Hello! Buddies anyone?

Hey There
I am a 33 year old lady, recent wife and full time student who is steadily adding a few pounds here and there = NOT GOOD!
I feel like I am a professional at getting started and then falling off....I tend to track for a few months then stop, same with my activity level. I recently gained some weight - from too much fun over spring break and am hoping to finally get my life in order with daily activity (which is hard to find time with being so busy with school and hospital rotations!) and healthy eating (which is expensive when you're penny pinching!) I'm looking for some "pals" on here that can offer support and have similar goals! Im looking to lose about 30lbs and my metabolism is as slow as molasses...so I think I'm going to start this afternoon with a Jillian Michaels DVD and see where it takes me. Please feel free to add me and I will do what I can to support you back!

In the words of Olivia Newton John - Let's get physical :bigsmile:


  • ThinningKB2014
    Hi, I'm 32yo and completely understand what you're going through. I'm almost done with residency now (thank goodness), but when I was in medical school, the weight slowly came on and I'm determined to get it off. Anyone can feel free to add me as a friend. The support on this site is fantastic!
  • KFeller81
    KFeller81 Posts: 6 Member
    Ah! YAY! Someone who feels me! Wonderful ThinningKB201! Thanks :)
  • josiemarie982
    josiemarie982 Posts: 33 Member
    I also know the feeling im 36 but a mum etc and gained the weight but started 3 weeks ago and want this weight gone, im doing 30 day shred and loving it. feel free to add me
  • KFeller81
    KFeller81 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks JosieMarie! Feeling more excited to get this going now with a few pals already!