Pure Gym?

I used to be a member of Curves in SA and I loved it but I have since moved to the UK and the one close to my house is terrible. The girl who works there gives me such gross looks when she thinks I'm not looking. Its small and she makes me feel uncomfortable. Besides the point, I left this Curves and bought a treadmill... But for some reason I cant find the will power to get on it and stay on it long enough. So I'm thinking maybe join Pure Gym. Surely if I'm paying for it, the urge to go will be more present? The gym in Question is on my way home from work so I keep thinking I will get into the routine of going? I'm slowly getting to grips with the food part of this huge change, now its just the exercise part. I have also downloaded the 7 minute work out app and try do that when I can. Its finding the will power.


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    First of all, screw other people. Their opinion of you is worth what you paid for it. Don’t pay them any attention. I keep music with me when I exercise so I won’t be distracted even at home. Do what makes you most comfortable.
  • bex879165
    bex879165 Posts: 121 Member
    I'm a member of a Pure Gym (Halifax) and really like it. It's easy going, there's plenty of equipment and there's always lots of staff who are more than happy to help if you need them. :-)
  • dammitjanet0161
    dammitjanet0161 Posts: 319 Member
    I agree that gym staff and atmosphere can tip the balance. I'm a member of two branches of Pure Gym, main membership of the one near my house and secondary membership of one near my fiance's. I much prefer the one near my fiance's and go there far more than the more local one - I find the staff, the layout and the general atmosphere far better at the secondary gym so I rarely now go to the first one I joined.

    But before the secondary gym opened, I didn't go to the first branch as often as I meant to either because I didn't "feel it", so just because you're paying for it doesn't autmatically mean you'll find the willpower to go! Go and have a look at your local Pure Gym and see how you feel when you get there, but I'd also check out your local authority gyms as well if price is an issue - they're likely to be reasonably priced too, and many areas have pay as you go memberships rather than year-long contracts. (some do some dont).
  • jennbuck22
    jennbuck22 Posts: 17 Member
    On your way home from work is key!

    If I get home first in the evening, there is no way I'm going back out to the gym.

    But if I go on my way home from work it's perfect for 3 reasons:

    When I get home from gym I eat dinner, and my metabolism is up from just working out

    I'm usually not as hungry after the gym because I'm so tired, being tired means I sleep better

    Routine, routine, routine