18 Year Old With 75lbs

Hi there everyone! My name is Erika, but I go by Finn, and I'm looking for some guidance on this life style change. I haven't always been the bigger girl. When I was much younger, I ate whole pizzas, and played video games, trying to fit in with the guys and do as they do. But when I hit sixteen, I developed serious depression and anxiety, and was put on pill after pill. I ate, and ate, and ate, bringing food into my bed and eating at night, and never once stepping foot on a gym. From 125lbs, I became 210lbs, getting out of breath when I go up a few flights of stairs.

For the longest time, I've had the spark to do something, to change, but the spark was only a spark, and I always slipped back into the same routine. Now, the spark is a full blown fire. I've been starting to run, and counting calories, and tracking everything and anything that enters my mouth. I don't eat anything after dinner, and I'm trying so hard to lose it.

I know it's a change in lifestyle, and I want to, more than anything in the world, become healthier, and to one day run a whole 5k. You can laugh, people run 5ks easily, but for me, it's a challenge. Is anyone willing to be my fitness buddy, or just give me any advice they learned the hard way, or even motivation?

Thanks guys, you all inspire me to be better and work harder.



  • datpaleoflo
    hi!! i'll be your fitness buddy!!!! I'm 18 too! I used to be extremely fit but my body took a vacation unfortunately and i gained 35 pounds.. now it's hard for me to run a 5k... (I ran/walked one last weekend) but if I have a partner I can be very motivated!! If your interested want to be motivation buddies?? I do best with competition and since you liked to be one of the guys maybe you like competitions too? Competitions like "First one to loose 5 lbs" or "First to completely run a 5k" stuff like that :)
  • alisalikeshugs
    alisalikeshugs Posts: 22 Member
    I can definitely be a fitness buddy. I am also 18 and we seem to have similar weight loss and exercise goals! I'll add you and I hope we can motivate and inspire each other :D
  • ChampCrucial
    ChampCrucial Posts: 120 Member
    Mos def. You are about 10 pounds under me and I would love to share tips and tricks. Coming from 280 to 220 I know all kinds of things. I am now stuck but headed for 199 which is my record low. Sending a request. I am 20 though if that makes any difference. I welcome anyone to friend me
  • NatNat18394
    Hey, I'm Nat and I've just turned 20:) I'd be happy to help support you on your fitness journey! I also have similar fitness goals, I used to be able to run 10k easily now a few minutes running and I'm out of breath. I hope we will be able to motivate each other to achieve our goals:)