Belly fat or loose skin? (gross pics)



  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I'd say definitely loose skin, and likely a little bit of belly fat. Tummy tuck should fix that - if you want it fixed.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'd say definitely loose skin, and likely a little bit of belly fat. Tummy tuck should fix that - if you want it fixed.

    I do, my bank account doesn't, lol!
  • SephiraRose
    SephiraRose Posts: 766 Member
    Congrats on you weight loss. You look great and have achieved so much.
  • MyRummyHens
    MyRummyHens Posts: 141 Member
    Remember that your skin will continue to retract for 2 years after you've reached your 'goal' weight. You should expect improvement with time. I know my loose skin is definitely still improving and I'm 17 months post partum, so there is hope.

    Body fat percentages are good, but just like other measurements they don't show the whole picture because you don't know how that 22% is distributed. I also carry the bulk of my stubborn fat around my middle, so you may find at some point that if you lose the last 6lb you mentioned your tummy suddenly improves too.

    I know what I'm like when I look in the mirror, I think my tummy looks much worse than it actually does because I'm super critical of me. I suspect you *think* it looks worse than anyone else does!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You have a decent amount of fat remaining, around your entire torso, not just belly.

    Whether you have a lot of loose skin, or not, isn't going to be something you can ascertain until you've cut your body fat down pretty low. I'm talking visible abs, and other muscle, low, if you're willing to go there.

    Anybody telling you that's all loose skin, and not a considerable amount of fat, is ill informed. Loose skin on a truly lean person with a lower body fat does not look like that at all.

    Fat is extremely deceptive. Most people don't have any idea just how much your body is holding on to, even after you've hit a "normal" scale weight. I really think many weight loss losers tend to overestimate their goal weights, because they overestimate their lean body mass, not realizing how low they really have to go in order to dig out most of the excess fat.

    True but I'd have to get to what... 15% body fat for it to go completely away? I'm at 22 now... I think I'll pass, lol.

    How was your bf% tested? Dexa scan? hydrostatic test? or calipers? If it was calipers know that they have a margin of error.

    IMO there is some fat there and if you want it gone you have to do what you have to do, eat at a small deficet and do resistence training...notice I didn't say weights resistence training such of bodyweight exercises are great too...the skin is loose but that will come with time as well...
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You have a decent amount of fat remaining, around your entire torso, not just belly.

    Whether you have a lot of loose skin, or not, isn't going to be something you can ascertain until you've cut your body fat down pretty low. I'm talking visible abs, and other muscle, low, if you're willing to go there.

    Anybody telling you that's all loose skin, and not a considerable amount of fat, is ill informed. Loose skin on a truly lean person with a lower body fat does not look like that at all.

    Fat is extremely deceptive. Most people don't have any idea just how much your body is holding on to, even after you've hit a "normal" scale weight. I really think many weight loss losers tend to overestimate their goal weights, because they overestimate their lean body mass, not realizing how low they really have to go in order to dig out most of the excess fat.

    True but I'd have to get to what... 15% body fat for it to go completely away? I'm at 22 now... I think I'll pass, lol.

    How was your bf% tested? Dexa scan? hydrostatic test? or calipers? If it was calipers know that they have a margin of error.

    IMO there is some fat there and if you want it gone you have to do what you have to do, eat at a small deficet and do resistence training...notice I didn't say weights resistence training such of bodyweight exercises are great too...the skin is loose but that will come with time as well...

    It's at the gym, they enter your measurements then put something on your arm. I know it's not totally accurate, but I've gone there for a year pretty regularly and it's been pretty logical so far.

    I've been doing resistance training the whole time - heavy weights dumbbells (trying to figure out a new plan for those though), push ups, planks etc.
  • Judi29
    Judi29 Posts: 10
    I know the feeling! Have you heard of the crazy wraps- fit wraps from It Works? They have done an amazing job on my tummy to tighten and tone the flabby skin.
  • McCluskey1128
    McCluskey1128 Posts: 88 Member
    Looks like it's mostly skin. There's still some fat there, but not a lot. Congratulations! Be proud of your skin! Think of it as a battle scar.
    It looks like both to me. You can always go crazy and get down to 15-10% body fat and deal with the skin later but I love this reply.

    Be proud of your body, no matter what, it's been through everythign with you. Especially when you've had children (YOU PRODUCED A HUMAN BEING) and when you've lost weight.

    Just keep going. You look great.
  • You rock, you know it and your not alone. You will acheive your goal and in time it will right it self a little.

    Great job and keep on keeping on girl.
  • Tracey_B_72
    Tracey_B_72 Posts: 1,021 Member
    I look exactly the same as you do, your pictures could be me. At my heaviest I was 16 1/2 - 17 stones my last baby weighed in at 11lbs 1oz and I was huge, I've had 3 babies altogether and this took a toll on my body and that's the stretch marks and weight gain, I could have looked after myself better but I didn't but now 14 years after my daughter I've taken control and lost the weight and I wear nice clothes and big controlling underwear on special occasions to smooth my shape and you know what, in clothes I look pretty good now, naked though I'm shy but I plan on staying with my hubby and he tells me he's proud of me for getting myself healthier and that I'm now wearing clothes I always wanted to wear. I'm also never doing the bikini thing but last summer I did shorts and that felt better than a bikini to me.

    Be proud of what you achieved and think of that skin as a battle scar, of a battle you've won ????
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    I don't see major vascularity on your forearms, so I'm going to assume it's loose skin and a little extra fat.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    <--- when I was younger and heavier, and after I had my two kids, my belly was saggier and looked more like yours. The more time passed and, the more weight I lost and work I did, the better it looked. It still does have some looseness to it, and it's never going to be a perfect, tight six-pack belly, but it can get better. Currently I'm at less than 17% body fat (something like 15-16%) and have been lifting for about 6 months. It used to hang down if I was on my hands and knees or doing pushups, but it no longer does, and is now pretty tight.
    So it can definitely get much better with more fat loss and more more work.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't see major vascularity on your forearms, so I'm going to assume it's loose skin and a little extra fat.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I actually have quite a bit. My forearms are the thinnest part of my body, lol.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    You have a decent amount of fat remaining, around your entire torso, not just belly.

    Whether you have a lot of loose skin, or not, isn't going to be something you can ascertain until you've cut your body fat down pretty low. I'm talking visible abs, and other muscle, low, if you're willing to go there.

    Anybody telling you that's all loose skin, and not a considerable amount of fat, is ill informed. Loose skin on a truly lean person with a lower body fat does not look like that at all.

    Fat is extremely deceptive. Most people don't have any idea just how much your body is holding on to, even after you've hit a "normal" scale weight. I really think many weight loss losers tend to overestimate their goal weights, because they overestimate their lean body mass, not realizing how low they really have to go in order to dig out most of the excess fat.

    True but I'd have to get to what... 15% body fat for it to go completely away? I'm at 22 now... I think I'll pass, lol.

    You don't want to lose the amount of body fat necessary to improve your stomach naturally...

    Yet you don't want, or can't afford, plastic surgery?

    I'm a little confused as to why you made this thread since you seem resolved to stay where you are?

    Also I think you might want to invest getting in getting a more thorough bodyfat test done, perhaps DEXA. 22% is pretty low for a woman, but neither the pic you posted nor your profile picture accurately reflect a what a woman with that body fat level would look like. If you got it done at the gym with calipers that's fine for measuring consistent drops in body fat, but notoriously off when it comes to measuring actual overall body fat percentage.

    At the end of the day I just think you are carrying a lot more fat than you imagine, and your stomach would likely greatly benefit from continuing to cut.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    You have a decent amount of fat remaining, around your entire torso, not just belly.

    Whether you have a lot of loose skin, or not, isn't going to be something you can ascertain until you've cut your body fat down pretty low. I'm talking visible abs, and other muscle, low, if you're willing to go there.

    Fat is extremely deceptive. Most people don't have any idea just how much your body is holding on to, even after you've hit a "normal" scale weight. I really think many weight loss losers tend to overestimate their goal weights, because they overestimate their lean body mass, not realizing how low they really have to go in order to dig out most of the excess fat.
    :huh: There's clearly loose skin in the picture, as well as some fat (remembering that it's completely normal/healthy to have "some" fat; how much leaner OP chooses to go is up to her.) She doesn't need to lose more fat to determine whether or not there's loose skin as it's clearly visible now. There's no guarantee that losing more fat will "improve" how it looks. The skin was stretched, and the fat was filling it like a water balloon. Personally, I've found that when I lost more fat after first noticing the loose skin, the wrinkly looseness actually looked a bit worse. With time, maintaining my weight, I think it's improved a little. I've heard others report similar experiences.

    I think you (Franci) look great and the skin doesn't look half as bad as you think it does. I can understand if you want to reduce BF a bit, that's up to you. I personally don't think you have a "considerable" amount of excess fat that needs to be "dug out", but I guess that depends on your personal goals. :drinker:
  • CrusaderSam
    CrusaderSam Posts: 180 Member
    You have a decent amount of fat remaining, around your entire torso, not just belly.

    Whether you have a lot of loose skin, or not, isn't going to be something you can ascertain until you've cut your body fat down pretty low. I'm talking visible abs, and other muscle, low, if you're willing to go there.

    Anybody telling you that's all loose skin, and not a considerable amount of fat, is ill informed. Loose skin on a truly lean person with a lower body fat does not look like that at all.

    Fat is extremely deceptive. Most people don't have any idea just how much your body is holding on to, even after you've hit a "normal" scale weight. I really think many weight loss losers tend to overestimate their goal weights, because they overestimate their lean body mass, not realizing how low they really have to go in order to dig out most of the excess fat.

    True but I'd have to get to what... 15% body fat for it to go completely away? I'm at 22 now... I think I'll pass, lol.

    You don't want to lose the amount of body fat necessary to improve your stomach naturally...

    Yet you don't want, or can't afford, plastic surgery?

    I'm a little confused as to why you made this thread since you seem resolved to stay where you are?

    Also I think you might want to invest getting in getting a more thorough bodyfat test done, perhaps DEXA. 22% is pretty low for a woman, but neither the pic you posted nor your profile picture accurately reflect a what a woman with that body fat level would look like. If you got it done at the gym with calipers that's fine for measuring consistent drops in body fat, but notoriously off when it comes to measuring actual overall body fat percentage.

    At the end of the day I just think you are carrying a lot more fat than you imagine, and your stomach would likely greatly benefit from continuing to cut.

    Sorry man you dont know what you are talking about. I can see it just by the way its hanging, it isn't normal. That is 100% a case of loose skin. Yeah OP can go down a few more % of body fat but it wont fix the skin.

    This is my post about it

    You can see I have a full six pack, you can see every muscle in my back and even the muscle fibers in my shoulders...I have got even leaner then in the pics there, it will not fix the skin. Also time doesn't help much with that type of skin. Its like telling an older person to drink water and give it some time for their wrinkles to go away.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    You have a decent amount of fat remaining, around your entire torso, not just belly.

    Whether you have a lot of loose skin, or not, isn't going to be something you can ascertain until you've cut your body fat down pretty low. I'm talking visible abs, and other muscle, low, if you're willing to go there.

    Anybody telling you that's all loose skin, and not a considerable amount of fat, is ill informed. Loose skin on a truly lean person with a lower body fat does not look like that at all.

    Fat is extremely deceptive. Most people don't have any idea just how much your body is holding on to, even after you've hit a "normal" scale weight. I really think many weight loss losers tend to overestimate their goal weights, because they overestimate their lean body mass, not realizing how low they really have to go in order to dig out most of the excess fat.

    True but I'd have to get to what... 15% body fat for it to go completely away? I'm at 22 now... I think I'll pass, lol.

    You don't want to lose the amount of body fat necessary to improve your stomach naturally...

    Yet you don't want, or can't afford, plastic surgery?

    I'm a little confused as to why you made this thread since you seem resolved to stay where you are?

    Also I think you might want to invest getting in getting a more thorough bodyfat test done, perhaps DEXA. 22% is pretty low for a woman, but neither the pic you posted nor your profile picture accurately reflect a what a woman with that body fat level would look like. If you got it done at the gym with calipers that's fine for measuring consistent drops in body fat, but notoriously off when it comes to measuring actual overall body fat percentage.

    At the end of the day I just think you are carrying a lot more fat than you imagine, and your stomach would likely greatly benefit from continuing to cut.

    Sorry man you dont know what you are talking about. I can see it just by the way its hanging, it isn't normal. That is 100% a case of loose skin. Yeah OP can go down a few more % of body fat but it wont fix the skin.

    This is my post about it

    You can see I have a full six pack, you can see every muscle in my back and even the muscle fibers in my shoulders...I have got even leaner then in the pics there, it will not fix the skin. Also time doesn't help much with that type of skin. Its like telling an older person to drink water and give it some time for their wrinkles to go away.

    Did you read anything I actually wrote?

    I never told her she has no loose skin. I said that she can't determine how much of what she has is loose skin, and how much is fat, until she gets lean. For some people the "loose skin" look WILL improve when they get lean. Others, not so much.

    I've seen your thread. I'm sorry you were left with so much excess skin, even lean. It happens. But I've lost more than you have, started at a higher weight than you did, still have more to lose than you do, had the same hanging skin as the OP did in the belly area, including other pockets of wrinkled skin that looked JUST like her mid-section, and guess what? Further fat loss improved the areas. You, me, and the OP are all around the same age too. Yet I do not have the sheets and sheets of loose, hanging skin on my body that you do, and I'm not even totally finished with my fat loss.

    The OP has made it clear that she can't afford a lift. Yet she still has excess subcutaneous fat on her body, which is obvious. She can learn to live with it if it makes her content, or she can continue cutting to see how HER body looks. Not your body, and your experience with loose skin. Not my body, and my experience with loose skin. HER body.

    What does she have to lose? Worst case scenario, she gets lean and has a story that ends like yours; lean with lots of skin. But that's not the only potential ending. But she won't find out if she does not try.

    It's a complete and total disservice to go around giving out your story as if it's the only possible outcome. I hope the OP considers all sides and sees what's at the end of her own story.

    Next time check the ticker before you tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm not some weight loss noob who is giving advice about loose skin when I've only cut 20 lbs of fat.