yes, also wanting to start Over , anew, again, and reach my goals.
    Id love to have some forum to share my successes (if I have any)
    20 pound loss in my target -

    My story is that i manage to lose some pounds during summer as I play a lot of golf, (we dont use carts in europe unless youre over 80) but during winter i pack many pounds, and now at 42, i keep keeping a few extra every year.

    I do go to do some sports twice a week but at this age, its not enough, nothing is enough. Can i find motivation online?

    You can. Just remember, exercise is for fitness and to help create a slightly larger calorie deficit. You need to create a calorie deficit in your diet, that's the primary goal for weight loss. You want to aim for a 500 calorie deficit per day to lose 1 lb per week.
  • xquisiteluv
    xquisiteluv Posts: 82 Member
    I'm a 25 year old female trying to lose weight at least 80lbs lost the weight before but gained it all back plus more after having a baby in May looking for some help and encouragement as well!! I lost 7lbs this past two weeks just seems like its not fast enough

    Feel free to add me looking to meet new people!!
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I'm a 25 year old female trying to lose weight at least 80lbs lost the weight before but gained it all back plus more after having a baby in May looking for some help and encouragement as well!! I lost 7lbs this past two weeks just seems like its not fast enough

    Feel free to add me looking to meet new people!!

    Patience is the key, darlin'. 7 lbs. in two weeks was likely mostly water weight. The safest pace for you to lose weight is 1-2 lbs per week. If you lose weight faster than that, you'll lose muscle along with the fat, and run the risk of potential bone damage as well. It will help to add in some weight work while you work on the calorie deficit, that will help you maintain your muscle and strength and make body recomp easier later.
  • babydaisy81
    babydaisy81 Posts: 218 Member
    I've been here for about three weeks I think, just trying to figure out what works for my body, anyone can add me, I try to stay active on here and we can all work to motivate each other.
  • Hello everyone! I am 27 years old and a mom to two toddlers. Before I had children, weight was definitely NOT an issue. (I miss the days I could go into the store and pick my size off the rack and without trying it on knew it would fit) Then being pregnant for two years straight, it seemed, I obviously did not notice the weight as much. Now, I'm ready and motivated to get in shape! Working out is not the hard part for me, its watching what I eat. I think it harder now because I'm at home all day until my start day right now. Its very easy to get bored and eat without even thinking. I am hoping this site and support of the other members (you guys!) will help me slow down and think! Thanks and nice to meet everyone!
  • openskybeach
    openskybeach Posts: 294 Member
    I sent you a friend request. I'm 40 and have a lot to lose. I welcome new friends who would like to support and be supported. just send me a request. I had lost a lot before but gained it back over the years and more recently. So I'm really trying hard to get on track and stay there. :D
  • mpesm7
    mpesm7 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks, everyone, for all of the positive replies. Last time I tried doing this on my own, and I already can tell that having support is going to make a big difference. Good luck to all of you!