
I have been concentrating lately on more toning exercises. I have 20lbs i still wanna lose. Is toning pointless when i still have that much weight to lose? To top it off i have been eating crappy so its like exercising isnt helping.


  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    exercise is for fitness.
    calorie deficit is for weight loss.

    Exercise (fitness) is great no matter what you weigh, and eventually *provided your calorie deficit is in place* you'll lose enough fat to show off your fit, strong muscles that have been hiding under the fat. If you're "eating crappy" and not in a deficit, you can still build fit and strong muscles but you'd never know it to look because they'll remain covered under your layer of fat that you're not going to shift or lose unless you get into a calorie deficit and burn it off.

    That said, you can not spot reduce. So using a Thigh Master (as an example) is not going to get you the marvelous, wonderful thighs it claims it will. You'll lose from all over, not just your targeted areas.
  • 12amm34
    12amm34 Posts: 4
    You should always be lifting! Muscle burns more calories at rest so it'll help speed along your weight loss.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    I still have about 8 lbs to go and I'm focusing on lifting weights right now. I'm still at a calorie deficit (only .5 a week). I'm not going to gain a lot of muscle while eating in the deficit, but like the other poster said, I am going to lose fat so that the muscles I have will show better.

    Start lifting, it truly is a great way to see inches come off :)