September 2014 brides weight loss

Ive been struggling to find the right sort of thread- so thought I might start my own....
Ive been on here for a little while, and did start all the logging. But I got bored with it... Im now back on it because of my September wedding fast approaching.
What are other people doing? Need a bit of motivation!!
Im about a size 16/18. More 16 on top and 18 on bottom. I WAS much much slimmer but had a generally bad year last year with various health issues (to compare- I was about a 12/14 this time last year).
Ive been dieting since Jan, but pretty half heartedly. And not getting anywhere. Im currently 14 st and would like to be 12 st.
The main thing is I bought a wedding dress in the sale this time last year which is a size UK 16, and so I need to be UK 14 ideally to fit in it.
Ive had gall stones removed, but I do have issues with acid reflux & often feel nauseous in the mornings. Which believe me, is NOT fun with work colleagues. They think its funny to joke at me (they are idiots).
I wouldnt be lying if I said, Im feeling pretty stressed at the moment. My partner recently lost his job, and with the wedding. It hasnt been fun, as well as health issues.
So where do I start? And where is everyone else starting??


  • AngieSitaAustin
    AngieSitaAustin Posts: 75 Member
    Hi . firstly congratulations on your wedding...this in its self is an extreamly exciting time as well as very stressful, more so if your h2b is like mine and thinks we have all the time on the world and that i need to stop stressing...not helpful!!!

    My story so far was that last year i was 14 stone plus and i (so i thought) was ok with my weight, sadly it is only now that i know i was not and looking back on pictures i hate how i looked. I have been logging religiously since oct/nov last year and have so far lost 25lb, with a further 9 lb minimum to lose before the wedding.

    As you, i have had my wedding dress for a while and im pleased to say it is now to big :-).

    Exercise wise i do go to a gym but i mainly do cardio, i do body pump and attack classes. I need to start doing some weights to tone as im now not happy with areas that i was fine with before the weight loss (we are never happy). I have signed up to do my first 10k run just before my wedding so that is my new motivation. Do you like running? have you ever tried the NHS C25K plan?

    It is hard to get into the mindset of starting but it is worth it when you do. Just take 1 day at a time and use MFP to its full potential, without the ongoing support from friends on here i doubt i would have stuck with it. good luck x
  • sarahjh332014
    sarahjh332014 Posts: 5 Member
    I would like my dress to be too big!! And to need adjustments. Im worried its not fitting well round my back. Argh!!
    Men are awful... Exactly the same!! Thinks we have loads of time!!
    I dont think well in lbs. Im 14st at the moment, so 25 lbs is almost 2 stone?? Thats pretty good eh?! In only a few months.
    I dont like going to classes. I dont think I can keep up & worried about looking like a right weirdo.
    Ive honestly never done running before. Im all wobbly & that cant be a pretty sight!! Ive seen the C25K plan before- but need to get on top of these things...
    I dont want to be a horrible size on my wedding day!!!
  • laurawale
    laurawale Posts: 9 Member
    I get married in August! aaarrrrggggghhhhhhh!

    I've just started 30 day shred DVD to tone my arms and thighs up a bit - I have a strapless dress, so don't want the wobbly bits. The DVD is only £5 on Amazon. The first two days felt like I was going to die, but the third and fourth have been easier and I already feel like I can do more on it now then I did on Day 1.

    I'm a UK size 14 (I was a 10 when I met my fiance) and want to be a nice sized 12 by the wedding.
  • sarahjh332014
    sarahjh332014 Posts: 5 Member
    YAY! Lots of happy wedding people looking forward to their weddings and their goals!! :)
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    I am getting married June 2015 and soooo nervous to try on dresses. I ballooned up big this past year. The idea of dress shopping almost gives me anxiety attacks..oh dear..