New member, need some motivation to run a marathon

Hello my name is Graham, and I used to be 50lbs heavier, and a 2 pack a day smoker. I still need to lose 40lbs and get into better shape. I had gotten to a point where I could run 7-8 miles with no problem, but with a desk job that keeps me there 50-60 hours a week, I've lost motivation, and put on some weight, and have gotten out of shape. I'm looking to stay on track to run a half marathon by the fall. Any help will be appreciated. I've done my fitness pal before, and this time I'm looking to stick it out.


  • ashleyrene4404
    ashleyrene4404 Posts: 55 Member
    Feel free to add me, I log daily and am the best cheerleader/motivator to my friends as I can be :) we are all in this together :)
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I am sending you a friend request! I work the same kind of job and my current goal is a 1/2 marathon in Jan.
  • a6pack
    a6pack Posts: 21 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I started using MFP and MapMyRun last November. Last weekend I finished my first 1/2 marathon and have signed up for several more. My motivation ebbs and flows, but the technology helps to pick me up and keep me on track. Good luck with your training. If I could do it, you will too!
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Do you actually like running long distances. If not, there are plenty of exercise options that don't involve running a marathon. Find the thing you enjoy and it'll be a lot easier to motivate yourself. I used to think that I had to try to run a marthon becuase everyone else was doing it/it was trendy/it was what fit people did. Finally reliased that it really wasn't for me at all and now I just stick with playing sports, lifting and some sprint/interval work and the odd run to keep my fitness up where it needs to be
  • hexe666
    hexe666 Posts: 6 Member
    I find the best motivation is to have running partners. I recently joined a training program but I have also found a ton of running groups in my area It motivates me to know that there is someone counting on me to show up. Try
  • dchief30
    dchief30 Posts: 129 Member
    I have ran a marathon before it is the best feeling ever I haven't ran one for a while because I have my grand kids hard to find time to train but I'm always running 5k and half marathon you can add me
  • Tribonian
    Tribonian Posts: 39 Member
    Finding time to train is always a challenge, especially for long endurance runs. (I try to run into work a few days a week and get a long run in on weekends). I'm in a slight training slump but am motivated by the thought of the next race day- the crowd before a half or full is like none other. You'll never be surrounded by a more healthy, cheerful crowd. If you can find a beautiful place to run for training that helps too. Good Luck!