Looking for similar friends. Female, 5'2", 184 lbs



  • npostemni
    npostemni Posts: 102 Member
    Anyone can add me! I am 5'2 and currently 166 lbs. I started at 186.6 and my goal weight is 135 lbs.
  • Hi, I'm Adrienne! I'm 5' (and 3/4"), started at 180 and am currently at 162. My initial goal was 20 lbs and I didn't really think I could do it. I've surprised myself and am almost there, and I want to keep going! I've been using MFP for almost 3 months but haven't been utilizing the social part. But it's very inspiring seeing all the people who are similar to me doing so great and I want to try to put myself out there too. Feel free to add me!
  • lbrumsey
    lbrumsey Posts: 19
    I'm absolutely loving all the responses!!! My friends list is growing and growing, and I love it! Thank you all so much! Can't wait to get to know you all and support and encourage each other!!!
  • tracys721
    tracys721 Posts: 2 Member
    Go ahead and add me to your growing list of friends. I'm 5'4" and currently weigh 170. I set my goal at 140, and hoping I can do that. Recently had hysterectomy and just got out of habit of exercising and eating healthy. Also, recently found out my cholesterol is 242. Ugh! Good luck and I look forward to going through this with you. We can do this!
  • pmhandlo11
    pmhandlo11 Posts: 101 Member
    Hi !!! I'm 5'4 and 182 right now. I too was dedicated to MFP last year but things got thrown to the way side when my husband broke both ankles. I kinda set everything aside for quite a while. I had lost 36lbs!!! Ive gained back 16lbs :( so sad cause I worked so hard but I"m ready to take it back!! I can't workout with anything weight baring because I have a problem with going into rhabdomyolysis (long story) but I can walk and log food!! Would love to have friends to re-start a healthy way of living!!
  • michelle_816
    michelle_816 Posts: 621 Member
    Please add me to the list!!! Your struggle sounds so much like mine!

    I am a bit taller (5'5" ish, I may have shrunk to a 5'4 1/2" over the years) and have about 45 lbs I'd like to lose. But I came so close to my goal back in 2011, only to revert to old habits.

    Just found MFP a week ago and I am excited to do this journey with the support of friends like me!
  • jmessina205
    jmessina205 Posts: 190 Member
    I feel your pain!!! I've been on MFP for a few years, lost a bunch of weight with it after a bad breakup. Fast forward to a good relationship, 2 jobs where I sit the majority of the day, comforable with life and the return of some terrible eating habits and I am now the heaviest I have EVER been. I'm 5'3 and restarting my weight loss journey at 175 pounds. Anyone can feel free to add me, I need all the motivation I can get.
  • Reddirtblacktopqueen
    Reddirtblacktopqueen Posts: 79 Member
    Hi all!! Would love to encourage and cheer anyone on. I'm 5'2", 180 lbs. Add me if you would like. The more the merrier. :flowerforyou:
  • Hi!
    I am 5'1 and I weight 172 (yes, I know). I started when I was 198 pounds, went down to 172 and got stuck
    Please feel free to add me. Let's support each other
  • SunnyStone56
    SunnyStone56 Posts: 2 Member
    HI. Add me please. I am 5'4". I have lost 132# but have 30 more to go. I took a break from logging my food. More like an extended vacation...... 5 months. I didn't gain but I didn't lose either. I have played with 5# for 5 months. Enough is enough. I know if I keep on playing around I will creep back up that mountain. Thanks Sunny
  • I'm also 5'2 and started at 186... I'll be happy to be your fitness friend... I'm basically just getting started as well... I've lost a bit but not nearly enough!
  • liilulz
    liilulz Posts: 1
    this is day `1 for me, after failing slimming world,weightwatchers and various silly diets im now 5ft2, weighing over 200lbs, so im hoping to get some friends on here to keep me going :)
  • lilahbun
    lilahbun Posts: 1
    I've been using this app for a couple of years now, and it's working slowly but surely, especially when I really keep to logging calories and exercise!

    I'm 5'1" and at my highest in summer of 2011, I was 185. Now I'm 161. What helped me take better control of slimming down more recently was subtracting 50 calories from a wk/day to get my stomach used to eating less and less, ie. I'd set the settings to whatever my weight that week was, then said I didn't want to lose or gain weight, the app set a number of daily calories, and I kept at that for the entire week. When the next week started, I reset the settings again to my current weight, and just subtracted 50 calories from the previous week, stuck at that for a week, then did it again the next week. I feel like this was better than setting the straight weight goal, which allotted me way fewer calories than I was used and I'd be grouchy-hungry all night! When I got to a comfortable intake, I went back, found out what the recommended was by the time I could handle it, and now I just try to stay around 1450-1550 daily (1450 if I'm more sedentary that day; 1550 if I worked out).

    Plus, I picked a celeb bod I'd like to have- and chose Kylie Minogue since she's only 5'! She says she eats in moderation, yet doesn't exercise- just wears stilettos all day. I can't do it all day, but when I do try her work out, it works!

    Add me if you'd like!
  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 302 Member
    Always looking for similar friends.

    5'2 - started at 160, now 140. I had made it down to 130 the first time with MFP, but like you, started to get complacent and now I am working to get back to where I started. My goal is 125 and then I will readjust accordingly.

    Feel free to add!
  • Hi! I'm 5'2" as well... Baby weight put me at 200 !! ahhggg.. Started at 124..
    I'm down to 155... Let's do this together!!
  • Rosie108
    Rosie108 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello All,
    I have a very similar story. I was doing very well a while back using my fitness pal, but now it seems the pounds will not budge. I am looking to get somewhere around 160 lbs. I am currently over 200 lbs. and my first goal will be to drop under that mark. I can use any motivation I can get.

    Thanks Rosie
  • Hi! I'm brand new to MFP!! I'm 5'1" 153lbs. My goal is 130lbs and to get back into my size 6 pants (120 would be a better weight for me!). I started my diet and exercise routine the first of January at 159.5 lbs, so in three months I have only lost 6.5 pounds. This is so frustrating!! I had rotator cuff surgery last summer and I put on over 10 pounds, so I haven't even gotten that off yet!!! Anyway, my name is Karen and I'm going to try and check in every day at lunch time! :smile:
  • Hello All! I would really love some shared support and commiseration. Starting out at 230lbs and being 5'2". I have been on a weight loss journey for almost 3 years now and have lost a total of 60lbs. I spent the last 6 months completely off-track and need get more disciplined because I have another 40 to go. Its been really hard to get going again. This week has been exceptionally trying. After being careful with what I eat and how much on-top of working out consistently I only lost 1lb..... quite discouraging. So some friends and accountability would be welcome! We can do this!
  • cottagegirl71
    cottagegirl71 Posts: 167 Member
    I just started a few days ago with similar stats....and I am here everyday for support! :)
  • DanaPaiva
    DanaPaiva Posts: 7 Member
    I started a few days ago. Never used my fitness pal but I was successful with a similar website/app before. I'm really enjoying this one because of the community it has.

    Similar stats :) Would love to add you!