need advice, have to lose 3 pounds in 7 days



  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member

    maybe twice.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • dont_tap_my_aces
    dont_tap_my_aces Posts: 125 Member
    exercise won't be as effective as diet. So based on your current weight you shouldn't have an issue losing the 3 lbs. the other posters talking about it not being healthy are blowing that way out of proportion. So basically 2lbs a week is healthy by 3 is bad? please. the body doesn't work that way.

    As long as you don't extend this 3lbs a week or more goal for a long duration, at your current body weight its fine.

    If you are an average to high carb diet already, you can switch to a keto/low carb diet and in about 3 days you will drop a ton of water weight. probably wont make you look much different in the mirror but if all you care about is the number on the scale then this would be my best advice. shoot for 20g of carbs a day or so, and try to get them from green leafy veggies instead of breads. and obviously to fill out the rest of your daily calories increase the fat and protein. try to get about 1g of protein for every pound of lean body mass you have (if you don't know your current LBM, then just eat 1g for every kg you weigh (or about 100g in your scenario). get the rest of your calories from fat.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    (Also, this is me being sarcastic, but you can always get a stomach virus! I have one and am three pounds lighter than yesterday morning. ;) )
  • dont_tap_my_aces
    dont_tap_my_aces Posts: 125 Member
    (Also, this is me being sarcastic, but you can always get a stomach virus! I have one and am three pounds lighter than yesterday morning. ;) )

    oh if we're going on the sarcastic route... then don't eat dinner tonight and just go get hammered on vodka! you might be hung over tomorrow, but you will be so dehydrated that you will likely drop 5 lbs :)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    (Also, this is me being sarcastic, but you can always get a stomach virus! I have one and am three pounds lighter than yesterday morning. ;) )

    oh if we're going on the sarcastic route... then don't eat dinner tonight and just go get hammered on vodka! you might be hung over tomorrow, but you will be so dehydrated that you will likely drop 5 lbs :)

    No no this is for sunday...weigh in is on monday.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    it can be done for sure, drinks lots of water, cut sodium down, exercise, and eat a defecit . can't see why not..I 've done it before.
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hairbo sugarfree gummies. Make sure they are sugarfree!

    Aside from that, you seem to have been losing before. Keep going and trust the process!
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hairbo sugarfree gummies. Make sure they are sugarfree!

    Aside from that, you seem to have been losing before. Keep going and trust the process!

    Might as well jump on my stomach virus train. About the same effect. Major colon cleanse!
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    Cut off whichever hand you use less.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    NEWSFLASH: there are no TRICKS...just hard work and dedication
  • joeyclavette
    joeyclavette Posts: 8 Member
    Take 2 spoons of matamucil 3 times a day. I promiss you will get rid of all the waste in your body!! You have to drink ALOT OF WATER with that!! At lease 4 to 5 litres a day!!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    A colonic, thats about it.
  • herwholejourney
    herwholejourney Posts: 86 Member
    It's definitely possible. Try out whole30:

    No Grains
    No Legumes
    No Added Sugar
    No Dairy
    No Alcohol or Soda or Juice

    Only real/clean food (Meat, Veggies, Fruits, Nuts, Eggs, use coconut oil to cook). Drink TONS of water (warm lemon water in the AM is good too!) Good luck!
  • krennie8
    krennie8 Posts: 301 Member
    Hairbo sugarfree gummies. Make sure they are sugarfree!

    Aside from that, you seem to have been losing before. Keep going and trust the process!

    lol, btw the online reviews for these are amazing. I was almost tempted to buy them a few months ago to see if they actually had the effect everyone claims, but then I realized I really don't want to do that to myself :P
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    (Also, this is me being sarcastic, but you can always get a stomach virus! I have one and am three pounds lighter than yesterday morning. ;) )

    oh if we're going on the sarcastic route... then don't eat dinner tonight and just go get hammered on vodka! you might be hung over tomorrow, but you will be so dehydrated that you will likely drop 5 lbs :)

    That made me think of this. :drinker:
  • todays_dreams1973
    todays_dreams1973 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi again and thank you for all the replies. I guess that was a loaded question on a site like this. First let me be clear I am not doing any kind of drastic stuff to lose weight, I have been losing since November, slowly and in a healthy way. I am very sick I have diabetes that is out of wack right now with high blood pressure and cholesterol and have recently been diagnosed with liver disease from fatty enlarged liver. My spleen and liver are very damaged. My abdomen is swelled the size of a basket ball and I am unable to eat with out pain and discomfort. I am under the supervision of a diabetic and heart specalist a diatician and gp. And am now waiting to see another specailist for my liver. I have been put on a raw blended diet and cleared for exersize. It has been discussed and reccomended that I lose 10 to 20% of my body weight. At minamum just to start to feel better. The advice I was looking for I guess was maybe foods that burn more calories and the best activities to burn the most calories. It just so happens the extra one pound I want to lose this week is the personal goal I set for myself in January to be under 220 by April 1st. Thanks for all the replies so if there are any activities to burn good cals or foods that boost matabolism could you please help me out.
  • todays_dreams1973
    todays_dreams1973 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi again and thank you for all the replies. I guess that was a loaded question on a site like this. First let me be clear I am not doing any kind of drastic stuff to lose weight, I have been losing since November, slowly and in a healthy way. I am very sick I have diabetes that is out of wack right now with high blood pressure and cholesterol and have recently been diagnosed with liver disease from fatty enlarged liver. My spleen and liver are very damaged. My abdomen is swelled the size of a basket ball and I am unable to eat with out pain and discomfort. I am under the supervision of a diabetic and heart specalist a diatician and gp. And am now waiting to see another specailist for my liver. I have been put on a raw blended diet and cleared for exersize. It has been discussed and reccomended that I lose 10 to 20% of my body weight. At minamum just to start to feel better. The advice I was looking for I guess was maybe foods that burn more calories and the best activities to burn the most calories. It just so happens the extra one pound I want to lose this week is the personal goal I set for myself in January to be under 220 by April 1st. Thanks for all the replies so if there are any activities to burn good cals or foods that boost matabolism could you please help me out.
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    Hairbo sugarfree gummies. Make sure they are sugarfree!

    This is just mean!!!! But I'm sure you would lose weight!
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hi again and thank you for all the replies. I guess that was a loaded question on a site like this. First let me be clear I am not doing any kind of drastic stuff to lose weight, I have been losing since November, slowly and in a healthy way. I am very sick I have diabetes that is out of wack right now with high blood pressure and cholesterol and have recently been diagnosed with liver disease from fatty enlarged liver. My spleen and liver are very damaged. My abdomen is swelled the size of a basket ball and I am unable to eat with out pain and discomfort. I am under the supervision of a diabetic and heart specalist a diatician and gp. And am now waiting to see another specailist for my liver. I have been put on a raw blended diet and cleared for exersize. It has been discussed and reccomended that I lose 10 to 20% of my body weight. At minamum just to start to feel better. The advice I was looking for I guess was maybe foods that burn more calories and the best activities to burn the most calories. It just so happens the extra one pound I want to lose this week is the personal goal I set for myself in January to be under 220 by April 1st. Thanks for all the replies so if there are any activities to burn good cals or foods that boost matabolism could you please help me out.

    No certain food burns more calories, to my knowledge. But I'm not very educated in that area. Maybe just lower your sodium/carbs and up your protein? If that's the answer you were seeking.
  • louise294
    louise294 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi again and thank you for all the replies. I guess that was a loaded question on a site like this. First let me be clear I am not doing any kind of drastic stuff to lose weight, I have been losing since November, slowly and in a healthy way. I am very sick I have diabetes that is out of wack right now with high blood pressure and cholesterol and have recently been diagnosed with liver disease from fatty enlarged liver. My spleen and liver are very damaged. My abdomen is swelled the size of a basket ball and I am unable to eat with out pain and discomfort. I am under the supervision of a diabetic and heart specalist a diatician and gp. And am now waiting to see another specailist for my liver. I have been put on a raw blended diet and cleared for exersize. It has been discussed and reccomended that I lose 10 to 20% of my body weight. At minamum just to start to feel better. The advice I was looking for I guess was maybe foods that burn more calories and the best activities to burn the most calories. It just so happens the extra one pound I want to lose this week is the personal goal I set for myself in January to be under 220 by April 1st. Thanks for all the replies so if there are any activities to burn good cals or foods that boost matabolism could you please help me out.

    Eating more fiber is the best way to get your system to be efficient in the way it digests food, so increase those veggies and fill up on them!
    Also, bananas are brilliant! A little known fact is that adults require 5000mg of potassium a day, and each banana has approx 422mg of potassium, so don't be scared to have a few! Potassium helps with weight loss (

    I would suggest filling up on nutrient dense foods, rather than "empty calories", focus on what each food gives you in vitamins and minerals.