Resolving Frustrations and Challenges

Hi There! I've been on a diet since 1977, at age 54 that makes me a lifetime member of the club. Though I'm in a better, different frame of mind and embrace the lifestyle change, some challenges and frustrations can slow down my efforts. I think this might be a very good place to read, brainstorm and work through. Divorce and two rounds of cancer have put me in limited affordable housing, that is ~ I live with my folks. I'm well over the divorce and am actually at a remission point in the cancer (that's the easy stuff)! My challenge is: getting healthy food to STAY healthy once in the house! My mom is on board and actually likes the whole/healthier food...but is old school cooking - adding sugar and fats to the finished product. I KNOW the resolve is simply honest conversation. I'm sure we'll work though it, or figure out a dual preparation method. Any other suggestions? Thanks!


  • Will_Run_for_Food
    Will_Run_for_Food Posts: 561 Member
    Getting the people you live with/share meals with on board is arguably one of the most important aspects of support in my opinion. Maybe you could commit to making dinner for your parents for a week while keeping things healthy, and they can see how delicious everything can be without all the added sugar, fat, oil, etc.
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    My husband eats way differently than I do. I cook my own food and he cooks whatever he wants. My adult son lives with us too and he either eats at work, eats what one of us make or makes something for himself. You're lucky to still have your folks around! Give them a hug for me since I can't hug my parents. :heart:
  • gennypelletier
    gennypelletier Posts: 14 Member
    :smile: Thanks for the feedback!
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    I live with my mom and she's definitely from the older generation mindset. We just had to learn to cook our own meals. Now she's starting to learn how to occasionally cook for me if she wants to make something for both of us (leave the salt, pepper, and butter out of the veggies and just add it to her own at the table, record all the ingredients for a large batch like chili so I can enter it as a recipe). Mostly I still just cook my own meals and buy my own food though.
  • HaibaneReki
    HaibaneReki Posts: 373 Member
    wow, admire the OP's dedication :) me and my wife (8 months out of pregnancy) and our baby daughter are "luckily" living on our own so this isn't a problem. She was trying to eat healthy during our "waiting time" and I only hopped on the train last November. Trying to eat healthier ever since.

    The biggest frustration (beyond the MFP app for Windows Phone) for me though is sometimes one has no way to track food from restaurants accurately - plus some local foods (Czech republic) I still have to log manually..

    Other than that, steadily losing. My peak weight 2 years ago (that I remember) was 102kg (225lb), ticker says it for current progress with MFP.
  • gennypelletier
    gennypelletier Posts: 14 Member
    UPDATE: Much less frustration since mom started the "Daniel's Plan". I'm hearing many churches introduce in the first months of the new year. Basic plan is to nix the breads, alcohol, meat and dairy. Now we're working together better, and our food is not doctored up when it hits the table! On another note: dad is grumpy because the veggies are steamed instead of boiled to death. Poor dad, as long as we have a microwave, you'll be okay!
  • gennypelletier
    gennypelletier Posts: 14 Member
    SO FRUSTRATED - I'm having severe low back pain and reduced to walking. Secondary Frustration - less than two year old bed isn't comfortable anymore, I get that sinking feeling in the middle of the mattress. I think it's making me...cranky!
  • gennypelletier
    gennypelletier Posts: 14 Member
    Yesterday I had an epic foodie meltdown like I hadn't seen in years, emotionally charged and in complete abandon of all I know to be healthy. I think aliens had me by the mouth! I went to bed feeling ill and not very happy with myself. Whoa...the only big deal of the day was a 3-month wellness check up to ensure I'm still in remission - and I am. So what happened?

    Today, I'm back on track and being very cautious. Think - before acting.
  • gennypelletier
    gennypelletier Posts: 14 Member
    Hello! Just back from a two week journey to "completely off the wagon & perhaps I lost my mind a little too"! Today I rejoined my regularly scheduled YMCA meeting and benefitted from group chat, finding out all of us had hit a wall. Interestingly enough, the chapter lesson this week was exactly this frustration! I feel better for having gone and have a full day ahead of me to create my own sunshine. Tonight, the gym and some meditation on my life changes. For now, at the office it's business as usual.
  • gennypelletier
    gennypelletier Posts: 14 Member
    File this under " I KNEW I WAS IN PAIN". Last years siatica surgery - metal implants to the pelvis, have come loose. Resolve: additional surgery. I cannot express how low I am right now. Reduced to walking - usually not more than 15 minutes at a time, reducing my caloric burn off - not to mention getting rid of frustration. This...stinks.
  • HaibaneReki
    HaibaneReki Posts: 373 Member
    File this under " I KNEW I WAS IN PAIN". Last years siatica surgery - metal implants to the pelvis, have come loose. Resolve: additional surgery. I cannot express how low I am right now. Reduced to walking - usually not more than 15 minutes at a time, reducing my caloric burn off - not to mention getting rid of frustration. This...stinks.

    :sick: That blows.. Is there no workout that wouldn't strain the lower back? Eliptical or a rotoped?