How do you motivate yourself?



  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I like to look at the people I went to school with and see that they have let themselves go. It makes me push harder to loose the weight I need to. I also found things I like to do other than go to a boring gym. Use the outdoors as your gym its a hell of alot better

    Good point. I basically only use the gym for weights. Almost all my cardio is done outdoors. Cardio machines at the gym drive me nuts with boredom!
  • JcMey3r
    JcMey3r Posts: 431 Member
    Go visit and just look at the people on there. If you need more motivation go to the FitBoard on the site. Makes you leave the pc instantly to go workout. Happened to me yesterday.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I look at exercise as something that is non-negotiable. The way I always must brush my teeth in the morning-I must workout 6 days a week and on the 7th day make sure I stay active doing fun things with my family.
    Here's the thing: It's not about motivation. It's about determination. It's making the right choices consistently, whether you feel like it or not.
    ^And this.

    I don't wait to feel motivated. If I did that, I would still be 50 lbs from goal and sedentary. I just made the decision that I wanted it ("it" being a healthy weight, and fit, and looking after both my mental & physical health) and then incorporated the things I needed to do to achieve "it" into my lifestyle. I work out 4-6 times a week, not because I get out of bed in the morning feeling all pumped up about going to exercise, but because that's what I do.

    People go to jobs they hate not because they feel motivated, but because it's important to them. It's important to them to pay the bills, it's important to have the status of being employed vs unemployed etc. People work multiple jobs and put in long hours of study to get degrees not because they feel motivated - sure sometimes they probably do, but a lot of times they don't. Not in the moment. But, they decided that having a degree was important, so the made the decision to put the effort in. Maybe not 100% of the time, but enough that it counts.

    Parents do stuff every day that they probably really can't be bothered doing, in the name of raising their children properly. They get up early to make breakfast, give up their free time to take their children places, take the effort to sit down and talk to them when things are going wrong etc... how many parents say they feel excited and motivated about parenting all the time? How many are completely on the ball and perfect as a parent 100% of the time? But they do what they need to do because it's important.

    Ultimately you have to decide a) what you want b) is it important enough to put the effort in? and c) exactly what effort you need to put in to get the job done. Then, it's a matter of doing it, and keep doing it until habits are ingrained. You don't have to be perfect all the time. You don't have to hit your calorie goal perfectly, or work out every single time you plan to, but you need to be on it most of the time.

    You have no energy, your confidence is diminishing, your back hurts... all of these are your motivating factors. Now you have to decide if having energy and confidence and a back that doesn't hurt are important enough to go and put the effort in whether or not you feel motivated at any given moment. If you sit and wait for those feelings to come back, it may never happen.

    And do remember - weight loss isn't easy, but don't make it harder than it needs to be. Set a reasonable calorie deficit, don't drop it as low as possible. Just aim to meet your goal and eat at least most of your exercise calories back. Nutrition is important, but these changes can happen gradually, over time. To start with, just eat foods you like and meet your calorie goal. Don't force yourself to do hours of exercise you hate. Choose the path of least resistance and find something you love - or at least can tolerate. If you don't love the gym, get outside to run or walk, or go for a swim, or do exercise videos at home. Exercise is amazing for health, fitness and general well being - but it's not the be-all and end-all of weight loss. Your intake will determine that.
  • halimatun
    my youngest brother is getting married in 5 months!!, i look like a smaller version of baby elephant (plus cute version).

    i wanna look fresh, feel healthier..and yes feeling happy!

    how do i motivate myself? because i can see my hubby bright eyes and smiles every time i finish my exercise session. Priceless!!
  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member
    Want to get into better shape, so I can out run the cops when I go on my crime spree.

    Best reason I've read haha. Thanks for the giggle :)
  • KeshiaMJ
    KeshiaMJ Posts: 2
    I make each day a challenge. Instead of thinking of my goals in the long term like 365 days of a better me, I think of my goals in the short term like 1 day of a better me. Each day I dedicate myself to eating 4 to 5 small meals and recording them on MFP and to working out. I hate the gym, not enough air circulation for me and I get so bored. So I purchased Turbofire, made an investment and so far I still enjoy it. I've started and failed diets and lifestyle changes more than I can count but just the vision of an even sexier, leaner, and fitter me keeps me going. :love:

    Things I do that help when it comes to food: force myself to eat some kind of breakfast ASAP when waking to jumpstart my metabolism. Reading all food labels and eating the serving size. Cooking almost all of my meals. Meal planning sometimes. Using lean meats and loads of veggies. And indulging in things like ice cream. I love Turkey Hill's All Natural Coffee ice cream even though it's almost NEVER on sale. :explode:

    ANDDDD if that doesn't help I look up inspirational quotes for fitness on pinterest, google, and look at success stories on instragram. There are examples out there of people who looked like you now, and are looking how you long to look. IT CAN BE DONE! Best of luck. :happy:
  • TattooedNici
    TattooedNici Posts: 2,141 Member
    Want to get into better shape, so I can out run the cops when I go on my crime spree.

    Best reason I've read haha. Thanks for the giggle :)

    Hey, it's good enough for me. :laugh:
  • elghee123
    elghee123 Posts: 489 Member

    People go to jobs they hate not because they feel motivated, but because it's important to them. It's important to them to pay the bills, it's important to have the status of being employed vs unemployed etc. People work multiple jobs and put in long hours of study to get degrees not because they feel motivated - sure sometimes they probably do, but a lot of times they don't. Not in the moment. But, they decided that having a degree was important, so the made the decision to put the effort in. Maybe not 100% of the time, but enough that it counts.

    True. Sad but true. You have a way with words @JesterMFP!
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    Honestly, my biggest motivation is my "fat" pictures from 2012. When a friend of mine tagged me in some pictures on Facebook, I was MORTIFIED. I've left the tags, and saved the pictures to my phone and computer. When I feel like giving up, looking at where I used to be helps SO much.
  • sowich25
    sowich25 Posts: 70 Member
    I like the day by day approach. Set the little goals. Nice
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    I look at exercise as something that is non-negotiable. The way I always must brush my teeth in the morning-I must workout 6 days a week and on the 7th day make sure I stay active doing fun things with my family. I've been working out for years but I remember it took about 1 month to fully establish my exercise habit.

    Same for me, it's a non-negotiable behaviour.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I stay motivated by taking this commitment as seriously as I take other commitments in my life, staying focus, and keeping your goal at the forefront of your mind everyday.
  • teeya1984
    teeya1984 Posts: 33 Member
    the number one thing i do to motivate myself is to look at myself in the mirror, naked. or i look at a picture i have just taken of myself in a cute bathing suit or summer outfit - which does not look cute at all on me.

    Exercising is just something that has to be getting out of bed, showering, going to work, feeding the dog, etc etc. Our bodies need exercise to function properly. 30 mins per day of moderate exercise will make you feel better and look better.

    I bought an elliptical because i found that i wasting a lot of time going to and from the gym (about an hour round trip) - it just made more sense to workout at home. And since i have done that, i find its easier than ever to get a workout in. I put something fun on the tv (or something motivational like a movie with all skinny, fit girls acting in it) and i just go go go for 45mins-1hour.

    Maybe it would be beneficial for you to invest in a good piece of equipment for your home? yes, they can be expensive at first, but they earn their keep super quickly. And its worth the money (if you are committed to using it). There are a lot of things i have regretted buying, but my elliptical isn't one of them.

    Another thing i do for motivation is look at pictures of myself from when i was at my goal weight (in high school lol). When i look at those pictures it helps me realize that it is possible to be at that weight again.

    good luck! ox