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Need some advice:)

Okay, so I have been trying to lose weight since December. I know there are a few reasons why I haven't lost what I thought I could, like drinking and fattening foods. BUT, I eat about 1400 calories a day. I workout every single day, and have a trainer. But I can't seem to lose weight. Could be there more of a reason? I mean, could it be the the calorie intake? I mean...I understand that eating McDonalds' doesn't help, but, my issue is, how can I lose weight AND eat some fattening foods? I can't cut them out completely, that's when I find myself going on a binge. I just need some advice on how to lose weight. I have lost some, but it just seems that it won't go anywhere else now. Thanks for the help!


  • aaron2735
    aaron2735 Posts: 76 Member
    I have the same problem. Seems like the more healthy I try to eat, the more likely I am to sabotage myself with **** I don't need eventually. It's a never ending cycle for me :p
  • Jane2285
    Jane2285 Posts: 187 Member
    That's what I'm saying. I had a friend tell me to do Herbalife, but I don't want to do that. I want to know how people learn to eat healthy, but enjoy life as well. I like food. That's all there is to it. Pizza, burgers, BBQ, etc...I like to enjoy life, BUT on the same token ,I do want to lose weight. I guess, moderation is what I need to learn...but, how? It seems like if I do well all day, then dinner kills me. But I went two weeks with a healthy eating plan and actually GAINED weight back. So I don't get it. I'm not sure what else to do? I mean, I do workout EVERY SINGLE DAY and sometimes twice a day....I just, like I said, don't understand why. And yes, lately I haven't been as serious because I'm just losing motivation due to the fact I'm not losing....I know that's not the way to go, but it's hard....Four months and really, not much of a result.
  • nomad1000
    nomad1000 Posts: 206 Member
    If you open your diary you may get some better suggestions.

    Are you weighing and measuring everything? Is your weight loss goal to aggressive (the less you have to lose the lower your loss per week should be set at)? Is the 1400 cals something you picked or is that what MFP has set for your goal? Are you eating back some/all your exercise cals?

    I eat less than 100% healthy foods but stay within my daily net goal and have been steadily losing. However, I weigh and measure everything that I eat so know (within a small margin of error) what exactly I am consuming and try to eat back only 50-75% of exercise cals to take overestimation into account.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Start with: What are you willing to change today. Maybe it's having a grilled chicken sandwich instead of fried. Maybe it's not having the bun of a sandwich because you'd really want the fries instead.

    I had to start slow, and add things that wouldn't blast me out. My first set of challenges started with trying to not go to get fast food for breakfast everyday. I did go get an egg mcmuffin this morning, and only had 1/2 of the English muffin. Typically though, I try to keep yogurt in my fridge - and plenty of water.

    Then I tried to make sure I get in 4-6 cups of water in before I leave work.
    Then I tried to modify what I have for dinner.

    I do still go out for lunch, but I've lost what I have by doing stuff like that. If I try to make all the changes at once or "go to big" with the next change, I have to modify due to the "scariness" level....I've let that all blow me out so many times before.

    Every time I've told myself: Never again will I have __________________ - that ends up being all I want, and even if I try to fulfill that craving some other way, it doesn't help. So, I'll allow myself certain frivolities - but it'll always be a case of "Choose your doom." That's just the way it is.
  • aaron2735
    aaron2735 Posts: 76 Member
    Just gotta keep at it, don't lose hope. It's a life journey not a quick fix, that's how I look at it.
  • Are you logging everything you eat, or jusr guestinating? What are your stats? You may be eating to liittle..
  • Jane2285
    Jane2285 Posts: 187 Member
    I'm 5'6''. 28 years old. I am about 162 now, (on the upside of the fluctuation). My trainer set me at 1400 calories. I've talked with him and he says the same thing, try to cut out pop, greasy foods, etc...but that's what's hard! I like the suggestion about not eating the bun, so you can have the fries...that's something I didn't think of.

    I thought my diary was open? Lol. I will open that up...

    I'm trying to not give up. Just really hard. Lol.
  • THECaptainObvious
    THECaptainObvious Posts: 399 Member
    Try increasing your calories alittle bit (maybe by 500-1000) for a few days and then go back down again to your normal eating. This worked for me and my first big loss.. Are you watching Pirates of the Carribean while eating McD's? (I lost 5 lbs watching Johnny Depp strut his stuff while I ate a Big Mac hehe)
    1400 calories is really pretty low and if you're doing any sort of workout program, you may want to consult their nutrition guide because it's more focused on those doing the program rather than a general EVERYONE START HERE kind of thing.
    Mountain Dew was the one thing I cut out that REALLY made a difference! It was hard but it really helped!
  • Jane2285
    Jane2285 Posts: 187 Member
    That's good advice...that may be the issue. It may not be enough for all the working out I'm doing. I do watch TV while eating (somethign I need to stop). Dr. Pepper is my lover...but I know I need to cut that....hm...All good suggestions...and the water suggestion, I do drink water, but not nearly that much.
  • Jane2285
    Jane2285 Posts: 187 Member
    A typical day, when I'm trying...Turkey link sausage for breakfast (100 calories for 3) and a Dr. Pepper. (YES I KNOW I NEED TO QUIT THIS! LOL.) Then I eat a yogurt (Greek 80 calories Strawberry) for a snack. At lunch, it kind of depends...a salad, a lean cuisine, something that is usually aroud 450 calories. Afternoon snack, oranges, yogurt, cheese...and supper, well, that's where I kill it...Lol. It's like I get through the day, then eat over it to make up for not enjoying yummy deliciousness during the day. Ugh. :(
  • I definitely think you are eating too little! Your BMR is 1483.. that's just how many calories your body needs if you were in bed all day just to survive. If you workout 4 times a day your TDEE is 2104.. so that minus 500 calories.. or at 25% fat loss is 1578.. You should be eating around 1578-1683 at the least. It sounds like dinner you like to spurge and that's fine as long as you are within your calories... MFP gives you the calories without exercise... but when you use this calculator exercise is already included..


    Many people have had success with this method.. I am one of them! Good luck and don't be scared to eat a little more so you don't feel deprived.. otherwiseyour weight loss will not be sustainable and you will gain your weight back!
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Exercise and eating healthy doesnt equal weight loss.

    Calorie deficit = weight loss.
  • Jane2285
    Jane2285 Posts: 187 Member
    Thanks everyone! I will try your suggestions and see what happens:)
  • lauramccleland
    lauramccleland Posts: 2 Member
    I find that I do the best when I eat between 1200 and 1400 calories. I have been making changing such as drinking more water and having only one soda a day. I also still go with family to eat pizza, burgers, ets. I have cut out the french fries, switched to a smaller burger, veggie pizza, fewer bread sticks. To me it's important to still enjoy the foods that I enjoy eating. Just less of them. I have not had anytime free to work out but would like to start doing so soon. Track your foods, even that little piece of candy has calories as does anything that you put in your mouth. Be honest with yourself. And it's ok if you fall off the wagon. None of us are perfect and we just keep trying. Also, try not to let stress get to you as it affects your body in so many ways. Good luck to you.
  • ericzanetti
    ericzanetti Posts: 41 Member
    You should cut out the Dr.Peppers immediately.

    Also, try to plan your meals a day or 2 in advance and focus on trying to get your daily macro totals to as close to your goals as possible.

    Looks like you aren't getting enough protein and too much carbs/fat.

    Oven baked chicken breasts with spices (cajun, tex mex, currie etc.) are low in fat and an excellent source of protein.

    You have to be willing to try some different foods that you wouldn't normally like. I hated cottage cheese t first but I learned to love it.

    Stick with it.
  • Jane2285
    Jane2285 Posts: 187 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions! It really helps to see what others do and know that I'm not the only one struggling with cutting out my favorite foods. I will take this to heart, and try your suggestions! THANKS AGAIN!
  • michelle_816
    michelle_816 Posts: 621 Member
    I have never been a fan of someone telling me to quit something cold turkey. And I am a 1 soda a day person. I love my Diet Dr Pepper ;)

    I probably don't need one a day, but I know I will only want it that much more if I tell myself to give it up completely.

    Do what works best for you, add in new foods that help meet your nutrient needs, but don't feel like you need to give up something cold turkey to succeed at this!

    Enjoy that Dr. Pepper a few times a week! I will, too :)
  • Jane2285
    Jane2285 Posts: 187 Member
    Mainly, it's a caffeine addiction. I can't go a day without it. I've tried and get serious headaches, act like a 'you know what' and makes me feel sick. Yes, I know, it's a problem...but, some people HAVE to HAVE coffee to wake up, mines more calories yes, but it's the same purpose lol.
    And yes, cold turkey never works for me! I always relapse. :(

  • ericzanetti
    ericzanetti Posts: 41 Member
    You could always try Dr.Pepper 10 :)

    Size: 20 Fl oz.

    Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
    Calories 20
    Total Fat 0 g 0%
    Sodium 100 mg 4%
    Total Carbohydrates 5 g 2%
    Sugar 4 g
    Protein 0 g

    as per drpepper.com
  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    Sounds to me like you're not accurately logging your food consumption, or just "conveniently forgetting" to log the things that don't "fit" what your goals are. Could this be true?

    If you're a huge fan of soda, just switch to diet. It's a little step, but it will move you forward. Just don't eat MORE calories because you figure you've "saved" calories by switching to diet. Nope nope nope. ;)