Hello from Ottawa, Ontario

ottawapk Posts: 46 Member
Hi folks!

I'm from Ottawa, Ontario Canada. After many, MANY years of struggling with disordered eating and overexercising, I think I'm in a happy place of eating what I want/need, and doing workouts that I enjoy, without overdoing it. I do have a few extra pounds that I'd like to lose for vanity purposes, so I thought I'd try tracking. I'm open to adding buddies on here to keep it fun and interesting! If you have had similar struggles, even better - I don't have many people IRL that I feel comfortable talking to about disordered eating. In my experience, people have either been through it themselves and can understand and relate, or they just don't get it at all!

My challenge oddly enough is eating ENOUGH calories. I always thought eating less is ALWAYS better, and ended up over-restricting for way too long. That lead to a screwed up metabolism and so much guilt around food. I was tired, cranky, and miserable all the time. I did lots of long, intense workouts anyway, which made the situation even worse... I was sore all the time, and very prone to sports injuries and colds. And, the final few pounds STILL didn't come off.

Then I read a book called Taking Up Space by a fitness blogger called Go Kaleo. I learned about how under-restricting too long can mess you up physically and emotionally. And the amazing notion that I simply deserve to be nourished! That thinner is not always better.

Since then I've tried hard to eat enough calories and get enough sleep. Amazing the difference it has made to my mood and emotional stability! And I have energy to workout and enjoy my workouts, rather than dreading them. Since then, I've joined a Facebook group called Eat the Food that subscribes to this philosophy. And it's working! Since starting this, I've lost a few pounds! Never thought that eating more and exercising less would do that, but it has!!

So I am trying to get 2000 calories per day (this is still a target range for losing weight). I am also doing a 3x day a week strength training program (Turbulence Training!!!! Love it), with either walking or yoga on off days. And if I feel super tired, to take a day off without berating myself for it.

So if this all sounds like your personal philosphy too, please hit me up for friends here.

Thanks all, and good luck on all your journies!

- OttawaPK


  • amberrea82
    amberrea82 Posts: 232 Member
    Welcome! :) Sounds like you've done a lot of good research there and, I agree, it's really misleading what you hear. I always thought that less was best and wondered why I was always having such a hard time..not just with the scales moving but just feeling like junk both physically and mentally. It's amazing how good you feel when your body is nourished properly! :)

    Feel free to add me if you like..over in Alberta for the time being but probably moving to the Ottawa region in the next year or so! :)
  • ottawapk
    ottawapk Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks Amber, will do! Yes, it is amazing how much better I feel now that I'm eating some damn FOOD! :)

    BTW I spent four years in Edmonton Alberta, and I have many good friends in both Calgary and Edmonton. Thanks for the invite, i will hit you up!