stuck like glue

I feel like I have been stuck at my current weight for way to long. I am wonder for those of you who have hit a platue and over come it what did you turn to changing up? How did you begin to over come it?


  • ElizabethAnneLatimer

    Yes, I hit a plateau at 19 pounds, just couldn't get over the big one and what really hurt, it was getting down below the 200 mark. I didn't give up it took a month but I continued my strength training and cardio 3x week, kept to 1200/day (sometimes less, but really tried to stay at 1200) and finally I dropped a pound, then 4 more - and I got past it.

    Don't give up is the best advice I can give.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    We have all dealt with this issue or will at some point. My only suggestion is just to keep going....don't give up. It will eventually happen. I hit a "brick wall" for 3 months I had no loss but I kept working out and eating as I knew I should, weighing my food and eventually I was able to overcome.
  • jsjancek
    jsjancek Posts: 7
    I am new to this board but so discouraged and frustrated. I am a 41, athletic, 5'1" female looking to loose 5 pounds who has been working out for 20 weeks now. I have done 4 separated Body for Life challenges (over the years), know that weights training is the way to transform a body and know how important calories are. However, I can't lose weight this round! I started full circuit workouts 3x week and have been switching the workouts every 4 weeks, been tracking calories and what do I get? HEAVIER! I know everyone will say I am just gaining muscle but sorry, I want to lose pounds. Please somebody who knows what is happening help me!