Derailed on the weekends... HELP!

Hi All,
So I need a little guidance, advice, tips, encouragement, etc. I work very hard during the week in terms of meal prep and exercise but it seems that when the weekends come I let everything go out the window.
I work out Monday- Saturday, eat a Paleo lifestyle with some exceptions and only drink on the weekends. I recently have changed a lot and have lost weight. I am not overweight but certainly have weight I want to lose and maintain. (I am getting married in two months too, so there is that pressure).

It's like every Monday I feel like I am starting over. I don't want to go back to this feeling every week or gain back all I have lost but I do want to enjoy myself on the week considering I work so hard during the week.

I guess I just need some guidance on how to maintain your healthy lifestyle but still enjoy yourself on the weekends? Like this past week I did very well, felt good about all the work I put in and then went overboard this weekend. I feel so bloated and like I gained back every loud lost and it's discouraging.

Thanks in advance!

Age- 25
Height- 5'4
Sw- 142
Cw- 130 (well hopefully but after this weekend who knows)
Gw- 125


  • ChelC2587
    ChelC2587 Posts: 28 Member

    I just wanted to chime in on this because I feel the exact same way! I'm 27, 5'4, and around 138. My goal weight is 125 as well. I used to be around 130-131, using MyFitnessPal. I got extremely stressed out and gained about 7-9 lbs. about two years ago, and I haven't lost it yet.

    I have the same problem with the weekends. I'm going to Mexico in about two months, and I was really hoping to lose about 8-10lbs by that point. I've cut out desserts, but I'm definitely still struggling. I do really well with working out and eating well during the week, but the weekends are challenges for me from a food perspective. I manage to exercise pretty hard on Saturday and Sunday, simply because I know I might be more tempted to indulge.

    The last few weeks have been better because I've been actively planning meals for the weekends too. I've been making healthier versions of the food I would crave. For example, I made homemade pizza using a lavash wrap for the crust, covered it in vegetables and chicken sausage, and used light mozzarella. I weighed all of the toppings and logged accordingly. It made me feel like I was eating something "special," but it still fit within my goals for the day.

    I'm also interested in hearing other people's tips! Please feel free to add me if you want some weekend support! Good luck! We can do it!
  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    I could have written your post!! Weekends are so great...but so awful. I've recently given up eating (not drinking, haha) after dinner which has helped so much. I can do some serious damage snacking after dinner, so this has at least kept the amount of damage I can do under control. I'm also trying to stick to 3 meals on weekends, since they tend to be bigger than during the week. And those are my only "rules". This can't be a has to be something we can keep doing forever...and I plan to enjoy my weekends.

    Also remember almost all of the "gain" you feel on Monday morning is just water weight/bloating. It's not fat. By Wednesday morning, the water will be gone and so will more fat.

    Feel free to friend me if you want! We can be weekend buddies. :)
  • BigVeggieDream
    BigVeggieDream Posts: 1,101 Member
    I've been there as well, but you might not like my advice. I would suggest you stay religiously committed on the weekend as you are during the week. That's what has worked for me anyhow.
  • wanttolose40lbs
    wanttolose40lbs Posts: 239 Member
    I have had this issue for a long time, I also do great during the week and it all falls apart on the weekends. If I manage to keep everything under control I lose, otherwise I stay the same. I've been doing much better lately. I'm hoping with warmer weather approaching, I'll be able to get outside and keep busy. I think the main thing is planning meals and staying busy so you don't munch. We don't keep chips or other bad things in the house because we will eat them (no control), that is another way. When we feel like munching, there's nothing good to eat so we don't do it.
  • RRB2000
    RRB2000 Posts: 77 Member
    Ditto! If I don't keep busy or away from the house on the weekends, I snack...and snack...and snack. Just recently I told myself if I wanted to get this weight off I needed to be more focused on the weekends, b/c what's the point of losing 2 lbs during the week, just to gain it back come Monday? Good luck to you......I hope you get some good advice, b/c I'll take some of it for myself as well.
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    I find if I stay away from alcohol its a lot easier to keep on track. When I drink I want to eat and I make bad choices. I also go off track the day AFTER I drink so its a two day trip up.

    Its very hard to stay away from alcohol on the weekend but when I do I see my weight continue to drop.
  • josiemarie982
    josiemarie982 Posts: 33 Member
    I am exactly the same great all week, but weekend it all goes wrong, feel free to add me
  • babydaisy81
    babydaisy81 Posts: 218 Member
    I'm pretty new here, and trying to figure out what works for me and my body. I started tracking just a few weeks ago. I weigh myself every morning, but my day to track it is now Saturdays. That way, hopefully the scale doesnt go up, and it gives me the motivation to stay on track on the weekend. Its tough becuase I'm a snacker, but hopefully I can keep it up.Before MFP, weekends were like a free for all in the pantry and fridge.
  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member
    This isn't my first time around the weight loss block, and I can honestly say that weekend derailment led me failures in the past, because like you said, you feel like your starting over ever monday. This time I'm really focusing on staying consistent w/ my diet and not allowing myself to cheat with drinks (which is harder then saying goodbye to pasta, potato and bread)....except 1 weekend day a month. Then I feel like I am still rewarding myself, just not as frequently as I would like....I've only been back working on weight loss/getting healthy for a week or so, but I fought with myself and I held strong this weekend!! Instead of drinks I cleaned, danced with my kids, and scoured the internet for motivation and recipes. My friends celebrating her birthday next friday and I have planned to drink(my cheat day for the month) this week I will push myself harder to stick to calorie allowance, and force myself to sweat it out in the gym and I worked out a plan for the and diet, glass of water, vodka and diet, glass of water!

    Maybe you could start by skipping 1 week of treating yourself, and then see how you feel about it on monday...and then treat yourself next weekend, again seeing how you feel about it on the two mondays and allow that to help guide your decisions and hopefully motivate you to maintain during the weekends. It may suck a little to be sober while everyone else is drinking, but sometimes it is hilarious, and eye opening! Good Luck this weekend, you can do it if you set your mind to it!!!!
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I'm here as well. I'm 5'5" and 130 and would like to cut to 125 for summer. Drinking is definitely my shortfall. This past Sunday, according to my bodymedia, I burned about 3000 calories (had a mountain bike race), but that also accompanied an afternoon of drinking, so I'm pretty sure it all came out equal, haha.

    One thing I ask myself is whether or not my goal is sustainable for the lifestyle I want to live. At 130, we are a perfectly healthy weight. Accomplishing a magical number on the scale by sacrifcing too much isn't worth it to me.

    However, I've maintained this weight for a long time now and I know the difference between maintaining this weight and a few lbs lighter is only about 150 calories per day. That seems doable. I just have to remind myself of that on a Friday when those hotwings look soooo good after 3 or 4 cocktails. :laugh: :drinker:
  • Mydailytrack
    Mydailytrack Posts: 39 Member
    I have been there & have literally freaked out on Monday mornings.. You can beat the weekend weight gain by planning a bit ahead.. In my case, I go out for lunch on Saturdays (approx 1200 cal) & prepare heavy lunch at home on Sundays (approx 1000 cal).. both are heavy on carbs & protein.. so what I do, I go moderate on breakfast & dinner, both these days.. breakfast is usually mixed berries smoothie (below 150 cal) on both days & dinner is usually home made veg soup (full of fiber) on Saturdays about 150 cal & garden-chicken salad on Sunday w/o dressing, add in low fat plain yogurt 300-350 cal.. Since my lunches are heavy, I skip on snacking.. I also skip on my coffee these 2 days.. I do get some moderate workout on Saturday morning... On Sundays, only outdoor-walking if time/weather permits.. These small adjustments help me stay in my limits on the weekend & not be too worried on Monday mornings when I check my weight.. Now, I enjoy breakfast, lunch & dinner on both Saturdays & Sundays.. My Fridays are usually carefully planned too..

    Try to plan ahead for the weekend.. stock up your fridge with berries & salad stuff.. adjust your calories to allocate the most to the time you'll indulge.. I am sure you'll reach your weight goals before your wedding! :smile:
  • HannahLynn91
    HannahLynn91 Posts: 238 Member
    We don't keep chips or other bad things in the house because we will eat them (no control), that is another way. When we feel like munching, there's nothing good to eat so we don't do it.

    I find if I don't have any munchies in the house, I won't snack either. Makes you really realize that snaking like that is more out of boredom than real hunger.